It only takes one rotten apple to spoil the
barrel. So with travel, where the most elaborately
planned holiday can be ruined by something as
simple as a skin itch. The lesson to draw from
here is: never brush aside a skin rash or an
infection. For if it is not treated immediately
and correctly, it can bring about much discomfort
and ruin the entire holiday.
Plants And Fungus Plants do not have
a natural ability to defend themselves, so some
have developed toxins to ward off attacks by
hungry herbivores. Poison ivy, oak and even the
skin of a mango fruit can sometimes cause allergic
reactions. In any of these cases, quickly wash the
infected area and take an antihistamine to
alleviate the irritation.
A fungal infection around the neck or between
the toes is prevalent in warm and humid climates.
Here, the simple application of an anti-fungal
cream would usually suffice. Ulcers, on the other
hand, should be treated with some strong
antibiotics prescribed by a physician.
Sun And Water The sun and water are
natural sources of life and growth but they can
also be sources of pain if proper care and caution
are not exercised. Overexposure to the sun can
give rise to some serious skin conditions, the
most common being sunburn. While aloe vera gel is
very effective in treating sunburns, sunblock is
the most common preventive measure.
Bathing in rivers and lakes, where various
organisms live and breed, is another source of
skin disorders, more specifically, skin
infections. Many of such infections can be treated
rather easily with anti-parasitic drugs prescribed
by a physician. These drugs and lotions can safely
relieve much of the discomfort.
Swimming in the open sea also exposes the
holiday-maker to such incidences as being stung by
creatures like the jellyfish, sea anemone and fire
coral. The effect is a burning sensation followed
by an intense skin rash. Treat this immediately
with saline solution but never with fresh water as
this can cause the release of more toxins from the
Prevention is better than cure. So, remember to
take some precautionary measures like bringing the
necessary sun block or anti-fungal cream wherever
you travel and try to avoid anything that does not
look clean or hygienic.
With some care, it may still be possible to
have a wonderful, "uneventful" holiday!