
September 27: I know, I know it's been forever since I updated. Life is just completely insane and it shows no signs of ever slowing down. A few updates tonight--
First, ALF updated. Chp 19 is now up. Go read. Alf No word on when the next part will come, but we hope to finish my the end of the year?!
Next, a new fanfic from me! Well, sort of. I'm doing something I've never done before....starting posts before the story is done. I am in the process of writing "Dorothy's Book" aka "My Town." I was going to wait until it was completed to post but that could be years! So I'll be putting up chapter one tomorrow (9/28). I will try to post a new chapter every other week but no promises. So if you want to wait until after it's complete to read, I understand. For those that like starting things that have no end, go for it. I will say that this will be complete one day. I won't abandon it. So...go or not.
Dorothy's Book

April 12: MORE ALF!!!! Yea someone is hyper tonight. Mandy's part 18 is now posted. Go read. Alf

March 31: Finally a new chapter of Alf!! I'm too lazy to put a link up here too but it's on the homepage :)

Janurary 20: Added Sparkle in the River Sparkle in the River

January 2: Added the banner Ganna made for me to the main page and the Broken Reigns page. BR won 7th in the 2004 Fanfic Poll!
Finnally got some of my DQ poems up. More to come when life is less hectic.
DQ Poems
Added a few more Ya Know Ya Watch Too Much Quinn When...

December 30: Well took down the holiday stuff :( Also added some of my fun quotes. Things they'll never say

December 8: Added a bit of holiday cheer to the main page. Hopefully will get DQ poems up by Christmas. Still have a few more to write. Also will get new 8th season story up soon.

November 15: Added info on the fanfic awards to the main page. Vote for Broken Reins!
I know I have been slacking on the updates, but I am hoping to have new episode reviews and DQ poetry up before Christmas or shortly after. Also, The new 8th season story, which I co-wrote with Mandy, will be posted after Thanksgiving break.

August 10: New part for A Look into the Future Part 16~Messa

July 22: I updated the DQAA page to include our newest member's answers. Welcome Rebekah!

Jun 15: I love fanfics! Mandy's new AlF chapter is up. The first chapter to my new fanfic, Broken reins, is up. A new chapter will be posted each day till the end. It's 16 in all. Happy reading
A Look into the Future
Part 15~Mandy
Broken Reins

May 31: Updated the main page with info on "Broken Reins"
The Timeline is back!
Fixed the episode review page to link to episode pages.

May 25: New ALF chapter by Ivy! ALF part 14

February 13: Added poetry! Sister Poems

January 28: We have a new member of the DQAA! Welcome Elaine by reading her questionainre answers. DQAA
I also, unfortunatly, took down Phantom faces from the site. It will be realeased in about 2 months and since it's copywritten, I don't think it's right to have it available online, even if it's copywritten in my name. Check out the PF page, which still exists, for more info, including the new PF webpage(still unfished)

January 19: Added Lea's Poem Check it out.

January 17: Added Andi's new part for ALF. Check it out! ALF

January 13: Happy New Year! Ok, I'm late, but hey, I've been at home. So today I took down all the Christmas stuff :( but I added a new MB for "A Tale of Two Sisters" it's read only, but if you've ever wondered about me and Andi, go there. It's our personal MB.

December 14: I know, updates 2 days in a row! It's weird! But hey, school's done and I have nothing better to dountil going home. Well maybe I do, but packing really isn't that important. So what did I do today?
2 new pages in the
Real History section. The Cheyenne and Custer
We have a new member of the DQAA! read Lea's questionaire answers here:

December 13: Merry Christmas!Happy holidays! Seasons Greetings! Whichever...added holiday cheer to the main page! Woohoo!! And due to me losing my mind and thinking of a bunch of new ideas, the Randy Trio pages and the picture pages have been deleated. They are being rebuilt...one of these days...
There's a lot new. Part 12 of ALF is posted
part 12~Messa
The new 8th season story, by me, is also up
The Holly and the Ivy
Today I put up some new pics here and there. But that's not important. I added onto my review of
The Pilot
Character Pages
Michaela and Sully

December 1: Posted part 11 of ALF Updated the about me page.

October 22: Added the essays I wrote for the DQ Times contest
How DQ Touched My Life
DQ Character I most identifyed with

October 6: Yes there are still 40 minutes left of the 6th so woo! I met my goal. Ok, not a whole lot new, but school has been insane! Not to mention the rest of my life. There's an announcement on the main page about accepting other ppls fanfics. Also, I finally got started on the pages for each episode. So far, all we have is the Pilot Check it out and let me know what you think.

August 16, 2003: ok I did a new intro page, let me know what ya think. And also updated the about me page

August 9, 2003: WOO! Updates! Ok so I got the episode guide and qoutes back up. And started a few more things. Will keep ya posted.


Email: DrQuinnWriter@hotmail.com