Four Sisters

Four Sisters: Andi~ Four Sisters: Gina~ Four Sisters: Ivy~ Four Sisters: Melissa~ A Bond to Remember

Four Sisters: Andi

In the time of man
hours turn to days.
A time when we were strangers
quickly fades into a haze.

It was by some miracle
that together we were brought.
A sister I have found,
a friend was all I sought.

The tears we've shed together
you weren't meant to understand.
How you read me like a book
I'll never comprehend.

Although right now
we're miles apart,
I know forever
I'm in your heart

I couldn't have asked
for a better friend.
Separated for now,
together till the end.

Four Sisters: Gina

Alone in the darkness.
Life was falling apart.
Confusion consumed me.
Friends had not done their part.

No one cared if I lived.
Unseen was my torment.
Happiness was a dream.
Then you were heaven sent.

You pulled me from the mess
That had become my life.
I shared my heart and soul.
You helped me through my strife.

At last I felt worthwhile.
My life had direction.
All that I needed was
Some careful reflection.

Four Sisters: Ivy

I sat down on the bed,
still holding the phone to
my ear. I played with the
cord as it continued
to ring. You finally
answered in your cheery
voice. “Oh good,” I thought to
myself. “I figured you
would never answer.” I
laughed out loud, even though
you did not hear. Over
all the noise behind you,
I yelled into the phone
“We are meeting at six!”

Looking back, I have to
say that out of all the
birthdays I have had, that
one was the best. When I
watched the fireworks bursting
in the night sky, I thought
of you and ignored the
onset of my yearly
firework headache. Then my
family tried to make
that day hell, but meeting
my younger sister made
up for everything else
that went wrong that birthday.

The way I look at life
has changed since you entered
mine. If I wanted to
steal a flock of sheep, I
would come to you first for
advice. A harsh summer
storm would not be the same
without taking the chance
to wash your hair or dance
under the pelting drops
Why I have a sprouting
potato in my room
is a question I am
still trying to avoid.

We knew even before
we met that our friendship
was something more. It was
between us that our small
sisterhood began. It
started with one common
interest and soon sprang
into something more. You
are the one that holds us
all together. Just like
a vine of ivy that
grows fast and strong, so that
bond we share as sisters
forever shall remain.

Four Sisters: Melissa

I find myself alone. There is darkness
all around, save for one hint of light far
off in the distance. I sit in the dark,
no attempt to escape it. I find a
single chair and sit. Somehow in the dark,
I see a picture. Four women standing
atop a mountain peak, joy and triumph
splashed on their faces. A smile crosses
my lips before my thoughts change direction.

I find myself alone. Wondering
how can these people call me their best friend,
their sister. What have I done to make them
trust me so deeply, to love me so much?
What part of me brings such joy into their lives?
Don’t they get tired of me being so
quiet? Or when I get started and won’t
shut up. Is it annoying when all I
do is worry? Why are they still my friends?

The frame I was now holding began to
burn my fingers. I dropped it in pain, the
glass breaking into sharp cracks as it hit
the ground. The images inside the frame
began to fade away. My dear sisters
forever disappearing. I cried for
them, asking what I had done wrong. But there
was no answer. Only darkness. They were
gone and nothing could bring them back to me.

I awoke in a panic. My heart was
beating uncontrollably fast. Beads of
sweat covered my body yet I shivered.
I flipped on the light by the bed and went
to the kitchen for some water. When I
returned to bed, I simply sat there. The
dream still had me nervous. I was sure that
the dream had meant something and I needed
to remember every detail. I wrote.

Writing always made things seem better. To
lose myself in a story, in a world
not my own. To forget my worries, give
them to someone else. But this night, I did
not get very far in writing something
of my own. I opened my notebook and
quickly turned to the back where a few blank
pages remained. Staring back at me where
a few important words, “ALF. Finish ALF.”

Remembering the story my sisters
and I were writing together made all
the fear of the nightmare fade away. I
ran to my bookshelf and took down the large
binder of paper that contained our tale.
I started reading and soon was able
to recall all the things that made me a
good friend. When my sisters called, I was there
to answer. I kept my mouth shut when they

needed me to listen, but was more then
happy to tell my opinion when that’s
what they were searching for. When they needed
encouraging words, I offered them. I
read when they wrote. I worried about them.
A constant ray of light. I needlessly
searched for assurance. That I was a good
friend, a sister. I found that we had all done
these things. I need not search. I knew the truth.

A Bond to Remember

Across the vast and open plains, peacefully lived a strong
and proud people. With the sacrifice of their precious
lives, the west was cruelly won. No longer will they dance
beneath the soft moonlight, or wake with the sun. Their dreams
will not be fulfilled. But their legacy we will remember
for it was through them that I found my beloved sisters.

The sound of drums, beating in the distance. Four sisters
slowly walk towards the brightly burning fire. Strong
forces were leading them, the spirits of those they remember.
Around the fire, they begin their chant, calling on the precious
souls needed to complete the ceremony. In all their dreams
they had wished for their naming. To celebrate, they dance.

Under the pelting rain, the noises of a storm approach, Gina’s dance
has caused the storm. “Dances With Thunder” the first sister
is named. Her uncanny silence marks a time full of dreams
when they all first began to bond, when her words were strong.
To make it this far, to their ceremony, they cherish every precious
second. Heavy scents rose from the burning herbs. Remember.

Andi took her position, taking care to remember
her new name, “Walks in Faith.” A new dance
began as she moved slowly, carefully, for the precious
beads and placed them over her head. Her sisters
watched on with reverence. In her heart she felt strong
knowing her pain had led to the fulfillment of her dreams.

With feathers blowing in her hair, just like in her dreams,
“Crazy Horse” appears. A name they would all remember
from the history books. Melissa deserved this strong
name for she had held on. And now she could dance
as if there were not a care in the world. Her sisters
were there, all together, a time so precious.

To pay respect, Ivy was given the precious
task of playing the drums. Now known as “Dream
Chaser” she continued her slow rhythm. Sisters
they always were, now bonded in an attempt to remember
the lives that were lost. They shared another dance
and the ceremony ended, all of them strong.

To four sisters, the Native Americans were precious.
To the strong, loud drums, they dance.
Their worlds full of dreams. They remember.

