A Look into the Future

Part 14~Ivy

The four sisters were up late into the night talking and celebrating Andi’s news. Messa and Ivy were the last to wake up the following morning and it was 10 o’clock by the time they were downstairs. Andi had told everyone else about her pregnancy and the mood was pleasant and happy.

“Where are all the kids?” Ivy inquired as she came to sit down on the couch next to Shelley.

“They guys took them all outside to let loose some energy,” Andi informed her.

“So, now that you two are finally up, when are we gonna find out about this surprise?” Mandy blurted.

And echo of “yeah” sounded throughout the room.

Messa looked over at Ivy and winked. “Should we tell them or have fun torturing them for a few more days?”

Ivy grinned, “I don’t think we’ll last a few more days! They will beat it out of us I’m sure. Now seems as good a time as any. It’s your surprise Messa, go for it.”

Messa wandered into the kitchen where she had seen Sheida stuff the package that had come. She sat down on an empty couch and placed the package in her lap. Everyone gathered around her. Ivy and Andi took seats next to her on the couch, Shells and Mandy gathered close by on the floor and everyone else swarmed around the back of the couch. Messa smiled at the eagerness of her sisters, but didn’t move a muscle.

“Now would be a good time to open that thing,” Andi hinted.

“Or I could just sit here with it,” Messa teased.

The evil glares were enough to get Messa talking, though the package would remain sealed for a little longer. Placing her hands protectively over the package, Messa began speaking. “Dr. Quinn means so much to us,” she began. “We all have our original reasons for loving it, and then it brought us all together…Michaela and Sully getting married, Brian falling from the tree, Colleen getting frostbite, Dorothy and Cloud Dancing waltzing in the moonlight…” Everyone quietly reminisced some of their favorite moments. “But you’re all wondering why I say such things.”

“Not wondering,” Shells said. “Just waiting for the rest.”

“The crazy people who came up with the first two movies. All the hours we spent working to get some sense knocked into that small brain that Les has. The excitement when we found out there would be a third movie. Mandy, Ivy, and Andi with me to watch the filming.”

“And so soon after CS number 1!” Mandy commented.

Gina was getting antsy now. “Messa, get talking.”

“All I was trying to say is that all of those things we have shared together. Even if we weren’t in the same room, we were all in it together. I have wanted to share so many things with my sisters, real life things, but it’s never worked out that we’re all actually together, together. We’re actually not even now.” Messa paused a moment to think about Melissa, Kate, and SK, who were stuck in their lives and not able to make this trip. “But the majority are here so I’m taking that as the best we’re gonna get.”
“Messa,” Andi sighed. “Will you get on with it!?”

“You’ve already kept us waiting for days!” Hayley cried.

Ivy jumped in to defend her sister. “Guys, she’s just being Messa. Let her talk.”

Messa thanked Ivy and continued, doing her best to get to the point. “What’s in this package is something that I wanted to share with all of you. Ohh hell, I’ll explain after I open it!” Messa ripped open the package and looked down at the leather binding that covered a large stack of papers. Stamped into the leather was the Dr. Quinn logo as well as Melissa’s name. The sisters looked at the object and immediately got excited. “You have your own script cover!” Mandy said. “How’d you manage that?”

Shells was the one who noticed the think stack of papers within the binding first. She assumed it was a script from the show. “What script did they send you?”

“It’s a very special one,” Messa said, pulling open the cover and revealing the first page of the script.

Gina read from over Messa’s shoulder, “Old Memories, New Horizons.”

“Well that’s not a DQ episode,” Shells said. She climbed up to see the script and soon noticed it’s author. “You wrote this?”
“No,” Messa answered. “It’s not an episode. It’s a movie. Yes I wrote it.”

Andi chose then to intercede her comments then, “It’s like she’s tryin to tell us something!”

“It’s a movie,” Messa began again. “That takes place in 1900. Michaela and Sully…well they die pretty soon into it, but the rest is their children finding their way after the loss. There are a bunch of clips and flashbacks to things that weren’t in DQ. It’s going to be a min-series, ten hours long in all. They might make it into a spin-off following either Katie or Josef, if the ratings are good enough.” Messa paused a moment to look around at all the stunned faces around her. When no one said anything, she continued to ramble. “I know that it’s going against everything to kill our favorite couple but Jane and Joe are too old to do another movie and the kids are too old to just to a spin-off where they left off after movie three. We had to advance enough in time…”

“Messa,” Andi instructed. “Pause. Take a deep breath. Let it out slowly. Now, in a calm and unrushed voice I want you to explain to your sisters what is going on.”

“I just told you!” Messa said, exasperated. “I wrote a DQ story that takes place in 1900 and they are going to make it!”

“Who’s going to make it?” Mandy asked.


“What network?” Hayley asked.


Gina tried to clarify. “So you’re telling us that Jane and James are producing a mini-series that you wrote and NBC is going to air it.”

“That’s right,” Messa answered.

“And you never told me any of this?!” Andi asked.

“Well, you knew that I wrote this story,” Messa defended. “You just didn’t know that I turned it into a script because two years ago Jane came to me, asking for a script for a forth movie. Well there were some problems with the actors being too old and things like that, so she wanted something that could be a possible spin-off, where she wouldn’t necessarily have to get all the old actors together and…well this one seemed perfect. I guess Jane thought so too.

“So why did Ivy know about all this?” Mandy asked.

Ivy took over answering for that one, “Well Jane needed Messa to go to Malibu and check out the Ranch, to see what needed to be renovated. Also neither our dear sister nor our favorite actress seem to trust the US Postal service, so it was insisted that the original manuscript be hand delivered to Jane. Well Messa couldn’t do that and I was already going to be in Malibu, so I made a short hop over to Arizona on the way out, got the manuscript, and took it to Jane.”

“We would have told you,” Messa claimed, “But I knew we’d all be here and I just thought it’d be such a great surprise.”

“What I want to know,” Mandy said. “Is how on earth you got this past Tiff! She knows everything!”

“I made Jane make her promise not to say anything. She’s making the announcement to the list as soon as she gets the okay from me after the trip.”

“Wow.” Shells sighed.

Hayley agreed. “Wow.”

“Who would have thought that our little Messa would have her own television series?” Gina laughed.

“Mini-series,” Messa clarified. “There has been no promises that it will turn into anything else.”

“It will,” Ivy insisted. “I know, I’ve read it.”

“You let her read it before me?” Andi asked.

“Andi you lived in the same house as me when I wrote this. You read it way before anyone else.”

“Oh, ok then.”

Part 15~Mandy
After the news of the upcoming mini-series, the girls decided to celebrate by having a barbeque outside. "I've got the hotdogs," Messa called. "I've got the burgers," Ivy said. "And I've got the buns," Shelly spoke as the three headed out to the grill. Mandy put charcoal in it and lit them. "You're handy with a grill?" Gina asked as she walked up behind her.

"Of course I am," Mandy told her. But she knew exactly what Gina was talking about. On their first CS trip she'd forgetten to but the charcoal in and just tried to light the grill. They had all had a pretty good laugh at that. Even the mention of it now, made Mandy's cheeks blush a slight reddish tinge.

"Mama!" cried a voice. Mandy recognized the voice and turned to see Brian toddling towards her. "Oh no you don't. No going by the grill," Andi said as she swooped him up. "No! No! No!" he cried trying to squirm out of her arms. "I think its time you went to play in the playpen for awhile mister," Andi said carrying him inside. MacKenzie, Owen and Kay we're already in the makeshift playpen. Andi placed Brian down and he immediately stopped crying and picked up a toy.

Andi smiled at him and turned to leave when she heard something smack against the floor. She turned around and saw that Brian had thrown the toy out of the play pen and was now giggling furiously. Andi bent down and picked up the toy and placed it back in the pen. "The toys stay in here," she told him. She walked back outside and helped set the table.

"Have you seen Mandy?" Ethan asked Sheida. She had come inside to change Kay's diaper. "Yeah, she's outside cooking on the grill," Sheida told him. He thanked her and headed towards the screen door. "These dogs are just about done. Can someone hand me a plate?" Mandy asked. Messa ran over to her carrying a plate and set it next to the open grill. "Thanks," Mandy said as she used the prongs to put the hotdogs on the plate.

Sheida walked back outside empty-handed. She'd obviously placed Kay back in the play pen. "All the kids have bottles, well those that need bottles have them anyways," she said. It was as if an alarm had sounded because 13 kids suddenly ran up to the picnic tables set up and started fighting as to who was sitting where. Hayley's daughter Ellen was pulling Mike's hair because she had taken her seat next to Mya. Hayley ran over to break up the little tassle.

Mike ran to Messa in tears and Messa tried her best to get her to stop. She sat Mike down next to Bryan and Michaela and Mike stopped crying. Messa sighed a sigh of relief. She smiled at Hayley. Problem solved. "Mandy there's a call for you honey," Ethan told her. "I wonder who that could be. I told everyone I'd be on vacation," Mandy said. She excused herself and walked away from the table with her cell phone.

"Mom can I be done?" Jake asked. "No, you've only taken two bites out of your hotdog," Sheida told him. "Mom I took four bites can I be done?" his twin brother Shawn asked. "Just take a few more bites. And anyways you'll have to wait until everyone is finished," Sheida reminded him. "But Dad is taking all of us to see the animals," Jake told her. "That's right son, but only when you and everyone else is finished eating. If you don't eat you don't get to go to the farm," Andrew reminded his son. Jake started on his hotdog once again determined to eat as slow as possible so he wouldn't have to eat it.

Mandy walked back to the group a few minutes later. "Ethan can you come here a minute please?" she asked. "Mom I want to come too," Mya called. "No you stay here and eat," Andi told her. "Ok Auntie Andi," Mya replied as she picked up her hotdog and took a bite. Sheida walked back inside to check on the babies who had miraculously fallen asleep. "They're out like lights," Sheida commented when she came back outside. "All of them?" Shelly asked. "Yep," Sheida told her. It was a little hard to believe but nonetheless true.

Mandy and Ethan walked back together smiling. Mandy sat down next to Gina and Ethan went into the house. "Who was that?" Gina asked. "Oh just someone. I'll tell you guys later," Mandy said. "Now pass me a hotdog, I'm starved," she added. She looked up and noticed Messa and Andi eyeing her suspiciously. She ignored it though and went to work on her hotdog.

After lunch, and after cleanup, the men took all the kids to a farm about a mile away. It would give the girls yet another chance to have some alone time. They seemed to be having alot of it and were enjoying every minute of it. Mandy was placing the extra food back in the fridge when she sensed someone was behind her. She turned around and was face to face with Andi. "Dude I know there's something up. I've always been able to tell when there is something up with you so why don't you just spill it," Andi told her.

Mandy smiled. She was right. Mandy couldn't hide anything from Andi. She could read her like a book. "Or do I have pry it out of you?" Andi asked her. "No, no I'll go peacefully," Mandy said playfully putting her hands in a surrender position. "Then get your butt in the living room and start talking," Andi told her dragging her by the arm into the other room where everyone else was sitting already.

"Is she ready to speak?" Shelly asked. "Yes," Andi said with a smile. Mandy sat down on the couch as everyone stared at her waiting to talk. "Why are you all interested in someone who called me?" Mandy asked them. "Because first you called Ethan over and then the both of you return with giddy little smiles on your faces. The same smile you had when you two had your first date, got married, had kids," Messa answered. "Are you trying to say I only have one kind of smile?" Mandy asked her.

"No, but that smile means something good happened and we're all about to die in suspense," Andi told her. "Alright, alright. I don't know if I told any of you this, I didn't want you all to get excited or something if nothing happened. We placed our names on the adoption list. We'd decided we wanted to adopt our next child and knowing how long the adoption process takes we figured that Brian would be older and it would be perfect.

We didn't think much about it but a few weeks later we got a call from the adoption agency. They had found a woman who was pregnant and was interested in us. I was so happy and excited and nervous. She flew in to meet us and we hit it off right away. She decided to pick us to adopt her baby and I was ecstatic. She wasn't due for another month and a week and we started getting things ready for when she had the baby.

But then one day the agency called and told us Mallory, that's the woman's name, had changed her mind and had decided to keep the baby. I was so upset I wouldn't come out of my room for the rest of the day. I barely ate for a week. But then this trip got closer and closer and that kept my mind off not getting the baby, until soon I just forgot about it and focused on the trip and seeing all of you again.

That's why the call I just recieved scared me a little bit. It was the agency again. They called to tell me she had changed her mind once more and had decided the baby belonged with us. She felt horrible about the whole thing, she knew she couldn't provide for the baby but she just couldn't face the reality of giving it up."

"So does this mean we get a new niece of nephew soon?" Gina asked. Mandy nodded and was immediately smothered in hugs. "Ok guys let's let the poor girl breathe," Hayley said backing up. Mandy pretended to gasp for air and Sheida hit her with a pillow. "When will you get the baby?" Shelly asked. "As soon as she has the baby they'll notify me and then we'll make arrangements for the baby to be flown to us or for us to pick up the baby," Mandy said.

"Oh this is great news. First Andi's having a baby and now Mandy's getting another one. Now anyone else pregnant or adopting before we start celebrating?" Gina asked. Everyone looked at everyone else. "Ok then. Tonight we're having an old fashioned reunion night. Remember the first night we arrived in 2005? We stayed up all night watching Dr. Quinn. And this calls for a celebration so I that's exactly what we're doing tonight," Gina said.

"How in the world will we decide which episodes we're going to watch?" Hayley asked. "How about we vote?" Ivy suggested. "That's sounds like a plan. Everyone write 2 episodes you want to watch on a slip of paper," Messa said. Once everyone had voted Gina took all the slips of paper and went to tally the results. She came back into the living room a few minutes later. "Surprisingly everyone voted for For Better or Worse.

And the next 3 episodes that won were Best Friends and Comfort of Friends, we'll make sure to have the Kleenex handy for that one. So how about we pop in the first episode," Gina announced.

Everyone fought to find the best seat to view the episode. It took 5 minutes for everyone to get settled and for Hayley to put the DVD in. When it started everyone hushed and was silent through the whole 2 hours. Except when they had to narrate or "ohh" and "aww". By the 3rd episode's end they were all very exhausted. All the children and husbands were asleep and soon they were too.

The next morning Gina and Messa were getting breakfast ready while Mandy, Andi, and Sheida were in charge of making sure all the kids got dressed. Ivy and Hayley set the table. "Ellen stop pushing!" "I'm not pushing! You're pushing me!" "Ouch who stepped on my foot?" All this commotion was coming from the second floor. Gina and Messa looked at each other and smiled. They had gotten off easy that morning.

When everyone was finally dressed they all marched downstairs and fought for the best seat. Was there really a "best seat"? Andi couldn't be sure but there must have been because of all the fighting that started. "Ok everyone quiet!" called Jim, Messa's husband. At the sound of a loud male's voice all arguing ceased and they just stared at him. "Hey Mom can I take Melanie horse back riding? I mean its been so much fun hanging with the family but we really want to be alone for at least 2 hours on this trip," Joshua asked his mother.

"Of course you can. You two have fun," Gina told him as she held back a laugh. "You're son acts as though its pure torture being here but I saw him reading to the kids last night and he seemed like he was enjoying himself," Ivy said. Everyone started to laugh. Suddenly a glass of milk fell over and the chaos started up again. "Mike you spilled my milk!" cried Isabelle. "Mommy she spilled my milk on purpose," Isabelle said to Shelly. "I'm sure it was an accident," Shelly replied. "Was not," Isabelle spoke and she tipped Mike's glass of orange juice over which made Mike start to cry. All of a sudden Jake and Shawn jumped up on the table and seeing her cousins Mya joined them.

"Michaela Jane Taylor you better get off that table right now!" Mandy cried. At the use of her full name Mya jumped back down in her seat. "Jake and Shawn sit down now. That is not how we behave at the breakfast table," Sheida scolded her sons. They resisted for a minute but then jumped back down off the table. "Are you sure we want to add a few more to this?" Gina asked jokingly. "Just wait until the next reunion. I'm sure we'll have added 4 or 5 kids by then," Messa answered.

"I can actually see that. Seeing as every one of us love kids," Hayley agreed. "Has anyone stopped to ask what the men think of all this?" Al asked. "No," the girls all said in unison before bursting into laughter. In the midst of all the talking Mandy's cell phone rang. She would never have been able to hear it over the noise but had placed it on vibrate in case it had rang during the night. She walked out of the house so she could hear the person on the other end.

She ran back inside a few moments later. "Mallory's in labor!" she cried out. Everyone went silent. Even the children. A few seconds later Mandy was again smothered in hugs from her sisters. "Mama why is aunties hugging you?" Mya asked. She had gotten up out of her seat and was now giving an odd stare at her aunts' strange behavior. "Mandy bent down to her daughter. "You're going to be a big sister.... again," Mandy told her daughter. "Another brudder?" Mya asked. "Or maybe a sister," Mandy said. "I wanna siser. Tell them I want a siser," Mya replied.

"I'll see what I can do," Mandy said to her daughter. Ethan walked over to her and placed a kiss on her lips. "Oooooohhhh! Unkie Ethan and Auntie Mandy kissin'" Michaela cried out. All the adults started to laugh. "What'd I say?" Michaela asked the table. All the kids shrugged their shoulders. "I dunno," her twin brother Bryan said.

Part 16~Messa

With all of the excitement of the new addition to the family, there was little sleep that night. Once the children calmed down enough to sleep, the adults took the opportunity to celebrate themselves. Messa came into the living room where everyone was waiting her return. with a bottle of champagne. She held it up triumphantly. “It’s official, the last child is asleep and I know where there’s more of this,” she announced proudly.

The group cheered just loud enough that it was jubilant, but not so loud as to wake the children. Messa came over and sat herself down in front of Mandy and Ethan. “Now I just have to get this thing opened…”

“I’ll handle that,” Andi volunteered. “We don’t need that cork in someone’s eye.”

“Oh come on, I only put a dent in a kitchen cabinet last time, I do have some aim,” Messa laughed.

“Then let’s not put any dents in the furniture,” Andi further insisted.

Messa refused to give up the bottle. She started working at popping out the cork, but she was having no luck. “We can’t very well have the pregnant one opening the alcohol,” she said, still struggling. “How would that make us look?”

“There’s no one else here,” Ivy pointed out.

“Don’t we have a corkscrew somewhere?” Sheida asked her husband.

“Around the bunch of you?” Andrew said. “I didn’t think alcohol was going to be here.”

“Us boozers?” Messa retorted. “Oh there’s always alcohol when we’re involved.”

“Not hardly,” Gina added, taking the bottle from her sister’s hands. She easily got the cork out and handed it back to Messa. “Only when there’s something special going on. You all got over the alcohol once you hit 22.”

Sheida began passing glasses to Messa. As she poured, Shells passed them around. “And I’ll say that we have plenty of special occasions to celebrate,” Messa said.

When everyone except Andi had a glass, Gina put the cork back in the bottle. Sheida ran into the kitchen quickly and brought Andi some apple juice. “For new mommy, number one,” she said.

With that all settled, everyone looked to Messa, the instigator of the alcoholic consumption, to make a toast. “Oh no, I’m not toasting,” she insisted. “I’ll either start crying or you won’t get me to shut up.”

“This is true,” Ivy said. “But if you won’t do it, who will?”

“I’ll do it,” Shells volunteered.

“But first, Gina said. “Does anyone else have something we need to celebrate? Let’s get it all out there.”

Everyone looked around the room at one another. When no one said anything, Shells began. “We’ve been together for four days now and they have been exciting, to say the least. Messa’s script is being made into a mini-series, and there are going to be two more little ones joining this family. Being able to share such wonderful, life-altering events such as these with all of you is something that I will always cherish. All those years ago, when we first met, I didn’t realize what an amazing group of people I had started to love. Now, I can’t imagine not being able to celebrate these events. So here’s to TV, the baby-boom, and Colorado Springs!” Shells raised her glass and everyone followed in turn.

“To it all!” Messa said, and to that, they all drank.

Not one person slept any period that could be considered worthwhile. Mandy and Ethan were, as expected anxiously waiting a phone call from heir lawyer. Everyone else was simply excited. When they all gathered in the kitchen the next morning, faces were groggy eyed and hair rustled.

After settling her children with the others at the long tables, Messa went straight to the coffee pot. As she scanned the kitchen and dinging room, she noticed that a few people were missing. “Where are Mandy and Shelly?” She asked to no one in particular.

“We are not at liberty to say,” Andi answered.

“No, seriously,” Messa said. “Where are they?”

“I sent Mandy to bed,” Ethan answered. “She didn’t sleep much.”

“And you did?” Gina laughed.

“Ok, I didn’t either, but once Susan called early this morning, I did get a few winks.”

“She called?!” Messa asked excitedly. “Why didn’t anyone say something?

“You were too busy asking questions.” Andi said.

Messa sighed. “Well you have to start talking before I do.”

“Easier said than done.”

“Ok, will someone tell me now?”

“A little girl,” a voice behind them said. They all turned to see Mandy, still looking tired. “We’re going to name her Elise. She’ll be coming to Colorado in four days.”

“Good,” Messa said simply. “Very good.” She stared into her coffee cup a moment, poured in some more cream, and took a satisfying sip. “Now where is Shelly?”

“I told you,” Andi began. “We are not at liberty to say.

Messa frowned. “You guys know I don’t like surprises.”

“Honestly Messa,” Ivy said, “We don’t know where she is.”

Growing concerned, Messa stood and said, “Well shouldn’t we be looking for her?”

“Oh, he knows where she is,” Hayley told her while pointing at Shelly’s husband.

Messa turned to Daniel. She simply gave him a look and he held up his hands in innocence. “I am under specific instructions not to say a word,” he said. “She should be home around noontime if that helps.”

“Didn’t I ask last night if people had more surprises?” Messa asked. “I thought I was safe for at least 48 hours.”

Before anyone could respond, the kids came marching into the kitchen with their cereal bowls. “We’re finished,” Michaela announced.

“Alright,” Andi answered. “You know the drill.”

The older kids one-by-one rinsed out their bowls, put them in the dishwasher, and headed outside. Mike and Michaela brought the babies into the living room to play under the watchful eye of the adults. Then they too went outside. Hayley smiled. “Who would have thought that they’d all actually do things in an orderly fashion? And the older kids are so good with the babies.”

“15 kids did seem like a nightmare,” Messa admitted. “You just have to show them who’s boss.”

Later that morning everyone was sitting outside. The kids were running around, the babies sitting near the adults. “You know,” Mandy said, staring up into the clouds, “We’re on our fifth day of this trip and we haven’t done anything. Not like last time when Messa had something planned every second.”

“Hey,” Messa defended. “I had one or two things planned for each day. We had plenty of unplanned seconds.”

“She’s right,” Ivy said. “There was a good amount of downtime.”

Mandy laughed, “You mean DQ time.”

“How much did you watch that time?” Jim asked.

“Oh only like two episodes a day,” Messa said, seriously thinking this was a tiny number.

“Then you best get more DQ time,” Dave said. “Because you’re a bit behind.”

“Like I said,” Mandy intervened before the men could joke. “We haven’t done anything.”

“We’ve done plenty,” Gina said. “You all have given me grey hairs like you wouldn’t believe. That’s enough of “something” to keep you entertained. I know. I have experience.”

Andi looked closely at Gina’s head since she was he closest. “I don’t see any grey,” she commented.

“I dyed it last night,” Gina said.

“Still,” Andi continued, “What have we done to give you grey hairs? There have only been good surprises so far.”

“Good brings the grey just as much as the bad.”

“So Mandy adopting a baby and me being pregnant gave you grey hairs?”

“That, and Messa waiting forever to tell us about her surprise. And you can’t tell me that our car adventures didn’t give at least one of you grey hair of your own.”

“See, we’ve done plenty,” Ivy said then, getting her sisters away from talk about grey hair.

“And we went to Denver,” Daniel said.

“Yea,” Dave agreed. “That sure counts as something.”

“Ok I meant we haven’t done any Colorado Springs activities,” Mandy clarified.

“From what I hear,” Andrew said. “That is Messa’s fault.”

“Hey,” Messa balked. “Why are we blaming me? We’ve been so busy there hasn’t been time for anything else.”

“Well,” Al said. “Us men have been led to believe that you are the queen of trip planning.”

“She tries to be,” Jim laughed.

“So, the agenda is yours to fill.” Andrew decided.

“You know,” Messa said defensively. “I don’t plan everything. We haven’t been following any schedule thus far.”

“Denver was scheduled,” Jordan said.”

“That was all Andi!” Messa cried. “I had nothing to do with that.” When no one said anything, she added, “See, no planning from Messa.”

“Does that mean that binder in your room doesn’t have the entire second week of this trip planned out?” Andi asked.

“I didn’t say that.”

“So you did plan!” Hayley laughed.

“Only the second week,” Messa said. “I figured with Denver and all the reunion fever we’d be entertained enough just sitting around the cabin.”

“And you were right,” Gina said.

Mandy disagreed. “No, if we didn’t have so many surprises we wouldn’t have lasted this long. Now we are all bored.”

“The kids are having a good time,” Sheida commented.

And they were. Now that Andi’s two step children had joined them, there were 7 and they ranged in age from infant to 6 years. But instead of causing great stress for the adults, all of them got along wonderfully.

“Just when does this second week start?” Mandy wondered.

Messa began her explanation. “Well, since the trip is 14 days and on the last day we will all be leaving, I left day 13 to pack. So half of the trip would be six days.”

“Which means the planning starts tomorrow,” Gina concluded.

Messa smiled. “That would be simple answer, yes.”

“What is on the agenda then?” Ivy asked.

“Pikes Peak of course,” Messa answered. “And this time we’re hiking up.”

Before anyone could respond to the news of the expedition, a car was heard down the dirt road that led to the cabin. When Shelly’s car pulled up and stopped behind them, all of her sisters went over, hoping that the surprise was not far off.

Shelly rolled down her window and looked above her sunglasses. “Get in,” she ordered. The women all eyed their sister, the small car, and then their sister again. “Come on,” Shells urged. “Get in.”

“Umm, Shells,” Messa said uneasily. “There are seven of us and one of you, and only five seats in the car. That leaves the seven of us to fit into four seats. I may be small but I don’t see this working. Plus we can’t just up and leave the men with all of he kids.”

“We can throw Ivy on the roof,” Andi suggested.

Messa slapped her hand to her forehead. “Oh no, not that again.”

Shells broke in before Messa lost it. “Messa, calm down. No one is riding on the roof. You can sit in the middle here in the front and Ivy and Mandy can share the seat next to you. Andi, Gina, Hayley, and Sheida will just have to cram in the back.” On their still worried looks, she added, “Trust me, I’ve fit more than the lot you back there. And don’t worry about the kids. My dear husband will take care of things.”

“I knew he was more involved than he let on,” Hayley said.

“So get in,” Shelly instructed once more.

With the slightest hesitation the seven sisters started packing themselves into the car. When all were settled, though uncomfortably, Shells put the car into reverse, turned herself around, and headed out to the main road.

Back at the house the uninformed husbands had risen from heir places on the lawn and looked quizzically at the dust left in the load. “What,” Dave spoke for them all, “Was that all about?”

Daniel put his arm on Dave’s shoulder. “That my friend was Shelly’s way of taking her sisters to their surprise.”

“You mean, we don’t get to know what’s going on?” Al asked.

“Girls night out,” Daniel answered simply. “They’ll be back early tomorrow.”

“So we have kid duty,” Andrew assumed.

Daniel nodded. “Exactly.”

About 15 minute into the drive legs started cramping, necks were sore and curiosity was peaked. “This would have been much easier if we had another car,” Ivy said, rolling down her window. She stuck her arm out and propped her head n it, creating the smallest bit more room in the front seat. Andi and Gina followed suit in the back.

“Yea how do you expect us to get back to Sheida’s?” Andi said. “I’m sure not going on any return trip like this one.”

“Especially if this continues much longer. Where are we going anyway?” Gina asked.

“You all sure don’t give a person a chance to answer do you? Shells asked.

“Now’s your chance,” Messa told her.

“Alright,” Shelly sighed. “In case you hadn’t noticed, Andi’s truck was not at the cabin this morning. Daniel and I brought it to our destination last night. We’ll use that to get everyone back tomorrow. One of you driving is completely out of the question because I believe that it is against the law to drive while blindfolded. Yes blindfolded. I suggest you pull them out of the glove box now and get them on before you figure out where we are going. If you refuse, I pull over. No, I will not give you any clues and I’m not budging.”

Everyone was silent after Shelly’s speech. She had spoke without hardly taking a breath which made everyone take her seriously. Nothing could have interrupted her. They all took their blindfolds and put them on willingly.

They rode for some time in silence before Messa got bored of staring into blackness. “Are we there yet?”

“You remember that map of the United States we showed you?” Ivy said from behind her mask. “We’re only half way across it.”

“I didn’t see any map,” Messa pouted. “Do you guys know where we’re going?”

Andi held up her fingers about two inches apart. “We have this much left in Colorado.”

“I can’t see your fingers!” Messa yelled.

“We’re just as clueless as you,” Mandy said.

Messa was shocked. “You mean Shelly is acting without an accomplice?”

“That’s right,” Hayley said. “We’re all innocent.”

“I hate surprises,” Messa said, growing silent once more.

“I guess we can’t convince you to tell us where we’re going now?” Ivy asked Shelly sweetly.

“Not on your life,” Shells laughed. “This is too fun to stop.”

Messa sighed. “She likes tormenting us.”

“I can’t feel my legs anymore,” Sheida said.

Shells brought some hope, “We’re almost there.”

In the next few minutes, everyone felt the car stop. They waited in their seas for Shelly to come and led tem somewhere. Once she got them out of the car, they lined up against it so as not to fall over or run into something. “Wait right here,” Shelly said, leaving them for only a moment.

“As if we had a choice,” Messa said. “It would be luck that she stuck me on he side of the mountain and if I move I’m going to fall to my doom.”

No one had a chance to make Messa believe that she was in no real danger because Shelly came back then. “Ok, on three you can take the blindfolds off. One… two… three.”

Seven blindfolds fell gracefully to the wilderness floor. Messa, Andi, Ivy, and Mandy smiled brightly at one another. “Our cabin!” They yelled unanimously. With all their being, they held themselves back, not wanting to rush inside and leave the others behind. Plus, they wanted some answers. “How did you….What are we…” and some silence was about all they could muster.

But their answers did not come from Shelly or the other three, completely confused, sisters. From around the cabin, a lone figure rounded he corner and came to face them. “I rented the place for the night.”

“Kate!!” Messa yelled. “What are you doing here? You should be at work!”

“You actually believed that I would miss this?” Kate asked. “After 2005? I don’ think so.”

“But you said you had a huge project to work on.” Sheida said.

“I did,” Kate answered. “I did what I could and passed it on to my partner. If she can’t handle it, I was doomed anyway.”

“Did you bring Charles?” Ivy asked. “We are all dying to see him again.”

“Oh he’s here,” Kat assured. “Shells sent him to be with the guys. But I think you all will be more excited about my other travel companions.”

The front door to the cabin opened then and Melissa and SK came out. Another big burst of excitement rushed through the group. Greetings were made, situations explained. Everyone had brought their husbands along and Melissa added two more kids to the bunch. Jobs were forgotten in the name of friendship. Eventually they all calmed down enough that Shelly had a chance to speak. “Shall we go inside?”

“No more surprises in there?” Messa asked for reassurance.

“Well if there were,” Melissa said. “We couldn’t tell you or it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore.”

“Oh I can’t take this,” Messa sighed.

The evening was full of conversation. The initial catching up that SK, Melissa, and Kate had missed happened all over again. A nice dinner was had in the kitchen and Dr. Quinn played constantly in the background. Amazingly, everyone did fall asleep eventually, spread out in the many rooms of their favorite Colorado cabin.

Early in the morning Melissa woke to a sound out her window. She woke suddenly but calmed herself quickly. Walking over to the window, she thought back to her packing. No weapons. She grabbed the lamp off the nightstand, fully prepared to use it to crack someone over the head.

As she carefully looked out the window, a light shone brightly in her face. She stepped back to escape being blinded and nearly tripped over the carpet beneath her. A knock on the window brought her back to the task at hand. Melissa looked up, rubbing her eyes while doing so, and saw a man sitting in the tree outside.

At first Melissa was frightened and hoped that she could reach the man with the lamp and knock him out of the tree. But when she did a double-take, she realized that the man was actually her husband.

Knowing that it was perfectly safe, Melissa put the lamp down and went to open the window. “What on earth are you doing?” she yelled at Greg. “You scared me half to death.”

“Could you just help me in?” He asked. “This is not the most comfortable place to be.

“You should have thought about that before climbing up there. Did you even bother to think about that? Or maybe what would have happened if one of the other girls had seen you first? Or what could have happened if I had a gun on me?”

“Of course I did. But I was careful.”

Seeing her husband’s sweet smile, Melissa melted. She helped him in the window and they both sat down on the bed. “So are you going to tell me what you’re doing here?”

“Can’t I just want to be with my wife?” Seeing this was not a legitimate excuse for waking her at 2am, Greg went ahead with the truth. “Actually, a cop came by Sheida’s saying that there was an escape from the prison nearby. They guy was in for the rape of two women in Denver. He was tracked to the woods behind the place. They put cops all around us for protection but all of us there figured you all should know as well.”

Shocked by this news, Melissa was unsure of what to say. “So you were volunteered?”

“I volunteered myself. Out of all of you here, I hoped that you would be the most calm and the most prepared if something happened.”

“This is probably true. Are the kids alright?”

“Everyone’s fine. No one had even woke so they know nothing. It’s better that way.”

“The problem is you get to leave now and I get to wake up my sisters and tell them the news.”

“I could stay,” Greg offered.

Melissa refused he offer. “No, you need to get back and let everyone know we’re ok and will be ok. I’m pretty sure there’s a rifle over the fireplace downstairs. We’ll come back in the morning just like we planned.”

Greg knew that his wife was right, so he went to climb back out the window and to his car. Melissa saw him out and then went about a swift plan to tell everyone the news. Before she could leave the room, however, she heard a crash in the hallway. She sat up cautiously and before she knew it, her friends fell through the door. Every one of them had something that could be called a weapon in their hand. A few were hit in the fall.

They gathered themselves together and stood. Messa rubbed her knee and Ivy her head. The others held their weapons tight, ready to fight whatever might be in the room. “We saw someone outside your window,” Gina said. “Are you ok?”

“I’m fine,” Melissa insisted.

“Did you see the guy?” Ivy asked.

“It was Mandy who actually saw him,” Hayley explained. “The rest of us were just called to help her rescue you.”

A siren was heard then and everyone guessed that it was the police. “Messa called them,” Andi said. “We best get down and tell them what’s going on.

“We don’t know who might be out there,” Messa said. “It could be a murderer.”

“Actually, a rapist,” Melissa said. “But I’ll explained that downstairs. We don’t need the police breaking down the door.”

Everyone followed Melissa to the first floor of the cabin, but they were not silent about it. “So you did see him!” Ivy said. “Did he hurt you?”

“Of course not,” Melissa laughed. “That was Greg.”

Messa’s heart leaped. “Your husband is a rapist?!”

“Heavens no!” Melissa said. Another knock sounded on the door. “Just hold on, Ill explain everything.”

Melissa opened the door and saw two police officers standing in front of her. Her sisters gathered around her. “Hello officers,” she greeted. “I’m glad you came so swiftly. There is, however, no need for you to stay.”

“A rapist is on the loose and you’re turning the cops away?” Messa said.

“Messa, shush,” Andi said. “Calm yourself.

“We had a call that there was a lurker on the property,” one officer said. “I don’t mean to alarm you but a rapist did in fact escape from the jail this evening. If someone was here we need information.”

Everyone except Melissa gasped. Melissa, however, remained calm. “Please officers, step inside. I’ll explain everything.” They came in and the door was shut. The girls lounged on the floor by the couch, waiting for an explanation as much as the police were. “It’s simple really,” Melissa began. First she addressed her friends. “A rapist escaped from the prison. He was tracked to the woods behind Sheida’s. Everyone there is ok.” Then she continued, addressing the officers. “Our families our there. We’re having a girls night away. My husband, Greg, came here to let me know what was going on. My friends here saw him leaving through the window and thought he was an intruder and called you. But as you can see we are fine.”

“That is a relief,” the second officer said. “It would have not been good on our part for the suspect to have traveled all the way here without our knowledge. We are certain we have him in one location, heading away from your other cabin.”

“We are glad to hear you are safe,” the first officer then spoke. “But perhaps it would be best if we kept someone here to watch the place and escort you back to your families.”

“That won’t be necessary officer,” Melissa said.

Messa was not thrilled about this. “What?”

“It might be a good idea,” Ivy said.

Melissa spoke nonchalantly. “Did you all forget that I was trained to shoot a rifle by a man who works for the FBI?”

Most of the room was shocked by this news. “You what?” Sheida asked.

“You know how to use a gun?” Ivy said.

Gina seemed calmed. “I guess we’re fairly well protected then.”

Messa and Andi were the only ones who actually knew this fact. While Andi was perfectly ok, Messa was, as usual, upset. “Yes I remember,” she said. “But that doesn’t mean I feel better. Guns make me nervous.”

“Well I’ll leave the rifle over the mantle,” Melissa promised. But I’m loading it and if necessary I will take it down.”

“FBI?” the first officer asked. “Impressive.”

“Yea,” Melissa said. “A friend of the family. It hasn’t been a useful skill so far, but I guess in theory that’s a god thing.”

The second officer agreed. “I hope you don’t ever need to use it.”

They all thanked he officers for coming out and wished them luck on the hunt. They were all hoping that this man would be caught soon. When the front door was shut and locked, everyone stood silently, not sure what to do with themselves.

“I guess we should get back to bed,” Shells suggested. “We have a busy day tomorrow.”

“That’s right,” Mandy said. “Pikes Peak in the morning.”

“Should we still go?” Messa wondered. “I mean, if there’s someone out there, we should be cautious.”

“Cautious yes,” Andi said. “But we should still go.”

The others agreed. “I highly doubt someone is going to kidnap us and rape us with all of our kids and husbands around,” Hayley said.

“Especially in from our cars,” SK said.

The mention of cars disappointed Mandy. “I thought we were hiking.”

Messa came to clarify. “We are hiking the first three mile and driving he rest. I figured that it might be too difficult, especially with children, to make it much past that.”

With this understanding it was agreed that sleep should be attempted. The girls all doubled up so that if there was a problem, they would not be alone. They headed to bed and sleep as much as possible under the circumstance.

Part 16.4~ Mandy, Messa, and Andi high on pixy stix! (And hand sanitizer)
Messa was nuts. Everyone knew this but until they reached the foot of the mountain, no one said it out load. But standing there, facing the enormous task at hand, Andi went ahead and said it. “Messa, you’re crazy. I’m all for hiking with the kids, but you’re still crazy.”

“How on earth are we going to make it three feet up the thing let alone three miles,” Mandy said. “My kids have been hiking forever, but with all this junk, they won’t get far.”

“It’s not all going up with us,” Messa told them. “Dave is getting the train to meet us. He has connections. So most of this is going up in Andi’s truck with him. We just need a water bottle per person. Oh, and the backpack that Joshua has already agreed to carry. Think we can handle that?”

When everyone agreed that water was tolerable, they loaded Andi’s truck, put the babies in backpacks, and started up.

It wasn’t long before a few of the kids were complaining. The youngest walking being four, it was a bit difficult to keep their small legs going. In order to keep their minds off the work and make things fun, Messa brought out a surprise. She handed McKenzie to her husband and took the backpack she had given to Joshua. Inside where a bunch of disposable cameras. Messa started handing them out to the children. Once they were happily enthralled in the process of photography, they started up again.

All of the kids were taking pictures. Some of birds, some of the dirt, some of their parents and siblings. But the funniest little photographer was Hayley’s daughter, Ellen. Soon after taking the camera, she had adopted a process of shooting without aiming. She simply held up the camera and snapped. Over and over again she would snap at the air, sometimes a reasonable object o photograph would seem to be in front of her.

“Ellen,” Hayley said. “Slow down or you won’t have any film left for the train or the top of the mountain.”

“But mama,” Ellen wined. “I wanna remember all this too.”

Ellen then took up the camera again and started snapping away. “Geez,” Messa laughed, “she’s like a Japanese tourist.”

Within two hours, the kids had spotted the train going up the tracks. They all jumped up and down excitedly. The parents all sighed in relief. When the train stopped, the adults gave their kids permission to run over. After three headcounts, they all boarded and once settled, started up the rest of the mountain.

Arriving at the top of Pike’s Peak, everyone ran off the train and hurried to be the first to catch a glimpse of the Colorado wilderness from up above. A few of the kids almost got too close to the edge and Andi reprimanded them. “You two, here, now,” she yelled to Mya and Christopher.

Both kids stopped in their tracks and turned around slowly. They walked over to Aunt Andi and stopped.

“Too close,” Andi said.

“Sorry,” both children said in unison.

“Back to your mothers.”

The rest of the children stayed close by their parents until they had unloaded a few blankets and picnic baskets out of the truck. The older children were given something to carry to the area designated safe enough by Andi’s husband who had scouted the entire area.

Mandy took out a bag of paper plates, the last item out of the truck. She glanced really not paying attention, to the children sitting on the blankets.

“Aren’t we missing some?” she asked to the group.

“Don’t joke about a thing like that. Do you know how terrible that would be?” Ivy exclaimed.

Messa, being the natural worrier, looked around. Andi, taking her cue from her “twin”, also looked around. “Dave!” Andi called towards the truck. When

Dave turned to her, she hollered, “Is Bryan with you?”

Dave tuned around to hand Jim a basket. “No. Isn’t he with you?”

Andi turned a full circle. “No.”

Messa, following suit, also turned the circle. “Jim? Where’s Michaela?”

“Which one?” Jim asked.

“Ours you idiot!” Messa shouted. “Where is she?”

Jim then looked around, checking the group for his daughter. When he didn’t see her, he walked over to Messa. “I’m sure she’s around here somewhere,” he said comfortingly. “Let’s just get looking.”

Andi then called attention to the group. “Everyone, we have a code Adam. Michaela ‘Mike’ and Bryan are missing.” *insert drum~ duhn duhn duhhhhhhn!*

Jim, noticing that Messa was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, gathered the remaining children and told them to get into the truck. Then he joined the other parents in the search.

After about half an hour of searching, no one had been found, and the two mothers’ panic grew to overwhelming. Andi went over to the truck to recount the heads one more time. Messa was being held by her husband as she cried.

“Jim,” Messa cried as she held onto her husband. “Jim, where’s my baby girl?!” Jim continued to hold his wife. “Jim, I want my daughter!”

“I know, Honey,” Jim soothed. “I know. I’ll find her.” He held Messa at arm’s length. “I promise you. I’ll find her. Just try to calm down.”

Messa, as much as she wanted to believe her husband, couldn’t bring herself to calm down. “I don’t stay calm. It’s not in my nature.”

Just then, Andi walked by. “Well, just try. There’s no chance of all of us not being able to find them…”

“You’re one to talk! Your son’s missing, too! I’m surprised you’re not freaking out more…”

“I can’t! I’m the calm ‘twin’ remember?”

“You don’t have to be calm, Sera! Bryan’s your son!”

“Messa, you know as well as I do if I freak out, you’re going to have some sort of heart attack, so I have to be the calm one so you can freak out and not need a hospital trip!”

“I’m gonna have a heart attack if I don’t find my daughter!”

Jim and Dave both took their wives and pulled them away from each other. “Why don’t both of you just calm down?” Dave asked, trying to keep the potential scream fest these two were famous for from beginning.

Messa turned against her brother-in-law. “Stay calm?! My daughter’s out there somewhere and you want me to remain calm?!”

“Yes. Panicking isn’t going to help us find them any faster…”

“Mama?” came a small voice. Messa looked down to see her son staring back at her. “Why’s you crying?”

Messa’s heart broke. She knelt down and took her son into her arms and began walking back towards the truck. “Sweetheart, you need to stay in the truck.”

“Why’s you crying?”

Messa stopped and hugged him to her. “Don’t worry about it, Sweetheart. Just stay in the truck.”

Part 16.8 ~Messa in the car with more pixy stix
“Mike isn’t in the truck,” Christopher said. “Why doesn’t she have to stay too?”

Messa almost broke into tears again but remained calm long enough to get Chris back in the truck. He continued asking questions until Messa closed the door, but she just kept telling him everything were alright. Somehow, she could not give herself the same reassurance. As she walked back over to Jim, Andi, and Dave, she felt herself losing it.

The other adults came up then, having found nothing as well. “Should we start looking further down the mountain?” Ivy suggested.

“We have to,” Andi said. “They aren’t up here.”

“Someone has to stay with the other kids,” Messa said.

Gina took care of it, “I’ll have Melanie and Katherine stay. Joshua already said he was staying to help look.”

“Someone who works around here should be notified as well,” Daniel suggested. “And the authorities.”

“The cops!” Messa cried. “That man is still loose somewhere! What if he….”

Jim grabbed her before she could get any further and wrapped her in his arms. “We’re going to find them, I swear it.”

Messa wiped some of her tears on Jim’s shirt and then regained some sense of composure. The group split up and headed down the mountain calling for Michaela and Bryan. Before they knew it, the mountain police and most of the railroad workers were searching as well as some other tourists.

As she rounded around a tree, Messa’s cell phone buzzed in her pocket. She took it out and opened it, seeing that it was Hayley. “We found them,” the voice on the other end said. “Where are you?”

“You found them!” Messa shouted. She covered the phone and turned to Jim, “They found them.” Jim sighed in relief and listened closely as Messa continued talking to Hayley. “Where are the? Are they ok? What happened?”

Hayley, “Messa, calm down. Take a deep breath. Let me talk.”

“Why what happened?”

“Nothing happened,” Hayley assured her. “The kids are fine. Just stuck up a tree.”

“Where are you?” Messa asked.

“They took them back up to the truck,” Hayley said. “Ivy found them and Jordan got them down. Andi’s already back up here.”

By then, Messa was running up the mountain to where she thought the truck might be. She finally saw the clearing, after what seemed like the longest run of her life. Jim, who had been running right behind his wife, caught Michaela in his arms as she hurried over to her parents. “Mommy! Daddy!” she cried.

Both Messa and Jim hugged Mike close, relieved that she was back in their arms and not lost somewhere in the woods. When her tears stopped enough to actually speak, Messa stood her daughter up straight in front of her. She looked directly into her eyes and said, “Michaela Cheyenne, don’t you ever do that to me again.”

“Do what Mommy?” Mike asked innocently.

“You can’t run off down a mountain alone,” Jim told her. “We didn’t know where you were.”

Mike still wasn’t sure what she did wrong. “I was with Bryan. We were just trying to find a hawk. And we told Colleen where we were going.”

“Colleen can’t talk!” Messa said. “How were we supposed to know if she can’t tell us?”

Michaela was startled by her mother’s tone. She jumped back a bit and lowered her head. “I’m sorry mama,” she said softly.

Messa took Mike in her arms. “Oh sweetheart, mama didn’t mean to yell. I was just so worried about you. Next time you want to go see something, you get an adult to go with you. Do you understand that?”


“Ok.” Messa stood. She took Mike’s hand. “Now what was this bird you following?”

After their adventure on the mountain, all 40-something people in the group were exhausted. After driving back to Sheida’s huge cabin, the adults put the kids down for a nap and many did the same themselves.

Hours later, when the kids started to scramble out of their beds, Hayley and Melissa began fixing supper. When some of the others came downstairs, they pitched in. Within a half an hour, 6 women were cooking, 4 were watching the kids outside, and all of the men were starting a bonfire.

“It won’t be dark for two hours,” SK shouted out the window to her husband.

“What?” Jack yelled back.

“Oh, never mind,” SK said, closing the window.

“We’re going to go through half the forest,” Melissa noted.

“If only we were in Utah,” Messa sighed.

Ivy questioned this curiously. “Utah?”

“Ashley forest,” Andi laughed.

Messa and Andi then burst into a fit of giggles. Their sisters started at them for a moment then brushed it off as a ‘twin’ thing.

The children fell asleep around the campfire that night. They ran off the energy from supper and then Joshua and Melanie told ghost stories. Instead of keeping them up with fright, this actually put them to sleep faster.

While the adults watched them all sleep, they started thinking about the next days activities. “What does Messa have planned for tomorrow?” Greg asked. “I heard she does that planning stuff.”

“Where is Messa?” Kate asked. “Wasn’t she just here?”

Everyone looked around at their neighbor, but Messa wasn’t there. “Maybe she just ran inside,” Hayley suggested.

“I’ll go check,” Jim told them all as he rose from his spot.

15 minutes later, no Messa had been found. “Should we call the cops?” Gina asked.

“I don’t know,” Ivy said “Maybe she just went somewhere. My car is gone.”

“She wouldn’t have just run off,” Mandy said. “She’s worried out of her mind about that rapist.”

“Oh he should be long away from here,” Jordan thought. “The cops aren’t patrolling anymore.”

“Wouldn’t they have told us if they caught him,” Kate asked.

Shelly agreed. “Or even if they just were following him further away. It would be nice to know if the worry was gone.”

“None of that matters,” Gina said. “We don’t know is the bottom line which means Messa would not be venturing very far away from all of us. You all know how she is.”

Everyone agreed with this, but Andi insisted that they not call the cops. “I bet I know where she is.”

She got as far as grabbing her keys and opening the door before Jim stopped her. “Andi, I should go find her.”

Andi began to protest. “But I…”

“No,” Jim insisted. “I know where she went just as well as you do and I think it would be best, under the circumstances, if I went.”

Andi didn’t want to let Jim go. She wanted to be the comforting one now, but deep inside she knew that wasn’t what Messa needed. She needed her husband. So Andi reluctantly put down her keys and watched Jim take her place as the one walking out the door.

Over half an hour later, Jim arrived at the cave behind the Piranha Books Ranch. Above the enclosed shelter was a small plateau covered in clovers. This was Messa’s special spot. Jim found her lying on her back amongst the clover, staring up into the night sky. The stars sparkled and the moon shone down a small beam of light. After watching his wife from a distance, Jim stepped in front of the small cave. He looked up and spoke to her, “You hiding from someone or something?” He asked.

Messa startled at first, but Jim’s soothing voice calmed her almost immediately. She rolled over and looked down at him. “Took you long enough.”

Jim grazed his hand over her cheek and then brushed her hair back from her face. He knew that something was bothering her. Her response let him know that he was just the one she wanted with her. He went over to the side of the cave and climbed up onto the plateau. As he sat next to his wife, Jim gently rubbed her back. “Tell me what’s wrong,” he probed.

Messa’s eyes filled with tears when she tried to speak. She rolled onto her back and wiped her face on her sleeve. She looked up at her husband’s deep green eyes and tried again. “I miss it here…. so much,” she managed.

“We’ve only been gone a few months,” Jim said.

Messa sat up then and looked away. Although she knew he would support her, she couldn’t face Jim at that moment. “I don’t think I can leave again.”

Jim took Messa’s arms and brought her hands into his own. He squeezed them gently, urging her honesty. “What are you saying?”

Messa turned back to him, tears still streaming down her face. “I can’t go back to Arizona,” she said. “I belong here.”

“You can’t wait a eight more months?” Jim asked.

“I couldn’t wait one more month,” Messa told him. “I can’t be away from here anymore.”

Jim understood his wife’s need to be in Colorado, but wanted to make sure she was thinking everything through. “If you want to move back early,” he began. “The kids and I will be right there beside you.”

Messa leaned herself into his arms. He engulfed her and kissed the top of her head. In Jim’s arms, Messa began to calm. She snuggled down with him and looked back into the night sky. “Thank you for understanding,” she whispered.

“How are you going to tell Andi and Gina?” Jim wondered.

“Let’s not talk about that now,” Messa insisted. “I’ll tell them when I’m ready. For now, I want just us to know.”

Jim sighed. “So we’re moving back to Colorado.”

“We’re moving back home,” Messa reworded.

Part 17~Andi

Andi watched as four of her five children crawled into the tee-pee made by Shelley. Those four really never had been for sleeping outside around a fire. Come to think of it, neither was she. She loved camping, since years ago when her sisters had kidnapped her, but the sleeping out along a fire never really grew on her.

She just smiled, but the smile soon faded as she thought about that day. Bryan had gone missing, but Andi hadn’t freaked out too much. Sure, the initial shock had scared her, but for the most part, she remained calm throughout the entire ordeal. Somehow, that didn’t sit right with her.

She kissed her four children good-night before turning and walking into the huge cabin everyone else was staying in. Three of her “sisters” were sitting up in the lounge, motioning for her to come and join them, but she just waved to them and bid them good-night as well. After checking on her youngest, who was sound asleep in her little nook in the corner, she went up to her room.

Andi closed the door behind her. “I love the tee-pee, but the kids get more use out of that thing than I ever will.” She stopped as she turned around. “What’s all this?” she asked, completely taken by surprise. Placed all around the room were candles—all lit to illuminate the bedroom. Flower petals were strewn on the ground, creating a walkway towards the bed.

She began walking around in circles, trying to figure out what was going on in her room. She stopped when she reached the bed. On the pillows sat a bouquet of red roses with one black one in the center. Andi smiled as she bent over to pick up the one black rose.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wound their way around her waist. Andi smiled as this touch sent electricity through her entire body. She had to take a deep breath as she felt her husband’s five-o-clock shadow brush against her neck. “Sera,” he breathed into her ear. She was lost.

Dave began caressing her ear with his mouth. He knew that was her ultimate weakness. “You know…there’s nothing more beautiful than a woman with child.”

Andi let out a laugh of pure pleasure. “Is that so?”

“Mm hmm.” Dave continued to caress Andi’s jaw line, making her groan with satisfaction. “Nope. I lied.” He turned Andi around so she was facing him. Then, he began taking off her tank-top, leaving her standing in her bra and jeans. He held her at arm’s length. “Now, that is beauty.”

Andi smiled as she sat down on the bed. “You, sir, don’t know what you’re talking about. I am but a humble wife…”

“Ahh,” Dave commented as he straddled her on the bed. “However, fair maiden, you are my humble wife.”

“Well, then I see no reason to continue with this pretense…” Andi couldn’t get the rest of what she wanted to say out before her husband’s mouth closed on hers.

Dave gently laid her down on the bed, moving ever so gently. He knew how she liked it – slow and sensational. His topless torso could feel his wife harden beneath him. The same desire that drove him wild ten years ago still burned beneath his skin. He reached around to the back of Andi as she arched into him, fiddling with her bra clasps to unhook her. Once the clasps broke free, he pulled the cloth off of his wife, slowly revealing her delicate bosom that had mothered more than half of his children.

“You know what I hate?” he said as he began moving his body over hers.

“What?” Andi asked breathlessly.

“You in jeans.” Dave’s kisses began moving down her front, finding their way over her entire upper body.

Andi laughed slightly. “I know. That’s why I keep them on.”

Dave continued his trail of kisses down her torso until he reached her waist. His hands were already working on the button to her shorts. Within moments, her shorts were unclasped and unzippered and making their way down her bare legs exposing the one area that many men had tried to conquer, but one succeeded.

Andi was enjoying every bit of her husband’s sudden discomfort. But when he placed his heated flesh back on top of hers, there was no stopping the passion from flowing. He began slowly, asking permission to enter. Andi separated her legs, inviting her partner to enter. Then the kisses started again; this time starting at her waist and moving upward.

Her lover began to gently rock her—first slowly, then more and more vigorous as the desire became unbearable. Andi grasped his shoulders, pulling him closer to her as she and her husband became one flesh once again.

The rocking continued as their desire burned brighter than the multitude of candles still surrounding them. “Dave,” Andi whispered.

“Andi,” he whispered back.

“I want you. I want you now!” Andi arched her back as she felt her husband begin to swell.

“Andi?” Dave buried his head in her neck, sending chills down Andi’s spine.

“Yes?” Andi was going to lose complete control.

“I love you.” And the night exploded into complete ecstasy.

“Hey, Andi,” Dave whispered to his wife as he turned her over in their bed, brushing kisses along her neckline. “You remember the first night we met?”

“Remember it? I haven’t been able to forget it. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. Why?”

“Well, your sisters are asleep – yes, all of them – and I was wondering if you wanted to go out dancing with me.”

“Dave, dancing? It’s nearly three in the morning. We’d have to be back in another three hours to be with the group. You know that.”

“Oh, let them fend for themselves for a day. I want you all to myself today.”

Andi laid a kiss on his shoulder and stroking his muscular chest. “Oh? And why’s that?”

Dave turned over. “Exactly ten years ago today, you and I met for the first time, and I want to steal you from them for the day. We’re finally back in Colorado and there are two things you always said you wanted to do, but knew that it’d never happen. Do you remember what that is?”

“There’s so much I want to do here, Dave. You know that.”

“Then let’s take the day and go do it.”

“Dave, think about this. I’m thirty-two. You’re thirty-five…”

“And I have a surprise for you if you agree to let me kidnap you.”

Andi turned to her husband. “What is it?”

“You have to agree.”



Andi smiled at the glow in her husband’s eyes. “Oh, fine. But we have to tell someone about where we’re going. Gina’s turned into a worrier, and I’d rather not have Messa freaking out on me later tonight either. She just got through the whole thing with Mike.”

“I’ve already talked to Joshua and Katherine. The two of them and Melanie said they’d keep an eye on our group, and Ivy said she and her husband would watch the three of them watching our kids. So what do you say?” Dave turned over and got out of bed. “Now get dressed—shorts and tank-top. And get ready to hike.”

The sun was coming up over the horizon when Messa and Gina sat outside around the camp-fire circle. Messa had hardly slept the night before due to the excitement from the previous day. Suddenly, a small hand reached up and touched Messa’s leg. “Mama?” a small voice called up to her.

“No, Sweetheart,” Messa said to Colleen, her small visitor, as she lifted her into her lap. “I’m Aunt Messa. Remember?”

“Aun’ Mes. Mama wherwe?”

“She’s probably still sleeping, Sweetheart. Would you like me to go and look?”


Messa smiled as she handed Colleen to the older sister and stood up. She journeyed into the cabin and up to Andi’s room. “Andi?” she called softly before she opened the door. She looked around and saw an empty bed and the candles burned down almost to the bottom. “Andi?” She turned around and left the room, almost running into Sheida. “Have you seen Andi this morning?”

Sheida thought a moment. “Um…no. I haven’t seen her all day.”

Messa walked around the camp for about half an hour looking for her sister, but to no avail. She returned to Gina and Colleen, confused and slightly concerned. “She’s not here anywhere,” she said as she sat back down and reached out to take Colleen. “No one’s seen her, and she’s nowhere to be found…”

Gina adopted a concerned look. “That’s not like her,” she said as she relinquished the two-year-old imp. “She usually lets us know if she’s going to go out.”

Messa wrinkled her face into a frown. “I know. That’s what worries me.”

“Why don’t you try calling her? She should have her cell on her.”

Messa reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. Then she dialed Andi’s number and only got her voicemail. “She either has it turned off, or she’s in a dead cell. I can’t get through to her.”

Andi and Dave both sat down for a moment to rest. They had been hiking since early morning, before dawn. Dave opened the canteen and took a drink, then handed it to his wife. “Okay, Dave,” Andi said as she took a sip. “Where are you taking me?”

Dave only smiled. “You think I’m telling you now just because you’re pregnant?” When Andi wound her face into a pout, Dave said, “I’m not standing for that, Sera, and you know it. Stop it right now. I’m not going to tell you.”

“Oh, you’re no fun! Tell me!”

“No.” Dave stood up and stretched his back. “Do you think they noticed us gone, yet?”


“The group…”

“Oh, definitely. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if Messa or Gina were going insane right about now.”

Dave laughed. “Yeah, I know.” He turned a circle. “Well, shall we go?”

“Don’t have much of a choice, do I? You’re the only one of the two of us that knows where we’re going.”

The two of them began the hike once again. The morning had come on quietly, slowly awakening the mountain. Andi listened around her. This was where she got most of her inspiration for her writing—in the middle of nowhere, early morning. In the distance, she heard a soft rumbling. “Dave,” she said on a whisper. “You didn’t…”

Dave turned to her. “Didn’t what?”

A smile broke onto Andi’s face. “You went and found the waterfall, didn’t you?”

He threw her an innocent look. “What waterfall?”

Andi stood up and approached her husband, the smile not leaving her face. “The waterfall, you twit! You found the waterfall that reminds me of Dr. Quinn.”

“I have no…” Dave couldn’t finish the sentence, for his wife had jumped into his arms and kissed him hard. Dave wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her back.

As she broke the kiss, she smiled and said, “Have I told you how much I love you today?”

Dave smiled. “Not yet.” He let her go and began walking once again. “We can’t stay around here necking all day. It’s more fun in the waterfall.” He reached out his hand, which Andi took, and they began walking once again.

Messa closed her phone after another failed attempt at getting in touch with Andi. “I’m really starting to get worried, Jim,” she said to her husband as she paced in front of the cars. “This isn’t like Andi. She left the truck here, and with everything that’s going on…”

Jim took his wife by the shoulders. “Messa, Andi is a big girl. She’s married with five children…”

“Children, I might add, that are in the care of three teenagers at the moment. How could she just leave her kids…?”

“Messa, stop it. This was premeditated…”

“How do you figure?”

“Joshua, Melanie, and Katherine came looking for Colleen, remember? Dave probably arranged for the three of them to take care of the children…”

“Well, why didn’t he ask one of us? Joshua, Melanie, and Katherine are just children! They don’t know what goes into taking care of a two-year-old…”

“Oh, I don’t know. It’s been nearly half a day, and they’re doing all right.” Jim watched as Messa stopped pacing and leaned against the engine of the van. “What are you really so upset about?”

Messa crossed her arms in front of her. “Jim, there’s a rapist out there somewhere. She’s only God knows where, and her children are in the care of teenagers. As far as I’m concerned, I have plenty to worry about.”

Jim crossed his arms in front of him, mirroring his wife. “That’s not everything. What’s really bugging you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Melissa, you’re my wife, and something’s got you upset, now what is it?”

“Everything’s spinning out of control. First it was Chris with the ear infection. Then, Melissa’s husband tells us about a rapist. Then, Mike disappears off of Pike’s Peak. Now, Andi and her husband are gone. I just can’t handle this. I mean, what’s going to happen next?”

“Why do you worry about things you can’t control?”

“Because it’s what I do…”

“Well, you really can’t. Mike’s all right. Chris is getting better. Andi is with her husband; she’s not alone. As far as the rapist goes, there’s nothing we can do except remain calm about it…”

“Calm?! You want me to remain calm?! Jim, it’s a rapist! He could be lurking around here just waiting for one of the children to be left alone. We only assume Andi’s with her husband, but she could be alone…”

Jim took his wife by the shoulders and shook her. “Melissa, stop it! None of the children are going to be left alone, and Andi is with her husband! You’re being extremely paranoid.”

“Well, is it such a crime to want everyone to be safe? It seems like I’m the only one here worried about the rapist…”

“Only because you are the only one who keeps thinking about it. Like I said, Andi’s a big girl. Let her spend the day with her husband…”

“Why couldn’t she tell me? She knows how I get when I don’t know what’s going on…”

Jim only shrugged. “I don’t know the answer to that, Sweetheart. Perhaps she didn’t know, and Dave only kidnapped her.”

Messa looked her husband in the eye. “If that’s all it is, then why isn’t she answering her phone?”

Jim didn’t know how to answer that one. He took his wife into an embrace and just held her.

Andi exhaled as she surfaced. Her husband was sitting on the bank to the small spring under the waterfall. She looked over at him and smiled. “So what happened to dancing? We’ve been hiking all day.”

Dave smiled as he scooted himself into the pond and took his wife into his arms. “Dancin’s for later, my fair lady.” He kissed her on her neck, making her senses come alive.

Andi pulled back slightly. “Don’t you think we should check in with everyone? I’m pretty positive Messa’s about to go into the hospital.”

“If it’s that important to you, then we’ll check in. But we’re not going back.”

“Thank you.” Andi got out of the water and walked over to their belongings and pulled out her cell phone. She turned it on, and breathed a sigh of relief that she had a signal. She then dialed her sister’s cell phone and waited for Messa to pick up the phone.

“Andi?!” came Messa’s voice after only one ring.

“Yeah, it’s me,” Andi answered. “I’m just checking in.”

“It’s about time!” Messa all but screamed into the phone. “I’ve been beside myself wondering where the devil you were! Where are you?!”

“I’m with Dave, Messa. What did you have to be worried about?”

“I had plenty to be worried about. We don’t know where this rapist is, and you’re out hiking in the middle of where the cops said they were looking for him, and we didn’t know where you were. So where are you?” “

Quite literally in the middle of nowhere, and I’m going to have to go soon.”

“Go where?”

“Messa, stop it! I’m not your daughter…”

“Then why don’t you stop acting like a child?”

“How is my spending time with my husband on our ten-year anniversary acting like a child?”

“You have five kids here, Andi…”

“And they’re in the hands of three very capable teenagers.”

“Yes, Andi. Teenagers. They don’t know how to take care of children…”

“Why do you say that? Did something happen that I should know about?”

“No, but…”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“They’re still children themselves!”

“And very capable of taking care of three little kids and two that are self-maintenance. I’m sorry if you don’t have that kind of faith in them, but I do. I trust them with my kids. If I didn’t, do you think Dave would’ve asked them to watch them, and do you really think I’d be out here now?”

Andi heard Messa take a deep breath. “Why didn’t your husband ask one of us to take care of your kids? Why’d he ask kids to do it?”

“Katherine, Joshua, and Melanie have been treated like kids this entire trip except when we needed them to do something. Then suddenly, they were teenagers. Dave probably wanted them to feel like they amounted to something, and this wasn’t just a trip for the mothers. And from what I understand, the three of them were glad to do it. If they want to do it, and the kids are safe, then I see no reason it can’t happen.”

“Even still, Andi. They’re only children themselves…”

“Which is the reason that Dave also asked Ivy and her husband to watch for any problems. It can’t be that hard if they’ve done an okay job of it so far. And the three of them have our cell phone numbers should anything happen.”

“Andi, you had your phone turned off!”

“But my husband didn’t. His was the number we gave as the primary number, and we said not to call unless it was an emergency. No emergencies have arisen, so what are you so concerned about with them watching our kids?”

“It’s not only that, Andi. There’s still the situation with the rapist, and people from this trip disappearing. I mean, first it was our kids…”

“Yeah, then it was you.”

“That was different, Andi…”

“How? You disappeared last night; I disappeared today.” Andi turned to her husband.

Dave said softly, “That’s the difference. You disappeared during the day. She disappeared in the dead of night.”

Andi nodded. “Messa, look, I’m going to be back very late tonight. You need to stop worrying about me, okay? I’m sorry I didn’t warn you first, but the truth is, I didn’t even know. My husband kidnapped me at three thirty this morning to come out here and do this thing with me. Joshua, Melanie, and Katherine are going to be fine with the kids. If you’re really worried about the three of them taking care of children, let them know you’re going to be there should they need help, but leave them alone.”


“Good bye, Messa.” And Andi hung up the phone. She threw it down on the ground.

Dave came out of the water and held his wife in his arms. She was upset—there was no doubting that.

Andi leaned into his embrace. “What is wrong with me?”

“What do you mean?” Dave had never heard his wife talk like this.

“Dave, our son went missing yesterday, and I didn’t freak out. He could’ve been killed going up that tree, and yet, I just accepted the situation the way it happened. He could’ve gotten kidnapped, and neither one of us would’ve known it, and yet, I just knew he’d be found and okay…” Andi stood up. “And this whole thing with leaving the kids with Joshua, Katherine, and Melanie. I don’t feel any worry about them whatsoever, and I have the feeling that I should.”

“Honey, you’re just not a worrier. You look to the good side of things. ‘Everything works out for the best.’ It’s the way you are.”

“But it’s not how I should be. I should be panicky, and worried, and…”

“Like Messa?” Dave stood up and walked over to his wife. He took her arms into his hands and turned her towards him. “Honey, listen. This isn’t you. You don’t worry about as much as Messa does. That woman, as much as I love her, worries when her kid gets bitten by a mosquito. You have the attitude that ‘Life happens’ and you can either deal with it, or worry about what’s going to happen next. Neither one is for you, from what I’ve noticed. You have got to stop thinking you have to be like everyone around you. Stick to being yourself. That’s the woman I fell in love with.” He let her go and began picking up their belongings. “Now, we must go.”

Andi looked at him. “Go where?”

“I promised you dancing, did I not?”

“But…” “

But nothing. I promised you dancing, and we’re going dancing. It’s a bit earlier than I had planned, but I’m pretty sure you’re going to want to get back to the kids now that Messa’s got you worked up about something…” He stopped. He heard something snap in the distance.

“What’s the matter?” Andi asked, picking up on her husband’s sudden reluctance to speak.

“I hear something.” Dave pulled his wife in close to him.

“What do you hear?”

“Someone coming.” He slowly began backing up with Andi close to him.

Andi turned around and stared in horror at what was staring back at the two of them.

Gina approached Messa carefully. She looked like she was caught on a decision of some kind. “Messa? You okay?”

Messa turned to her older sister. “No, I’m not okay, Gina. She hung up on me.”

Gina was confused. “She who?”

“Andi. She hung up on me. She’s never hung up on me!” Messa stood up from her place on the chair and began walking around. “I don’t know whether or not to be more pissed because she hung up on me, or worried that something happened that she had to hang up the phone.”

“Why don’t you just leave her be? She’s with her husband…”

Messa began pacing more. “I don’t know, Gina. I just can’t shake this feeling of…I don’t know, something. I know she’s in some kind of trouble, and her not picking up her phone isn’t helping the situation any.”

“So what do you want to do? Go looking for her?” Gina approached Messa and held her still. “Honey, stop it. She’s old enough to be able to take care of herself, which she’s done more than enough times in her life. She can continue to take care of herself.”

“But her children. How can she just go off and leave them here with teenagers? I mean, they’re doing a great job today with them, but still. It just doesn’t sit right.”

“Messa, when was the last time the two of them did anything without kids hanging around?” Messa stopped pacing. “I believe that was their honeymoon when you and Jim took care of Taryn and Brad. Ever since then, everywhere they went, everything they did involved those kids in one way or another. I don’t think one day’s going to make a difference. It’s not like it’s the rest of the week.”

A small wimper came from the corner of the room. Both Messa and Gina looked over and saw Colleen waking from a nap. Messa walked over and picked her up off of her little mat on the floor. “Hello, Sweetheart.”

Colleen, looking dazed, laid her head down on Messa’s shoulder and hugged her arms around her neck. “Aun’ Mes.” Messa swayed slightly, rocking the child. Colleen’s eyes drooped once more, and she went back to sleep.

Messa set her back down on the mat and recovered her with a blanket. Then, she walked back over to Gina. “So now, I’m on nap duty. Joshua, Katherine, and Melanie took the other kids to the park to play for a little while, and I’m watching the ones who want to sleep. How’d I get into this?”

Gina only shrugged. “You have the Dr. Quinn DVD’s right?”

“Of course! I wouldn’t leave home without them.”

“So put one on.”

“Right. I’d be spending the next half an hour trying to figure out which one to put on.”

“So let’s get the rest of the girls together, and decide which one to watch. We’ll make a day out of it.” After Messa nodded in agreement, Gina went to find the rest of the group.

Branches whipped against their chests as they ran through the brush. Their legs burned as they continued to run for fear of their lives.

Andi turned around at one point to make sure her husband was still behind her.

“Andi,” Dave yelled at her. “Don’t turn around. It slows you down! Just keep going!” He ran right behind his wife, shielding her from the mountain lion.

Andi turned back around and continued running. A sudden shot of pain coursed through her midsection, causing her to double over. The predator noticed the sudden collapse of one of the hunted, and pounced on the opportunity, aiming for her neck. Andi screamed.

Dave hesitated only a second before he saw a branch on the ground. He bent down, picked it up, and flung it towards the lion with all his might, striking it in the rib cage. The lion turned towards Dave and began running after him, but Jim hadn’t started running fast enough. The lion was soon on him, attacking wherever Dave didn’t block.

By the time Andi had gotten herself together enough to crawl, there was blood all over the lion’s mouth. Andi screamed her husband’s name. She then looked around for anything to beat the feline off with. She found the same branch her husband used laying beside her and reached to pick it up. With everything she could, she threw it at the lion, making the lion switch focus once again. The lion left her husband and began heading towards her once more.

“Andi, no!” Dave yelled as the lion lunged at his wife. Suddenly, a shot rang out in the distance, and the lion fell, just short of Andi. Breathing a sigh of relief, Dave laid his head back and closed his eyes.

Andi painfully made her way over to her husband who lay bloodied, but breathing. She cupped his face in her hands and let tears fall down her cheeks. One tear fell on his face, making him open his eyes. Andi smiled. “It’s going to be okay,” she said, hoping her words comforted him more than they did her. Despite her own pain, she smiled at him, and he smiled back.

She laid down next to him, putting her head on his shoulder. As she did, she heard footsteps approaching her in a hurried fashion. As much as she dared, she turned her head and saw a figure – a man – running towards her. She turned completely around as this man knelt down beside the two of them.

“Who..?” she began to ask.

“Nevermind,” the stranger said. “You have to get him to a hospital.”

“Who are you?” Andi asked again.

“Just get him to the hospital.” The guy pulled out a phone, which Andi recognized as her own. She hadn’t realized she’d dropped it. She reached for her pocket. Empty. The stranger dialed a number, but did not say anything into the phone. He simply stood, pulling her husband to his feet followed by her. He helped the two of them to the road, which, thankfully, was only ten to twenty yards away. He laid Dave down on the side of the road. “I helped you save his life. Now, I must ask a favor.”

Andi became defensive. “What’s that?”

The man looked her in the face as he helped her to sit. “I need you to help me save mine.”

Andi then realized who she was talking to, and became frightened. “You’re…”

The man put a finger to her lips. Sirens were approaching. “Shh. Meet me back where I found you two as soon as you can…in the morning.”

Too stunned to speak, Andi only nodded, and the stranger disappeared. Andi turned back to her husband’s unconscious form on the side of the road. She then caught a glimpse of her pants – covered in blood. Reality set in as her head began spinning – she’d lost her baby.

A bright light came into focus as Andi opened her eyes. A man was standing beside her bed holding a clipboard. “Where am I?” she asked quietly. The man looked down at her.

“You’re at Colorado Springs Central Hospital. You’ve got quite a number of bruises and slashes on you. However, there’s no permanent damage.”

Andi’s face scrunched into a frown. “My baby…”

The man sat beside her. “Well, yes. There is that.” He looked into her eyes. “Madam, I'm so sorry for your loss.”

Andi couldn’t think straight. “My husband…”

“Is just fine. He just came out of the operating room, and we’re just waiting for him to wake up so we can discharge you both. You’re both very fortunate. Not too many people who battle with a fully grown mountain lion live to tell the tale to their children.”

Andi’s mind was beginning to function once again. “Who are you?”

“I'm Doctor Martin Stewards. Doctor Harrison is on medical leave, and asked me to fill in for her until she comes back. I hope that’s all right…”

“No, no. That’s fine. I didn’t recognize you.”

Doctor Stewards smiled. “I'm going to go and check on your husband. If he’s awake, I’d like the two of you to stay here for at least an hour or two before you leave. All right?” Andi smiled as the doctor left the room.

It was well past midnight when Andi and her husband arrived back at Sheida’s. They had checked on their kids in the tee-pee on the way inside and found them awake. Andi and dave sat with their kids, telling them all about the adventures of a little Indian Brave named Walks in the Dark until each of them had fallen into a peaceful sleep. They then crept out of the tee-pee and journeyed inside.

The house was dark except for a small light in the living room where Andi saw Messa’s sleeping profile. She had waited up for her: Not a good sign. Andi stood, her heart breaking as she watched her husband ascend the stairs. He had risked so much today for her, and she couldn’t bring herself to tell him that she had lost the baby.

She thought for a moment. He had known. He had known that she had miscarried, but how? When she had gone into his cubical, he said nothing, but just held her. Although it caused him great pain, he couldn’t keep his hands off of her once he saw her. They both looked as though they had seen better days, and now that Andi was standing in the living room of the cabin, she saw just what she had looked like.

She panicked slightly. Messa couldn’t see her like this! Her clothes were torn into near shatters and stained with blood! She began hurrying towards the stairs.

“Momma?” came a small voice from the corner. Andi froze. She looked over and saw Colleen standing there, her eyes sleepy and watering. “Momma back…”

Andi went to her baby, picking her up and holding her as close as she dared. “Yes, my darling. Momma’s back.”

“Andi!” came a shocked whisper from behind her. Andi turned around and saw Messa standing there, a horrified look on her face. “What the hell…?”

“It’s not as bad as it looks, Messa…”

“Not as bad as it looks?! You’re practically torn to pieces!”

“No,” Andi put a now sleeping Colleen back onto her pad in the corner. “I'm not torn to pieces. Just my clothes are.”

“I said practically.” Messa turned and followed Andi into the kitchen of the cabin. “What happened to you?”

Andi filled a glass with some water and drank some with a bit of difficulty. “I’d rather not talk about it now, if you don’t mind.”

Messa was upset. “Well, you better tell me something. You hung up on me today, and I’ve been going nuts all day. Your kids have been asking for you, and no one, including Gina’s kids, could answer them. We couldn’t tell them where you were…”

Andi put the glass down before the threw it. “In the emergency room,” she whispered.


Andi looked at Messa with angry tears in her eyes. “My husband and I both spent the second half of our anniversary in the Emergency Room.” Andi’s voice became low. “Now you know where we were most of the day. Satisfied?” Andi left the kitchen, Messa following.

“No, I'm not satisfied, Andi. Why were you in the Emergency Room for most of the day?”

Andi turned on her sister, her temper flaring. “What part of ‘I’d rather not talk about this now.’ did you not understand the first time? You’ll find out when I'm ready to tell you about it, and not before.”

The next morning, the sun came up over Pike’s Peak and shone on Andi’s face. She awoke with that sudden ray and dressed herself. As she left the room, she looked at her husband, sleeping somewhat peacefully on the bed. She remembered what he had said two nights ago, about there being nothing more beautiful than a woman with child, and tears formed in her eyes.

She left the room before he awoke and journeyed downstairs. There, she found that most of the other sisters had awakened. Really not in the mood to talk to anyone, she pulled out a sweater from the nearby closet and went out the back door, hoping she’d avoided anyone’s glance.

She sat on the stairs leading to the wooded region behind the cabin. She had wanted to go and meet with the man that had saved her and her husband’s lives yesterday as he had asked, but didn’t see when she’d be able to do this. Leaving again now would certainly piss off more than just Messa, and Andi really didn’t want anyone else thinking she was a horrible mother.

The door opened behind her, and she heard three people walking outside. One of them sat beside her, and Andi was happy to see that it was Joshua. He had come outside to collect his payment for watching the kids yesterday. He looked at his ‘aunt’ expectedly and grinned. “So, do we get it now?”

Andi feigned innocence. “Get what?”

“Our Six Flags tickets!” He took her arms playfully into his hands, unknowing of her wounds. “Come on, you have to remember!”

Andi’s face contorted into a painful frown. “Joshua, let me go, and maybe that’ll jog my memory.”

Joshua let go and pulled back. “Sorry. Sorry. You okay?”

Andi nodded as she reached into her jeans pocket. “I'm fine.” She held out the envelope. “Go have a good time.” Andi smiled slightly as Joshua, Melanie, and Katherine took off for the cars, climbed into Joshua’s, and drove off.

The door opened behind her again, and someone else walked out on the deck. She felt footsteps heading her way and soon recognized the scent of her older sister’s perfume as Gina sat next to her.

Andi stared straight ahead, the first of the younger children coming out of the tee-pees. “Unless you have something sharp, blunt, and pointy, I'm not talking.”

Gina reached around Andi and tried to put her arms around her shoulders. Andi, however, flinched and shrugged her off. “Andi, don’t say things like that,” Gina said as she brought her arm back around in front of her. “I came out to see if you were okay.”

Andi didn’t turn her head. “Oh, yeah. I'm great. Absolutely wonderful.”

Gina turned towards the younger woman. “Andi, what happened yesterday? Messa said when you got home, your clothes were torn to pieces, and you spent most of the day in the E.R.”

Andi shook her head as memories flooded back into her head. “You know,” she said thoughtfully as she turned to the older one, calming her tears, “I don’t want to talk about it, but I know I have to, and of all the people here, you’re the one I should talk to about this.”

“What?” Gina tried to reach out to her again. “Tell me.”

Andi studied her sister’s face. “I'm not ready for them to know…”

“Then I won’t say anything, Andi. You know that.”

Andi studied her for a moment more before rising off of the porch. “Walk with me?”

Gina stood up with her. “Sure.”

The two of them descended the stairs to the yard where the oldest of the younger children were playing. When Andi and Gina had passed Andi’s bunch, Brian approached them. “Mommy? Where ya goin’?”

Andi turned toward her son. “Just for a walk with Aunt Gina, Sweetheart. I’ll be back in a little while.”

Once the two of them were clear of any listening ears, Andi began talking. She told Gina about the day before – the mountain lion, the miscarriage, and most importantly, the man that had saved her life. Gina listened with intensity as Andi told her story.

Andi finished and the two of them sat down on two tree stumps. Gina had a thoughtful expression on her face. “So you want to go and meet with this man alone, even though the probability of him being the rapist is very high?”

“Yeah, I really do.”

“Don’t you think someone should go with you? I mean, after yesterday, if this guy should try something, you’re not exactly going to be able to do much in the way of protecting yourself.”

“But the thing is, I don’t think he wants to hurt me…”

“I really think you should take someone. Melissa or Kate, or maybe even the police. This man’s a wanted man…”

“He also kept us from getting killed, Gina. Even if he is the rapist, what kind of a ‘thank you’ would that be? ‘You saved our lives, now go back to prison’?! I can’t do that to someone, Gina.”

“I still say you should take someone with you, Andi. Take me; take Messa; take your husband—no, don’t take him; but take someone.”

Andi looked into her sister’s eyes. “Would you go with me? I mean, would you be willing?”

Gina reached over to Andi, but again, Andi shrunk away. “Of course.” She stood up. “Let’s go back and let everyone know what’s going on. I know there’s something going on today that we have to be present for, but I don’t think it’s until after lunch, so as long as we’re back before then…”

“I don’t plan on making this any longer than I have to. It’s bad enough that pretty much everyone thinks I'm a horrible mother…”

“Andi, that’s not true! We don’t think you’re a horrible mother. Being a horrible mother would’ve been you going off with your husband and not asking someone to watch your children—which you did not do, and I really don’t see what all the fuss is about anyway. Those three did a wonderful job taking care of them; no problems at all.”

Andi and Gina both began heading back towards the cabin. Upon their arrival, they noticed that everyone was now awake, and that Les was in a slight panic. Gina shook her head and walked over to him. “What’s the matter with you?” she asked as Andi continued to the porch.

“Our kids are missing,” Les answered.

Gina put a hand on his arm. “Les, our kids are spending the day for themselves, remember? They got passes to Six Flags from Andi and Dave for watching their kids yesterday.”

Les turned towards Andi. “Why wasn’t I told about this?!”

Andi simply walked back down the porch stairs and up to Les. “From what I understand, that was my husband’s doing, not mine, and he did talk to you about it first, or the children never would’ve been given the passes in the first place. My husband and I don’t do those things where we’ll ask the permission of one of the parents, and only one of those parents. If you can’t remember talking to Dave about it, that’s not my problem.” She turned and began ascending the stairs again where a few of the sisters, including Messa, had come outside to sit.

“You had no right telling them they could go if you didn’t know for certain that we knew about it!”

“I never would’ve given them the passes had I known that you didn’t know, Les. You know that!”

Gina stepped in. “Les, let it be. You were told by Dave days ago about it, and you were fine then…”

“Regina, I don’t care. She had no right giving them those passes without checking with me first! If she wants to be that bad a mother to her own children that she has to pawn them off on a couple of teenagers, that’s her business, but when it comes to our children and their activities, that’s our business…” He turned his gaze on Andi. “And she wants to bring another one into the world yet!”

Everyone was shocked into silence. Andi’s legs had become weak and she sat down on the steps. Her head was spinning out of control, and she couldn’t see straight. She closed her eyes while tears streamed down her cheeks and the spinning continued.

Andi heard pounding on the wooden planks as sisters rose to defend her. Voices sailed through the air, and Andi’s head began to pound. “Everyone, just be quiet!” She heard Gina’s voice over the rest. Andi opened her eyes and saw that Gina had knelt down in front of her. “Andi, I'm going to tell them.” Out of the corner of her eye, Andi saw the other sisters look at each other in confusion. She just closed her eyes again. “Messa, help her get inside and lay her down somewhere—like on a sofa or something. She needs to rest for a while. Then get everyone out here. And I mean everyone.”

Messa, who was now kneeling down beside Andi, helped her to stand up and began helping her inside. Once there, what was left of the sisters were told to go outside on the porch so Andi could lie down for a while. As Messa went to leave, Andi reached out and grasped her wrist. “Stay here,” Andi requested.

“Gina wanted all of us out there,” Messa replied, still upset from the night before.

“I don’t want you to find out from Gina about this.” Andi looked into her eyes. “Please, stay here.”

Messa stood a moment longer before saying, “Let me go tell Gina.” She then walked over to the door. Within moments, she was back and Andi had moved over slightly on the couch to make room for her to sit down. However, Messa sat on the coffee table instead. “Okay, so talk.”

Andi took a deep breath. “Dave took me to that waterfall you and I found a few years ago. You know, the one that reminds us of DQ. I had just hung up the phone with you…”

“Hung up on me, you mean…”

Andi looked away from her. “I'm sorry, Messa…”

“Just continue.”

“We had stood up to go dancing, because well, it’s something we did when we first met. We were getting our stuff together, and at one point, Dave stood up and stopped. I stood up and turned around, and I’d say about ten yards away was a mountain lion. We both dropped our stuff and began running.” Andi stopped a minute, watching a shocked look make its way across Messa’s face. “While we were running, I was…stabbed…by this great pain…” Andi reached down and covered her abdomen where her baby used to be. “I fell to the ground and the lion attacked me. Dave eventually got her off of me and onto him, and after I could get my body off the ground, I did the same…” Andi had to stop.

“How did you get away?”

“When the lion was coming back at me, she had just leapt into the air when a gunshot went off…” Andi stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath. “She fell in front of me—dead.”


Andi looked at Messa again. “They wouldn’t dare. This pond’s on our property. There’s no hunting there.”

Messa rested her head on her fists. “So who do you think this man is?”

“I don’t know, but I don’t want to be thinking what I am.”

Messa became worried. “You think it’s the rapist?”

“Like I said, I don’t want to think that. But at the same time, who else would say to someone, ‘I saved your life, now help me save mine’? Ya know?”

“You should report him, Andi.”

“Probably. But I can’t.” Andi went to sit up, promptly stopped by Messa. “That man saved my and my husband’s lives. I can’t turn him in now.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this last night?”

“I couldn’t. It was just too hard.” She thought a minute. “I didn’t want you to see me like I was, but when Colleen called to me, I couldn’t just leave her. Then when you saw me, I saw how upset you were, and I just couldn’t say anything…”

Footsteps were coming toward them, and Messa looked over the couch and saw little Colleen approaching. When she got around to the other side of the sofa, she looked up at Messa. “Momma gots boo-boo’s, Aun’ Mesth.”

Messa smiled as she took the child into her lap. “Yes, she does, Colleen. So your Momma needs to rest, all right?”

Colleen turned towards Andi as she pushed to get down off of Messa’s lap. “Momma nap!” Both adults smiled as the two-year-old walked down to the end of the sofa and began pulling the cover of Andi. She accomplished her goal with a little help from her Aunt and proceeded to turn toward Messa. She reached out and grabbed her hand. “’om on! Momma s’eeps.” The little girl put her finger to her lips. “Sssh,” she hissed as she pulled Messa to her feet and began walking away.

Once again, Andi reached out for Messa’s wrist. Messa looked at her. “Thanks,” Andi said, and then closed her eyes.

Part 18~Mandy
The next day everyone was very sensitive around Andi; not wanting to mention the ordeal or her miscarriage. Gina had told the group what had happened and no one knew quite what to say when they saw Andi again. Andi had been mostly in bed since she got home from the hospital two nights before. The pain was still very strong in her heart but she refused to let it ruin the rest of their trip.

She got dressed and headed downstairs to where everyone was eating breakfast. There were a few empty places and Andi searched around to see who else was missing. She finally figured out the missing sister to be Mandy.

“Where’s Mandy?” Andi asked.

“Hmm… I think she’s still in the bathroom. Maybe you should check on her,” Ivy suggested.

Andi walked back up the stairs and knocked on the bathroom door. “You ok in there?” she called.

There was a long pause. “I’m just fine. I’ll be down soon,” came a voice from the other side of the closed door.

“Ivy had me come up here to make sure you didn’t fall in or something,” Andi added. Giggling came from the other end and Andi went to join the others.

“What are we doing today?” she asked.

“Are you sure you’re up for anything just yet?” Messa asked back.

“Yes. I do not want to mope around here any longer. I’m ready for another adventure,” Andi answered.

Mandy walked down the stairs and took the last seat. “The baby is coming tomorrow right?” Sheida asked. Mandy nodded her head.

“This is so exciting!” Hayley exclaimed.

Mandy glanced over at Andi who gave her a tiny smile back in return. “Yeah I’m really excited about it too,” Mandy said showing little enthusiasm.

Once everyone had finished the teenagers took the children upstairs to wash up. “What’s on the agenda today Messa?” Gina asked.

“I have us going to Garden of the Gods today,” Messa announced.

“All in favor of burning Messa’s schedule,” Andi called out. Everyone unanimously shouted out, “I!”

“How about we do that tomorrow and go to the water park today?” suggested Hayley.

“But we’re supposed to be at Cripple Creek tomorrow,” Messa told her. And we have already forgotten what, two days of Messa’s schedule?” SK added. “Wouldn’t want to miss out on what she’s planned.” She took the notebook from Messa and read “We’ve already missed a pow-wow and horseback riding.”

“Messa, you let us miss a pow-wow?” Ivy asked.

“I didn’t let us miss the pow-wow,” Messa interjected. “I believe we sat around here doing nothing waiting for Andi to show up on the day we should have gone. And the horseback riding was for yesterday when we all did nothing again so Andi and Dave could get to feeling better. None of this is my fault.”

“Oh forget about the schedule,” Gina suggested. “There will be other pow-wows.”

Messa stole her notebook back from SK and began scanning through its contents.

“Actually, I can rearrange things and we can do Garden of the Gods tomorrow and go to the pow-wow not far from there afterwards. It’ll be a long day but not any worse than Pike’s Peak.” She studied the calendar for a few minutes and stuck a pen in her mouth.

“Although, that will still leave us skipping Cripple Creek if we want to stay on schedule for the rest of the week.”

“And we have already forgotten what, two days of Messa’s schedule?” SK added. “Wouldn’t want to miss out on what she’s planned.” She took the notebook from Messa and read “We’ve already missed a pow-wow and horseback riding.”

“Messa, you let us miss a pow-wow?” Ivy asked.

“I didn’t let us miss the pow-wow,” Messa interjected. “I believe we sat around here doing nothing waiting for Andi to show up on the day we should have gone. And the horseback riding was for yesterday when we all did nothing again so Andi and Dave could get to feeling better. None of this is my fault.”

“Oh forget about the schedule,” Gina suggested. “There will be other pow-wows.”

Messa stole her notebook back from SK and began scanning through its contents. “Actually, I can rearrange things and we can do Garden of the Gods tomorrow and go to the pow-wow not far from there afterwards. It’ll be a long day but not any worse than Pike’s Peak.” She studied the calendar for a few minutes and stuck a pen in her mouth. “Although, that will still leave us skipping Cripple Creek if we want to stay on schedule for the rest of the week.”

“All in favor of burning Messa’s schedule,” Andi called out. Everyone unanimously shouted out, “I!”

“Alrighty, water park it is. I had saved that for an emergency, just in case we ran out of things to do one day,” Messa answered. “There’s a water park not far from here and its supposed to get very hot today.”

“A water park sounds wonderful but almost every child here can not swim,” Mandy said.

“This is a family park. It has a special section for young kids. We’ll be watching them but they also have lifeguards. I’ve checked it out and it’s very safe,” Messa reassured her.

“What are we waiting for?” Ivy called out. Everyone dashed to their respected rooms and quickly changed before they got their children ready. As soon as the announcement of the water park spread to the children, utter chaos broke out.

Christopher, Mya, and Shawn all decided to undress and run down the stairs naked. Messa, Mandy, and Sheida raced down the stairs after them. Mike, Ellen, and Isabelle, the first of the kids to be ready, came down the stairs and started squealing as the two boys ran past them.

“Girls please go wait by the door,” Mandy told them as she passed by.

“Still think this is a good idea?” Andi asked walking down carrying Colleen and her three other children followed behind her.

“You got everything under control?” Ethan asked walking down after Andi and her family.

Mandy walked up to him, holding a now clothed Mya. “Yes no thanks to you,” she said with a laugh.

Ethan held up his son. “See I got him ready.”

“Just wait until tomorrow when there will be three,” Andi replied.

“Babies are easy,” Ethan stated matter-of-factly.

“Oh really? I remember you being the one to never want to dress them because you said they squirmed too much,” Mandy said.

“Brian wasn’t too bad but Mya was on the go from the moment she was born, she was always so active,” Ethan told her.

Within ten minutes the rest of the group had joined them and they were ready to leave. To conserve gas, they decided to carpool.

Mandy and her family drove with Shelly and Hayley’s. Andi, Messa, and Ivy drove in the second car. And in the third car were Gina, her family, and Sheida and her family. Messa was the only one who knew the exact way to the water park so she climbed behind the wheel of the car.

Mya, Isabelle, and Ellen were in the very back seats. “We don’t want to sit by the boys,” Ellen told her mother. Mya didn’t really mind her brother or cousins but she looked up to Ellen and agreed with her. “No boys,” she agreed.

Brian and James sat next to each other and Owen next to James in his. Mandy decided to drive and Shelly got into the passenger seat next to her while Hayley sat between them on the floor.

The girls looked out at their husbands. “Sorry guys we’re out of room,” Shelly told them.

“C’mon, we’ll take mine,” Jordan said.

“Everybody ready for a day of fun?” Hayley asked the car. Most of the kids cheered while Shelly replied, “I sure hope everything goes smoothly and we can get a nice tan.”

“I second that,” Mandy said.

“I third it,” Hayley replied as they started to drive off.

The water park was already very crowded when they arrived. Parking spots were in short supply and they had to drive around for a bit to find three.

“Remember we’re in a parking lot and you must hold hands,” Mandy reminded the kids as they climbed out of the van.

Shelly carried Owen while Mandy held her kids’ hands. Isabelle and Ellen held hands. James went to join his sister but she refused to take his hand and he in turn burst into tears. Hayley picked up her son and he buried his head in her shoulder. Their group started walking to the entrance where Mandy could see the rest were waiting. By the time they got there, James’ tears had stopped but his face was still red.

“What happened?” Ivy asked.

“Ellen wouldn’t hold his hand. She’s at that age where she thinks boys are gross, even her brother,” Hayley answered.

At the first sight of water, all the kids took off towards it. Andi let out a loud whistle. “Freeze!” she yelled. Every child stopped in their tracks. “Back here, right now!”

The kids trotted back to their parents. “Now we’re going to walk together or we’ll just leave. It’s your choice,” Andi told them.

Nobody wanted to leave so the kids quickly stood by their parents and stayed there. Together they all walked to the children’s area and were surprised at the size of it. It had a huge wading pool and a playground. In addition, as Messa had said, lifeguards were stationed all around.

Mandy found some empty table and chairs and set their things down on them. “Before you can play, you need sunscreen,” Mandy announced to all the kids. After that, they would have to wait a few minutes for it to soak in. With every minute, the children grew more and more anxious.

As soon as her mother’s back was turned, Mya headed towards the water. She was getting closer and closer to the cool, sparkling water. She was just about to step in when she heard her mother’s voice.

“Michaela Jane get back here right this minute!”

Mya knew she was busted and she slowly walked back to her mother. “You will now wait 5 minutes after everyone else to go into the water,” Mandy scolded. Mya pouted and sat on the ground, watching everyone else head to the water. Nevertheless, she soon joined them and playfully splashed through the water.

“Come with us Mya,” Mike called. Michaela and Bryan were already heading up the rope ladder. Mya ran after them and her brother tried to follow. “No sweetie, that’s too high for you,” Mandy called. She picked up her son and took him back to the pool. Around lunchtime, the kids were told they had to stop playing to eat.

“Let’s go girls,” Messa addressed her sisters.

“Go where?” Ivy asked.

“Let’s check out the rest of the park. The guys can handle things for awhile,” Messa answered.

“All I want to do is grab an inner tube and relax on the lazy river,” Mandy said.

“That sounds like a great idea,” Gina agreed.

“This is heaven, no kids, no men,” Andi joked as they drifted around on the river.

“You’re so right. I wonder how the guys are doing,” Sheida said.

“I say we head to the wave pool next,” Hayley suggested.

“Sounds like fun,” Ivy replied.

“I don’t think I feel up to that right now. But you girls have a great time. I’m going to go sit in the shade and drink some water,” Andi told them.

“I think I’ll head back to the kids as well,” Mandy said. “You girls have fun and I’ll see you later,” she added just before climbing out. Andi hadn’t even gotten out of the river before Mandy was already halfway back to the kids section.

“What’s with her?” Messa asked.

“I have no idea. She’s been acting funny all day,” Gina answered.

“Maybe she’s just nervous about the new baby?” Ivy suggested.

“She’s got two kids already I don’t see why she’d be this nervous over it,” Andi said.

“I thought she’d be ecstatic about another baby but she doesn’t seem all that happy,” Sheida spoke.

“But she has been up until now,” Hayley added.

“I think maybe she feels bad because of the miscarriage,” Andi replied. “Maybe she feels she shouldn’t be excited over it.”

The girls exited the river and headed over to the wave pool with their inner tubes, saying goodbye to Andi as she headed off in the other direction. “Let’s go to the deep end, that’s where you get the best waves,” Shelly said. The girls waded out to the deeper end and climbed into their tubes.

They floated around for a few minutes before a loud buzzing sound was heard and the waves began. Shelly was right about the best waves being in the deeper water. The girls tried to stay together but the waves pushed them farther and farther apart. The waves lasted for ten minutes and when they finally shut off the group reunited. “That was so much fun. It’s a shame Mandy and Andi missed it,” Messa said. They carried their inner tubes back to the children’s area.

“Mandy, are you ok?” Messa asked walking up to her sister.

“Of course, I’m sorry about earlier. I think I just got too much sun,” Mandy answered.

“Ok, we were all worried about you,” Ivy added coming up to them.

“No need for worries. Let’s enjoy the rest of the day,” Mandy told her. She got up out of her seat and went to where her children were playing.

By the time they decided to call it quits, the sun was almost setting. The kids were very tired and so were their parents. The car ride home was a quiet one and the sisters accepted it as a blessing. The kids were put right to bed and no one worried about dinner.

The men decided to head out to the local Billiards hall to play some pool shortly after arriving back home. They had been gone quiet some time and were expected back at any time. The sisters sat around the table and enjoyed the silence. “I’ve got something just for an occasion like this,” Andi spoke. She walked out of the room and returned with a few big bottles. “Its alcohol time,” she replied.

Hayley ran to get glasses and Andi started pouring. “Let’s toast to the new baby,” Gina said. Ivy handed one to Mandy who shook her head and pushed the glass away. “I don’t want any,” she spoke.

“Mandy I’ve never known you to say no to alcohol,” Messa said with a laugh. “Are you sure?”

“I just don’t want any!” Mandy fumed. She got up and walked out of the house.

“What’s her problem?” Ivy asked.

“I don’t know but I’m going to find out!” Andi said. She got up and followed Mandy outside.

Mandy was walking around the house when Andi caught up to her. “Hey, Mandy?” Andi called gently as she walked outside. “You okay?”

Mandy turned around at Andi’s voice. “What do you mean?” Mandy asked playing dumb.

“Something has been bugging you all day and I’m concerned,” Andi answered.

“There’s nothing wrong,” Mandy spoke again. She started to walk faster, away from her sister.

Andi walked faster and touched her arm. Mandy turned and looked her sister in the eye. “How about we go for a walk, and we can talk?” Andi suggested. Mandy nodded her head. Andi ran inside to tell the others that they would be back soon.

The two sisters took off down the driveway. The first few minutes were filled with silence and Andi was the first to talk. “So, what’s up?”

“I can’t talk about it. Especially not to you,” Mandy told her.

“Why especially not to me? What makes me any different than anyone else?” Andi asked, anger suddenly clouding her mood. However, years of practice kept those feeling hidden.

Mandy took a deep breath. “All right I guess I can tell you but I just didn’t want to upset you,” Mandy answered.

“Mandy, you know me better than that. You’re upsetting me more by not talking,” Andi told her.

“I’m pregnant,” Mandy said.

Andi was quiet for a few seconds. “Why didn’t you want to tell me?” Andi asked.

“Because of your… I just didn’t want to make you sad. And I’m not exactly thrilled about it either,” Mandy answered.

Andi ignored the comment about her miscarriage. “Regardless of me, you needed to tell someone. Does Ethan know? And why would you not be happy about this?” Andi asked.

“Did you forget who is coming tomorrow, my new daughter? I feel like I don’t deserve her now. Ethan and I had been talking about adopting even before Michaela was born. Of course I haven’t told Ethan. I just found out this morning. I took three tests just to be sure,” Mandy answered.

“You deserve that baby,” Andi told her. Mandy shook her head.

“She should go to another family, one where they can’t have kids,” Mandy replied. “Does it seem fair to you?” she asked.

“‘To everything there is a season, and a purpose under Heaven.’ Mandy, no two people deserve it more than you and Ethan,” Andi told her.

“I just didn’t want to talk about it around you. I know you’re hurting,” Mandy spoke.

“Yes, I'm hurting, but that still shouldn’t stop you from telling me happy things. I’m still very upset about it but maybe Dave and I will try for another baby. But we already have five beautiful children and I am very thankful for them,” Andi replied. There was a moment of silence before Andi couldn’t stand the quiet any more. “You ready to go back?” Andi asked as they continued to walk. “I mean if you want to continue walking I’m all for it.”

“Yes, and thank you for this, I did need to talk with someone despite my denial,” Mandy thanked her.

“Hey what are sisters for? I know you’d be there for me, and you have been.”

“Are you ready to announce it?” Andi asked when they had arrived back.

“I think I should tell Ethan first,” Mandy answered.

“Well you’d better tell him right away because I don’t know how long I can keep from blurting it out,” Andi told her.

“At least wait until they get back, and give me five minutes to tell him,” Mandy said.

“Deal,” Andi replied as they walked back inside. As if on cue the men returned a few minutes later and walked into the house.

“Ethan can I talk to you for a minute?” Mandy asked her husband.

“Sure sweetheart,” Ethan answered. The couple walked outside.

“So did you find out what was bothering her?” Messa asked. Andi grinned. “I sure did. And if I’m correct she’s telling her husband right now.”

“Is it good?” Hayley asked. Andi nodded.

The six sisters ran to the window to catch any glimpse of their conversation. They spotted them about 20 feet from the window. Ethan held Mandy’s hands and they seemed to be in serious discussion. Andi let out a laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Shelly asked.

“You all remind me of New Beginnings with Ethan and Mandy being Andrew and Colleen,” Andi answered.

“New Beginnings?” asked Jordan.

“You know the series finale of Dr. Quinn. Geez man get with the program,” Dave answered.

“You’re right,” Gina agreed and the rest of them started laughing.

“They’re smiling,” Messa commentated. “And kissing.”

“Oh no! They’re coming back, everybody back to the table!” Sheida called. The girls all made a mad dash to their seats before they came back inside.

Andi pretended to be pouring more drinks when Mandy and Ethan walked back in. “So?” Ivy asked as soon as they entered. Andi playfully smacked her. “Give them a minute to walk in,” she told her. Mandy sat back down and Ethan stood behind her.

“Well girls, I’m pregnant,” Mandy announced.

No one knew quite what to say until the initial shock wore off. Then the room broke out into squeals and shrieks of delight and congratulations. “Oh my gosh, this is wonderful news!” Hayley exclaimed.

“It sure is,” Andi agreed.

“More gray hair for me!” Gina added.

“I think I’m going to cry,” Messa replied. Shelly handed her the box of Kleenex.

“This trip is just full of surprises isn’t it,” Hayley said.

“Any more and it might kill me,” Messa joked, sniffling.

“So Ethan what do you think?” Sheida asked.

“I’m thrilled but I’m still in shock,” he answered.

“So girls do you think its going to be a little Byron?” Andi asked.

“Byron? No offense to your DQ thing but no son of mine is going to be named Byron,” Ethan answered. Everyone burst into laughter. It might have been a bit too loud because Colleen and Christopher came walking down the stairs, still half asleep.

“Mommy why it loud?” Colleen asked.

Andi walked over to her daughter. “I’m sorry sweetie. You go on back to bed and we’ll try and be a little quieter,” Andi promised.

“I want some water,” Christopher announced. Messa brought her son a glass of water from the kitchen; he drank it, and followed Colleen back up the stairs.

“I think we should all turn in. Mandy and Ethan have to pick Susan up at the airport at 8,” Shelly reminded everybody. No one seemed to argue, the water park had exhausted all of them. Mandy slowly trudged up the stairs. She didn’t bother changing and just climbed right into bed.

Ethan had gone to check on the kids and he returned a few minutes later and climbed in next to his wife. “We’ve had quite a day,” he told her placing a hand on her flat stomach.

“Tomorrow is going to be even more hectic,” she reminded him. “Good, I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Ethan said.

“A new baby tomorrow and another in nine months; I must be the luckiest man in the world.”

“Yes you’re very lucky but I think I might be a bit more than you. I have you in my life, and the kids, I am so grateful for the gifts I’ve been given,” Mandy told him. She placed a kiss on his lips, rolled over on her side, and fell asleep.

Andi waited another hour, just to be safe. She wanted to make sure everyone was asleep and wouldn’t hear her leaving. She slowly got out of bed and checked to make sure Dave was still asleep, he was, and was snoring so loud Andi wondered how anyone could sleep with that noise. She tiptoed down the hall and down the stairs, stopping every few steps to listen. Silence greeted her every time and she quickly slipped her shoes on.

She reached into her purse for her keys and made her way to the door. She opened it as quietly as she could, though it still creaked. Andi made her way to the car. She started it, hoping no one had heard. She couldn’t very well push the car, like in the Sound of Music. At least not by herself.

She headed down the road, towards the place where she and Dave had been only one night before. Andi was nervous, no doubt about it. She thought maybe she would just turn around and not meet the rapist. But if she didn’t meet him he might come after her family or friends. No, she had to go. Still she wished someone was with her. Little did she know her wish was soon to be granted.

Andi parked the car on the side of the road and walked the rest of the way by foot. All she had for protection and light was a flashlight. She was amazed at how much she remembered from the previous night.

“Are you alone?” called a voice. Andi flashed the light in front of her and saw him.

“Yes, I am,” she called back.

“Good. Now here’s what I need you to do. I need you to drive me to the nearest bus station and buy me a ticket. I don’t care where but just make it far from here. Understand?” the man asked.

“Shh... Mandy, don’t wake the rest,” Messa whispered loudly. The two girls were thankfully the only two who had heard Andi.

“Sorry it’s not my fault these floors are creaky,” Mandy whispered back.

The two quickly made their way out the door and to the car. “I’m going to need coffee first,” Messa told her. She drove to the nearest gas station. Just as she pulled up she saw Kate and Melissa pumping gas.

“What are you two doing out so late?” Melissa asked them.

“I was about to ask the same about you two,” Mandy answered.

“Andi snuck out. She’s gone to meet the rapist, at least I’m pretty sure that’s where she’s gone,” Messa explained.

“What?! She went after him alone?” Melissa asked sounding alarmed. “You need to show me where she is. I’ll call in for back up.”

“Dave told me, just in case she did go back. Its just north, down the road. Her car is missing which means she took it and I’m pretty sure we’ll spot it,” Messa told her.

Kate finished pumping the gas while Melissa jumped in her car and radioed in for back up. “They should be here soon,” Melissa replied.

“Well I’m not waiting for them. Our sister is out there alone with a rapist,” Mandy spoke. “C’mon Messa.” The two jumped back in their car and took off in the direction they knew Andi had gone.

“Are they crazy?” Melissa asked as she and Kate got ready to follow them.

“They aren’t thinking clearly. Which is why we have to hurry,” Kate answered.

Mandy spotted Andi’s car on the right side of the road and Messa pulled up right behind it. “Do you have any flashlights?” Mandy asked after they got out of the car.

“Check the back,” Messa answered. Mandy found two flashlights and the girls were on their way.

"You see any footprints?" Messa asked.

"Didn't Sully teach you anything?"

"I can track a deer and mate with a turkey but I can't see human footprints." Messa admitted. “So do you see any?”

“A few. It looks like she went this way,” Mandy said pointing. Messa walked on ahead of her but Mandy stayed close behind. They walked a little further and Messa stopped when she heard voices.

“Why can’t I just give you some money or something? Why do I have to drive you?” Andi asked.

“I hear Andi,” Mandy whispered.

“Because every cop in the county is out looking for me. It will be a lot safer for me if I was driven there,” the man explained. Messa took one step closer and accidentally stepped on some dry leaves, making a loud crunching sound.

The man turned around. “What was that?” he asked. “Who’s there?” he yelled out.

“It was probably just an animal,” Andi told him. He turned back around to face Andi.

“Ok you cover me, I’m going in,” Messa said.

“What do you mean?” Mandy asked.

“I’m not about to just sit here and let something happen to her. I took self defense classes back in college. And I took some a few years back so I am sure I remember what to do,” Messa whispered to her. “You can’t do anything, you’re pregnant. I want you to stay hidden, understand me?” Messa asked her.

Mandy nodded her head. “Go and flag down the cops. They should be here soon. I’ve got things covered,” Messa added. Mandy took one last look behind her and then took off back towards the cars.

Messa came up behind the rapist and Andi’s eyes widened. Messa put a finger to her lips as she stepped lightly to one side of the man. “I don’t think I can drive you,” Andi told the man.

“And why is that?” he asked. Messa stepped back into her defensive position and with one swift motion brought her foot flying forward and then back against the rapist's right shin.

The man fell to his knees while Messa pushed Andi aside. The man tried to rise and grab either young woman but Messa saw him move and gave a swift punch to the nose before he could try anything. After another blow the man fell to the ground, crying in defeat. Messa jumped on top of him to keep him from moving.

“Such a clever little girl. Stupid but clever,” the man spoke to Messa, holding one hand over his throbbing nose. “Don’t speak to me you scum. You’re going back where you belong,” she yelled to him.

Seeing Messa was too preoccupied to push her away again, Andi stepped forward. “Why did you follow me?” she asked. “That was foolish.”

“No what was foolish was you thinking you could do this alone. I sent Mandy back to the car to make sure the cops know where to go,” Messa answered.

“Mandy’s here? And you called the cops?”

“No, actually we ran into Melissa and Kate at the gas station and Melissa called in for back up. They should be here any minute.”

As Messa grew frustrated having to explain everything she let her defenses down. She did not notice the rapist's hand leave his face and head toward his pocket. Silently he took out a knife and started slashing at Messa. Before he could do any damage both Messa and Andi fought him down. While Messa threw a palm thrust in his face, Andi jumped on the hand that held the knife. He let it go just long enough for Andi to grab it. While Andi backed away with the weapon, Messa replanted herself on top of the man's chest, straddling him with her legs, as she wrung both of his hands up over his head, where she held them. “Ouch you bitch! What the hell was that for?” he asked angrily.

A few minutes later Mandy emerged from behind a few trees. “What are you doing here? I told you to get the cops,” Messa asked. “They’re here. I was showing them where to go,” Mandy answered as she took a look at the sight laid before her. “Aww no fun you guys nabbed the bad guy already,” she added. “He wasn’t wearing a mask was he?” she asked giggling.

“It is so like you to joke at a time like this,” Andi responded.

A few minutes later six cops arrived on the scene and they released Messa from her hold. “That gets kind of tiring after awhile,” she said with a laugh. The cops searched the man and then cuffed his hands behind his back.

“Good job ladies. We’ll need your contact information. I’m sure someone will want to contact you. And there is a reward,” one of the cops said. “I think the only reward I want is my bed,” Mandy replied with a yawn.

Let them have it,” Andi spoke. “I want nothing to do with blood money.” That said, Andi began heading back towards the cars. Come to think of it, bed was finally beginning to sound like a good idea to her, as well.

The alarm awoke Mandy the next morning and she groggily turned it off. It hardly seemed like it was time to wake up. Mandy felt like she had just gone to sleep after the rapist’s arrest. The three didn’t speak of their ordeal to anyone but Mandy knew they were soon going to find out. It was sure to make the headlines of the newspaper and be on the news. She shook her husband next to her. “Its time to get up,” she said. He rolled over and opened his eyes. “Alright, I’m up, I’m up,” he told her.

Mandy quickly got dressed and headed downstairs and found most of the house was also awake. “What are you all doing up this early?” she asked.

“I couldn’t sleep so I came downstairs and then they just started coming down in twos and threes,” Ivy joked.

“Momma you go get baby now?” Mya asked running over to her mother.

“Bay sisser,” Brian announced running after his sister.

“Yes, we’re going to go pick up your baby sister and your Aunt Susan,” Mandy answered.

“And we have another surprise for you,” Ethan told them.

“A surpise? For us?” Mya asked. “Mommy is going to have another baby. She has a baby growing in her tummy,” Mandy answered.

Mya touched her mother’s stomach. “It growed like Byan and me,” Mya stated.

“Yes but the baby won’t be coming out of Mommy’s tummy for a long time,” Mandy reminded her.

“We’d better get going, never know how traffic will be,” Ethan told his wife.

Mandy ran to give her sisters a big hug before she headed out. “Good luck,” Messa called out. They heard the car back out of the driveway and it was gone.

“I can’t wait until they get back with the baby,” Hayley replied.

“We should decorate,” Shelly suggested.

“With what? We don’t have streamers or paint or markers or anything,” Ivy reminded her.

“Well we do have markers but I bet we can run out to the store real quick. Anyone want to drive with me?” Messa asked.

Andi and Shelly ended up going to the store with Messa while the others got the children fed and dressed. When they had returned they were surprised to find the kids had all eaten and were changed.

“How long were we gone?” Andi joked. They cleared off the table and started their decorations.

“Where is that plane? It was supposed to be here exactly two minutes ago,” Mandy asked as she paced back and forth looking out the window.

“Relax, planes are sometimes late,” Ethan told her.

“Relax? How can I relax when the plane is late?” she asked back.

Just then the plane arrived and Ethan thought his wife might break through the glass. He took her hand and they waited with other people who were waiting for someone they knew to come off the plane. “Do you see her?” Mandy asked when people started to walk off the plane.

“Nope not yet,” Ethan answered. More and more people got off the plane but Mandy couldn’t see Susan anywhere. “What if she missed the flight?” Mandy asked.

“I didn’t miss the flight,” called a familiar voice behind them. Mandy turned to see Susan standing behind them with an infant carrier in her hands. “You two were just waiting at the wrong gate,” she finished.

Mandy gave her friend a hug; it had been so long since she had seen her. “Susan, it’s so good to see you.” Then she turned her attention to the baby carrier. “Is that her?” Mandy asked. Susan nodded. Susan set it on the ground and gently lifted the covered baby up.

She placed the baby in Mandy’s arms. Mandy pulled back the blanket and caught the first glimpse of her new daughter. “Come look Ethan,” she told her husband. Ethan walked closer and looked down at the baby in his wife’s arms. “She perfect,” he said.

The tiny infant was fast asleep and Mandy started to remove the blanket. She touched each of her ten fingers and ten toes. She had beautiful red hair, and Mandy immediately thought of Dorothy when she saw it. It was that color, exactly. “You want to hold her?” Mandy asked.

“Sure,” Ethan answered as he opened his arms to receive his daughter. “She’s so beautiful. From the moment I saw her in your arms, she’s felt like ours.”

“And you’re coming back to the house to visit right Susan?” Mandy asked her friend.

“Of course,” Susan said. They started making their way to the car. “I’ll ride in back with her,” Mandy said taking the baby from her husband’s arms. Ethan strapped the car seat in and Mandy slowly lay the sleeping infant in it.

The baby opened her eyes for a moment and looked at her before closing them again. “Did you see that? She looked right at me!” Mandy exclaimed. She crossed around to the other side of the car and got in. Susan climbed in the passenger seat and Ethan started to drive back.

Ivy and Shelly nervously glanced out of the window every few minutes. “What’s taking so long?” Ivy asked.

“Relax. They’ll be here soon,” Andi told her.

“Mama come soon?” Mya asked Andi. Andi picked up the small child. “Your Mama and Daddy will be home soon with your new baby sister,” Andi answered. The rest of the kids were happily coloring pictures for the new baby when Ivy announced the car had just pulled into the driveway.

“Let’s not crowd the door,” Messa called out when she realized the whole house has stampeded to the door. Everyone started to back up a bit but the kids pushed in front.

The door opened and Messa started snapping pictures. “She’s here,” Mandy spoke. She and Ethan walked through the door with Susan right behind them.

“Susan it is so great you came,” Andi said giving the woman a hug.

Mandy walked into the living room with the baby and sat down on the couch. All the kids crowded around as did the adults to get a good look at the baby. Mya and Brian walked shyly up to their parents. Ethan took both of his children in his lap so they could meet their new sister.

“Bay sisser!” Brian exclaimed kissing the top of her head.

“She has red hair,” Mya announced.

“Ok my turn,” Andi said. Mandy happily handed the baby to her sister. “Oh isn’t she just precious. There’s just one thing,” Andi replied.

“And what’s that?” Mandy asked.

“She just doesn’t look like an Elise,” Andi told her.

“You know I was thinking the same thing on the drive over. She really doesn’t,” Mandy agreed.

Andi cradled the baby for a few more minutes before she passed her on to Messa and the rest of the waiting sisters. “Did you have any other names in mind?” Andi asked her.

“We went through a whole list of names and it was hard to pass a lot of them up,” Mandy answered. “Hey what was their daughter’s name on Dr. Quinn?” Jordan asked.

“Katherine Elizabeth Sully,” called eight voices in unison. “Yeah that’s it,” Jordan replied. “How about that name?”

“Katie is a cute name,” Ethan said.

“You could just as easily name her Dorothy. Look at that hair,” Gina commented when her turn to hold the baby came.

“No, I think she’s definitely a Grace,” Ivy replied. “You could call her Gracie.”

“Why wasn’t it this hard the first time around?” Mandy asked.

“Because you had the name Michaela picked out since you were probably twelve,” Messa told her.

“I think I that was actually a vow I had to take at our wedding. Do you promise to name your first daughter Michaela,” Ethan joked.

Andi had a thoughtful look in her eye. “Why not venture away from the DQ Realm for a minute.”

“Why on earth would you want to do that?” Hayley asked.

Andi looked to Mandy. “You remember back in 2008 when we went to Austria?”

Mandy laughed slightly. “Yeah. ‘I'm going to teach you a new German word: Autobahn. It means no speed limit.’ How could I forget?” She laughed. “I thought we were going to die that day.”

"Why not combine two loves? Why only use one?”

“What do you mean?”

“What about, Liesl, or Brigitta, or Gretl, or Marta, or Maria. Hmm, who else was there? Oh, Louisa!”

“Well, she doesn’t exactly look German or Austrian…”

“So? That’s the beauty.”

“How about Marta. That’s a pretty name,” Ivy suggested.

“Marta,” Gina said trying the name on the baby. The baby hiccupped at the sound of it.

“I guess she likes it too,” Gina agreed.

“And what will her middle name be?” Shelly asked.

“We decided on the middle name awhile back. Elaine. After Ethan’s sister who passed away,” Mandy answered.

“Marta Elaine Taylor. It suits her just fine,” Sheida said.

“I think that’s a wonderful way to honor her memory,” Andi replied.

The party lasted for awhile but it was clear the kids were getting exhausted and would soon be ready for bed. It was hard to believe the day was almost over.

“Time to bring out the cigars,” Daniel replied. He took out a box from a cabinet in the kitchen.

“I don’t think so. If you’re going to fill your lungs with those poisonous substances you’ll do it outside,” Ivy told her husband.

“You heard her guys, we’ve got to party outside,” Daniel spoke.

Ethan kissed his wife’s forehead. “Sorry but the men call,” he said as he followed the rest of the men outside to smoke.

“Well Marta you’re a very lucky girl. You’ve got a great family here and we all love you,” Hayley spoke to the baby.

“And now on to the presents,” Andi called out.

Messa walked outside to get the men. “But we just lit up,” complained Jim. “Well you’re just going to have to put them out and come inside,” Messa told him. The rest of the men groaned as they put out their cigars and followed Messa back inside.

“You didn’t have to do this,” Mandy said.

“Of course we did, our niece needed some things,” Andi replied.

“At least until you get back home,” Messa added.

“Diapers and clothes, very useful, thank you,” Mandy said as she opened the first few gifts. Gina brought in a basket bassinet.

“The baby has to have somewhere to sleep,” Gina said.

“It’s beautiful, thank you,” Mandy replied.

Sheida brought Marta and placed her into it. “The baby likes it,” Ellen said leaning over to peer into the basket. “I want a baby sister Mommy.” Everyone started to laugh.

“We’ll see,” Sheida told her daughter.

“No way this family needs another boy,” Al replied.

“And now for my gift,” Ethan spoke. He went outside and came back in carrying an enormous box. Andi cleared the kids out of the way so he could set it down. Mandy walked over to it. “Mya, Brian, open it for Mommy,” Mandy told them.

The two kids started ripping the paper off the box. Mandy had to help them get the tape off. “Mama, Daddy gave you paper,” Mya announced.

“I’m sure there’s something in there, but you have to dig,” Ethan told his daughter.

She and Brian started pulling out paper and throwing it in all different directions. This got the other children excited and they started throwing the paper all over the room. “Just remember you have to clean all that up,” Messa reminded the children.

“I don’t think they’re even paying attention any more,” Ivy told her.

Mya had to actually climb into the box to get the smaller box inside. “Here it is!” she exclaimed triumphantly. She handed it to her mother and collapsed tiredly in the box. Mandy took the box and went to sit on the couch.

She quickly opened it up to find a much smaller box inside. “There better not be twenty more boxes in here,” she joked.

She opened the smaller box, found a key in it, and picked it up. “Umm.. I am confused. It’s a key,” Mandy said.

“It’s to our house,” Ethan explained.

“Well that explains it. Wait, no it does not. Why do I need a key to our house?” Mandy asked.

“It’s a key to our new house,” Ethan answered.

“Our new house?” Mandy asked back her voice a bit louder.

“In California.”

“California? But what about all my research, the dolphins, my job?” she asked back. “You have a new position waiting in California in Sea World,” Ethan answered.

“Oh my goodness!” Mandy exclaimed.

“Mama I tired,” Colleen said walking up to her mother rubbing her eyes. The adults looked around the room and saw exhausted, tired faces staring back at them.

“Alright time for bed,” Andi announced.

No one argued but hurried upstairs to their beds. It wasn’t long before they were all fast asleep and the adults could continue the party.

While everyone else enjoyed the party, Messa stood off to the side fidgeting. Andrew was the first to notice her distance. He wandered over to her and offered some wine. “What’s got you so distracted?” he asked.

“Remember that surprise I was talking about earlier?” At Andrew’s nod, Messa continued. “It should have been here by now.”

Andrew tried to reassure her “It’ll be here.” As if on cue, the doorbell rang. “I told you,” he smiled.

Everyone else somehow managed to hear the doorbell over all of their conversation. “Who could that be?” Gina asked.

Ivy, remembering Messa had planned some kind of surprise, suggested Mandy and Ethan open the door. As the couple looked at her questioningly, they walked to the door and opened it. Everyone was shocked to see the short blonde girl standing in front of them. She had on what might have been a clown costume had it not been cut into lingerie.

Mandy gasped as she realized who was standing in front of her.


“That’s Krystal Kitty,” the young woman replied. “What’s it to ya?”

“You don’t remember me?” Mandy assumed.

“Maybe we’ll help her remember,” Andi said as she stepped forward, dragging Messa along with her.

“Hey, you’re Mandy’s stalker friends,” Crystal said. “What are you doing here?”

“We’re on vacation,” Messa answered. “Our friend Sheida owns this place.”

“Really?” Crystal replied, smacking her gum. “That’s like, so cool. You seen Mandy lately?”

Mandy waved her hand, “Umm, hello. Standing right here.”

“Whoa, you’re this Mandy?” Crystal asked, holding up a giant card that said “Congratulations Mandy and Ethan!”

“I guess that would be me,” Mandy said.

“Wow it’s been so long,” Crystal mused. “Like since high school!”

“That’s right,” Mandy said again. “But, what are you doing here?”

Crystal scoffed. “My job, of course.” Ethan was almost afraid to ask. “And what exactly is your job?”

“A two bit whore,” Andi whispered in his ear.

Crystal immediately broke into song and starting doing what some might called a tap number. “I am your singing telegram….” But before she got past the first line, Messa cut her off. “Please! Stop the singing! I have a headache!”

“You sure get headaches a lot,” Crystal noted.

“Only when you’re around,” Messa said under her breath.

“So, a singing telegram, huh?” Ivy asked. “Whose idea was that?”

Messa hide her face. “That would have been me,” she admitted. “But seriously, the last time we got one from this company, it was pretty good.”

“Oh, my Dad just bought the place,” Crystal informed. “He said I could run it however I wanted. So I fired everybody!”

“That explains a lot,” Messa said.

“I’m not so sure your outfit is appropriate for this line of work,” Dave said.

Andi agreed. “You look like a hooker.”

“Yea, a singing hooker,” Crystal smiled. “Isn’t that what my posters said?”

“Please can we throw her in the lake?” Messa asked Andi.

“You just grab her feet,” Andi consented.

Mandy, however, stepped in before her sisters did something drastic. “Crystal, really, it was great seeing you again, but we should be getting to bed. We’ve all had a long day. Thanks so much for the lovely…errr…song.”

“But I didn’t finish!” Crystal complained.

“Some other time,” Mandy said as she started to close the door. “Like, back in Chicago maybe.”

“Ok!” Crystal shouted excitedly as her face disappeared behind the door. The sisters all melted into a pile of giggles as their husbands looked on, astonished.

“Ok I think that’s enough excitement for one day,” Gina said.

“I think we better all turn in and try and sleep as long as we can before little Marta wakes up,” Hayley added as the sisters and their husbands trudged up the stairs. They weren’t sure if was the alcohol or just sheer tiredness but the trip up the stairs seemed to go on forever.

Mandy could not wait to place her new daughter in her bassinet. She loved the first night home with a new baby even if she would be up every hour. It was a part of the joys of motherhood and she was sure everybody would agree with her even if they bickered in the morning.

Part 19~Messa

Messa rolled over in her bed and found the other half completely empty. Her hand grazed over Jim’s pillow as she wondered where her husband had gone. Before she could start to worry, the door opened and Jim came over to the bed. “You sure slept late today,” he said. “You feeling all right?”

“I’m fine,” Messa replied. “The kids usually wake me up though. Why’s it so quiet around here?”

“Everyone’s down at the lake. You better get up and spend some time with the kids before we go. You know you’ll regret it if you don’t.”

“Go where?” Messa asked, not having any clue what her husband was talking about.

“Don’t tell me the queen of all travel plans forgot what today was.” At Messa’s continued confusion, Jim laughed. As if reading from her travel guide, he told her the plan. “Day 12 will just for the adults. We’ll be driving up to Estes Park and having dinner at the Stanley Hotel. Morning horseback ride at Rocky Mountain and then back to the Springs to pack up.”

“But that’s tomorrow,” Messa reminded. “We have reservations at the hotel, I should know.”

“I know that’s tomorrow. I just figured if you remembered that you’d remember your plans for day 11 as well.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea anymore.”

“You sure?”

“I was thinking about it last night and yes I am. We should just do Garden of the Gods today and take it easy afterwards. It’s really our last chance to go and you know I can’t be here and not go out there.”

“So we’ll do that thing after your friends leave?”

“Yea, I’m not really ready for it yet and they don’t need to know. Not yet anyways. I should spend time with them while I can.”

“Suits me. But either way we should get going.”

“Go tell them all to get ready?” Messa asked. “I’ll be ready in 10 minutes.”

“You want me to get our circus ready in 10 minutes?”

“Oh come on, there aren’t that many of us.”

“Try counting,” Jim advised.

When everyone had been informed of the change in plans, the adults set to work getting the children ready for the long day ahead. The organization skills of the sisters paid off and they were soon piled into the cars and on their way to The Garden of the Gods. When they got near enough to see the red rock formations, those who had not been before gaped at the amazing features. Even those who had visited the spot regularly were in awe. “Television really doesn’t do this place justice,” Hayley commented as they all started piling out of the vans.

“Just you wait,” Messa replied as she helped Mike down out of the van. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

“Let’s just not get lost this time,” Ivy suggested jokingly, taking the hands of Jake and Shawn.

“We weren’t lost,” Messa insisted. Jim placed MacKenzie in the carrier on her back and she threw on her sunglasses. “We were just exploring what the park had to offer.”

“Ok, well, avoiding rock slides might be a good idea today,” Ivy said. “We have kids around.”

“Sticking to the trails is overrated.”

“Alright girls,” Gina broke in. “We’re here to have fun.”

“Arguing with Messa is fun,” SK claimed. Dave took Colleen and threw her on top of his shoulders. “Who’s leading?” he asked.

“Wait,” Mandy said. “Kid count.”

Shelly jumped up on the hood of the car and started going down the list. “Michaela times four?” Everyone laughed but when Michaela, Mike, Mya, and Kay all raised their hands, Shells continued. Soon all the kids, eighteen total now, were accounted for and partnered up with an adult. “And we’re off!” Sheida said.

As they walked along the largest formation, the kids strained their necks trying to look all the way up. Isabelle lost focus on walking and ended up falling backwards. “Can we climb them?” she asked, standing up again.

“Let’s keep those little feet on the ground, hmm?” Shells said. “Maybe when you’re bigger Aunt Messa will teach you to climb.”

“Oh, Messa doesn’t climb anymore,” Jim informed everyone.

“Since when?” Kate asked. “Last I heard you were scaling everything in site.”

“I just never got into it in Arizona,” Messa began. “I don’t know…maybe I’ll take it up again…sometime.”

“She’s not telling us something,” Ivy whispered to Mandy.

“I know,” Mandy replied. “She stopped way before Arizona.”

The two ran up to Andi. “You know something about that?” they asked.

“She just told me she had other things to focus on,” Andi replied. “I figured she’d get back to things when MacKenzie went to preschool.” They all shrugged it off and went on with their hike.

“The sign is still wrong,” Messa commented as they rounded one corner. Everyone looked up at the plaque that told the history of the park. “Messa,” Shells said. “How many times do we have to tell you that Sully isn’t real?”

“I’m telling you, it was his kids that kept this place alive!” Messa shouted, though her words were almost lost in her laughter.

“Oh no, she’s lost it again,” Ivy said rolling her eyes.

“You’d think that one of these days she’d grow up,” Kate pondered.

Andi laughed at them all. “Then she wouldn’t be Messa anymore now would she?”

At this point it had to be decided which fork in the road to take. “Well it’s really big rock or Messa’s favorite one,” Sheida said. “Or both.”

“The kids can probably only handle one,” Mandy suggested. “And I have a newborn on my back.”

“So very true,” Gina said. Let’s all climb on top of Messa’s favorite and then have our picnic by the spikes.”

Messa turned to Andi. “Since when does she know so much about this place. She called them the spikes!”

“Sometimes little sister, we do listen to your ramblings.”

When they had hiked back to the parking lot and across the street to the big rock Messa loved, the older kids were allowed to go climb on top. Messa got her camera out and starting snapping shots. “Can we get all the kids on there somehow?” she wondered. With careful precision and a few kids in strollers, everyone was soon around the rock. Messa got the shot and then had another brilliant idea. “Sister shot!” she called.

“I’m not being in any pictures,” Andi said.

“Hide in the back and pout if you want,” Gina said. “If I’m in this you’re going to be too.”

As the sisters posed and Jim worked the camera a man and his wife pulled up in their car and got out. “That’s quiet a crowd you’ve got there,” the old man said with a chuckle.

“Yes it is,” Al said.

“Are you all family?” the woman wondered.

“You could say that,” Ethan laughed.

“Messa, you’re going to fall!” Melissa yelled. All the men as well as the new elderly couple turned towards the sisters and saw Messa standing on top of the rock. “Haha how about a shot of me jumping down to the great horror of all my sisters?!”

“It’s your job to worry, not to be the daredevil,” Shells reminded.

“What kind of example are you setting for the kids?” Mandy asked.

“Oh come on guys, I’m not actually gonna jump. But you all should stop being so scared and climb all the way up here.” She held out her arms and leaned her head backwards. “Let the wind blow right through you!”

“I got that one on film,” Jim laughed.

The girls climbed down then and let the kids play a little more in the area. The old couple continued to enjoy the antics. “That’s a lot of sisters,” the man said, recalling Messa’s outburst.

“They aren’t exactly sisters,” Daniel said. “But you try to say that to them, they’ll have your head.

“They’re just incredibly close friends,” Jordan said at the couple’s confused looks. “As close as blood sisters, so that’s what they call themselves.”

“Oh isn’t that sweet,” the old woman said. “To have so many people love you so dearly.”

“And you gentlemen put up with their amusing antics quite well,” the man said. “How about a picture with all of you?”

“That’s a lot of people for such a small rock,” Al said.

“Messa will kill us if we don’t try,” Jim knew. “Come on guys, grab a kid and pose.” Before long all eighteen children and twenty-two adults (Joshua, Melanie, and Katherine included) were gathered around the large red rock. You could barely tell what they were on but Pike’s Peak was in the background and balanced rock was off to the side. “Oh that will be the best picture ever!” Messa beamed when they broke apart.

The sky began to cloud over then. “And it’s going to rain now,” Sheida grumbled. “I swear, I’m moving back to Canada.”

A few sprinkles fell and Messa began dancing. “Come on pour, pour, pour,” she begged.

“What has gotten into her?” Kate asked. “She suddenly has more energy that Michaela on Pixy Stix.”

“That’s just Messa at the red rocks,” Mandy said. “She’s completely forgotten she has kids and is just marveling in her spot.”

“Just wait until tomorrow,” Andi warned. “She has more “spots” at Rocky Mountain than you can imagine.”

“I still think something else is going on,” Ivy said. “She wasn’t near this nuts at Pike’s Peak and we all know what she thinks of that.”

“She kid was gone,” SK reminded. “Unless I heard wrong. I think that probably took the fun out of things.”

A clap of thunder reminded everyone of the storm that was brewing. “We should get the kids in the car,” Jordan suggested. “Did Messa wander off?” Ivy and Mandy looked at each other and then at Andi. “You guys take the truck and the van,” Andi said. “We’ll get her and then drive the car.

“Go ahead and eat without us,” Ivy suggested. “We could be awhile.”

“Going back to the cabin I assume?” Sheida said.

“And we have to leave?” Kate pouted. Andi looked at her other sisters. “You just wouldn’t understand,” she told them. “The three of us can handle it.”

“Oh now we don’t understand Messa,” Hayley grumbled.

“They are the originals,” Gina reminded. “Let them go off and be crazy.”

Once everyone else drove off with the kids, Andi, Ivy, and Mandy set off on the short hike to the spikes. Soon they stepped off and path and into the shrubbery. They wandered a little further and found Messa lying on her back in a small clearing, staring up and the huge formations above her. The sisters all walked over quietly and sat down next to her. “You wandered off,” Ivy said in a hushed tone.

Messa closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “You guys till managed to find me,” she whispered.

“You gonna tell us why you’re acting so strange?” Mandy wondered.

“I just needed a little time alone,” Messa insisted. “And you know this spot is perfect for reflection.”

Andi scowled, “Messa…”

“I was waiting to tell you all at dinner tomorrow.”

“Tell us what?” Ivy said curiously.

“And don’t think you can go and not tell us now either,” Andi warned. “You can tell everyone else tomorrow but you’re telling us now. What the heck is going on.”

Messa opened her eyes and sat up slowly. “It took me a long time to get back here,” she began. “Too long.” She took another deep breath. “I love the air out here. It’s so calming.”

“Messa. Talk.” Andi instructed.

“Jim and I are moving back,” Messa finally stated. “We’re not going back to Arizona. We were going to go house hunting today but I decided it could wait until everyone left.” She turned to Andi then, knowing she would be the most hurt. “I’m sorry Andi. I just can’t leave again. We can still write the book together but it’ll have to be via email and chats. The thought of leaving again hurts so much I can’t stand it.”

Andi saw the tears threatening to fall from her sister’s eyes. She took Messa’s hand and squeezed it comfortingly. “Hey, I understand,” she insisted. “You belong here.”

“We’re gonna stay at the ranch until we find a house,” Messa continued.

“Makes as much sense as anything,” Ivy acknowledged.

“You got this worked up over that?” Mandy laughed.

“Yea, I know,” Messa said. “I was just so confused. We were both so excited about it but I also didn’t know how to tell Andi and Gina. You guys have got to stop letting me have conflicting emotions.”

Ivy gave her a tight hug. “You wouldn’t be any fun if we did that.”

To be continued by...Andi!


ALF Facts a page I set up with all the facts about all of us...to make this easier to write.


Email: DrQuinnWriter@hotmail.com