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                               Per-Erik "Swede" Tornblom
Page  3

  swedeboat.jpg (28967 bytes)Swede DeepSea Fishing  AK    
swedescooper.jpg (3356 bytes)      ScooperTornblom                            swedecak.jpg (26665 bytes) Swede B/D swedehalibut.jpg (94064 bytes) Halibut  
  The Clan in Sweden    
One of the most interesting photos is Mr Lene. i dont know how to spell his name. He is world famous for his knowlage of plants and flowers. His photo is made all of APPLES. It is really too bad you cant see that in person. It was very big. Maybe 10 foot high and the same wide. The guy that made it had put nails from behind and then put apples of different colors on the nails and made hta picture. I happen to be there and take the photo of it. I thought it was really something. The was like a county fair right in the apple country back home in Sweden. .  
  S_dumbohoto.jpg (3034 bytes)  


S_dressup.jpg (3766 bytes)    

The Swede was our host in Anchorage AK   from July 30, 1999 thru August 11, 1999. 

Swede looked and acted to be in real good physical shape (as compared to when we saw him at Little Creek in 1998).   



to enlarge the pictures, klick on them.    The larger pictures will take much time to download.    If there is a picture you want from here,  write to The Swede in AK.   email:  petpidge@

The Swede was our host in Anchorage AK   from July 30, 1999 thru August 11, 1999.  Swede looked and acted to be in real good physical shape (as compared to when we saw him at Little Creek in 1998).    LouLou and I were given the royal tours of the area either by him personally or he loaned us his car.   Thank you Swede for helping afford an Alaska Vacation. Swede, LouLou and Doc Rio at the Indian Heritage Center in Anchorage AK.

We enjoyed the indian dancing and all their displays.  Takes one whole day to see.  



LouLou and I were given the royal tours of the area either by him personally or he loaned us his car.   Mostly his efforts to show us most of  Anchorage and vicinity.

Thank you Swede for helping afford an Alaska Vacation.                 E.   "Doc"  Riojas  and LouLou Tolentino



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