You Know You Watch Too Much Quinn When...

You plan on naming your first daughter Michaela and would name your son Byron or Sully but want to spare him the teasing *grin* so have decided on Christopher.
You dream constantly about a certain mountain man we all know and love.
You write DQ fanfiction.
You can quote most episodes by heart.
When friends ask you something about DQ, you do one of 2 things. One, You get out the dry erase board and draw it out. Or two, You stand up, clear your throught, and launch into a 20 minute explanation complete with actions and lines straight from the show.
You have your own DQ website. >br> You spend the majority of your time visiting DQ websites and message boards.
When your friends say DQ meaning Dairy Queen, you don't understand. Why would they want to eat at DQ...Grace's would be way betetr. DQ isn't the cafe!
When you are climing a little hill in Kansas, you look over and the view of the horizon reminds you of the scene in the Pilot where Michaela and Sully are looking for Brian. The camera frames out and you get a shot of the mountan. Yes it looked like that:)
While driving throughout the vast lands of Kansas, you look out the window and all you cn see is land. You are reminded of Dr. Mike looking out when she first traveled to CS. You think you see some Indians and are reminded of her quote about the Indians she saw on the open plains.
When you go to Fort Reily to visit your father, you are disgusted to learn that this was Custer's fort long ago. Throughout the entire visit, you beg your family not to take you on "Custer Hill" But they don't understand and the only way to your dad's room is to drive that way, so you sit in your seat and pout.
When your mom says you are going to visit Custer's house in Kansas, you freak out and beg her not to make you. Then you launch into many swearings of "Custer's an Indian killing bastard" or something along those lines.
While discussing a trip to Colorodo for the summer, you name off every real and non-real spot in the state. You must convince your mother that the trip must revolve around certain loctions.
When your brothers put on "Moster's INC" you yell "Mike and Sully!!! AHHH!!"

You name your cats Mike and Sully or Cheyenne.
You spend hours in every used bookstore dive in the city looking for some used tossed out copy of Dr. Quinn books
You think your boyfriend/hubby should grow hus hair long, get blue contacts and start wearing more leather.
Absolutely NOT!!" is your answer when your pre-teen daughter wants to read the DQ fanficiton you left open on the computer screen. The tv show will have to do. =)

Everytime your dad talks about a company called M&S Distribution you think "Ah! Mike and Sully distribtution!"
When you use your life's saving to buy DQ dvds
When you are constantly coming up with ideas for your DQ web page
When you waste time doing DQ stuff rather then working on your awaiting school work *grins*
you hope that someday you fall in the mud and look up to see a blue eyed-buckskin wearing-long haired-drop dead gorgeous stranger walk up with his pet wolf, to help you stand up!

On long road trips you list ALL of the actors and the characters they play and think up ideas for a 3rd movie
You have to think really hard to remember if the DQ story you're thinking of is a real episode or only a fanfiction
You tell your friend you're going to put in a movie and she automatically thinks it's DQ
You can take any conversation and some how turn it around to be about Quinn
You spend hours in antique stores looking through old TV Guides hoping to find a promo add for Quinn.
It takes you 1 and ½ hours to watch 1 episode because you keep rewinding
You think your history book is wrong because it left out the part about Sully saving President Grant's life.

You are on a train ride around a mountain and start quoting every line/scene that ever took place on a train in DQ.
When discussing the things you look for in a guy you mention buckskins(and get alot of weird looks from your friends)
You see a rainbow striped blanket type thing in a store and swear they stole it from Cloud Dancing.
While driving through a town you see a herb store and wanna stop and see if they have any Willow Bark.
On Trading Spaces Doug and Lori go to Beacon Hill and you completely freak out!! "They are going to where Michaela lived!"

When your brother calls on Christmas, you're conversation (after the normal how ya doin stuff) goes something like this...
Bro: Oh, did you know Dr. Quinn is on DVD now.
You: Dude, I already have the first 4 seasons and the 5th is on pre-order.
Bro: whoa. *pause* You used to be obsessed with that show. I mean, seriously, we could not interrupt two seconds of it or you'd give us the death stare. If looks could kill...
You drive to/from college includes a pass by a building "Quinn Lumber Company." For the next half hour after passing it you toss around ideas for how to get Michaela to own a lumber company in Missouri. No fanfic on the topic in thw works as of late.
The drive from college also includes another company "JS Tile." Everytime you pass that you wonder how you missed Jane's launch into the tile buisness.
You take the long way to the book store just so you can drive by "Preston Park Road."

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