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Where They Were

((This isn't a written work, per se. Since I've been fiddling around with the year 1900, I thought I'd take a moment and show what various characters would have been doing then, to help illustrate how drastically their lives have changed in 6 years.))

In New York: Kylie Avenall says goodbye to her best friend Casey, as her brother Elliot stands by her side. Charlie Trisana applauds one of her father's club shows. Pamela and Rex Randis are kicked out of yet another lodging house. Percival McDohl finds another orphan, a puppy, in a barrel. Darien Ravinger begins work for a drug pusher, despite worries from his sister, Bridget. Brice Delmonte is being beaten yet again in his orphange, hoping that his friend Bailey doesn't suffer the same fate. Gail Celice is taken in by industrialist Silas Kontra, but becomes closer to his two sons. She begins her training to work for the company under the tutelage of Reaver Jones. Simon St. John smiles at his father, secretly fearing for his life. Jackson Leeds is transversing the city, trying to gain as much knowledge about its various groups as he can. Hector Guillame is arrested after smashing a piano in a music store. Leon Hallow commits his first murder. Wade Marlowe is hard at work trying to give his sister Sylvia a better life. A happy-go-lucky girl named Rachel plays in the street. Annalee Aldridge takes over leadership of a large portion of the Bronx with help from her brother. A young Sicilian boy with big goals becomes her chief enforcer in the war against Brooklyn. She acquires the services of an Irish hireling named Brodie, which will set the stage for the hardships that will befall so many of the others.

In Scotland: Leoder, Camille, and Clive Kurrmond are in training to become the next leaders of their mercenary clan. Their cousins Joshua, Marcus, and Seasaidh Carlysle are being taught battlefield strategy. Another cousin, Christian Montrose, is reading at a near high school level, while only being 6 years old. Nicholas Kinnison, a shy boy who is oblivious to all of this, befriends Joshua. His own siblings Ian and Paulette keep to themselves.

In Ireland: Angelica Connor is living in a peaceful, remote village with her stepbrother Thomas. A young woman worries about her brother in the states.

In Chicago: Sidney Richmond is learning the tricks of the trade to being a private investigator. His best friend, Elise Sontiego, is busy learning the art of thievery on the streets. They both befriend a quiet boy named Jedah Baptiste, who is apparently an orphan with no home.

In Russia: Natasha Fauntine is living comfortably with her rich (albeit criminal) family, yet is growing bored with the lifestyle.

In Atlanta: Georgia Vandemere, ashamed of her poor home, is already telling others a fabricated story of her rich father and their elegant lifestyle.

In Japan: Helena Senaka is busy training with her father's bodyguard, so that she will be able to take care of herself if her father's enemies ever get to him.

In Germany: Richter Kreutz is asked to carry on his family's legacy by his father. Wolfgang Faust is rapidly progressing through school, despite suffering setbacks due to poor health.

In France: Rosemary Bludcher and Garrison Duvalle attend military school together. Their instructor only answers to "Sir", and no name is ever found on the school roster for him. An albino boy loses his memory in an accident.

In England: Alexander Sikesmore prepares to visit his close friend Angelica in Ireland. Kenneth Hyde watches as his sister is beaten yet again by their father, and his anger rises. Anastasia Le Fay continues to wait for her "mother's" return.

In Dallas: Andrew Weston wins yet another marksman championship despite his relatively young age. Seth Cowley, lacking any friends, finally finds some in the wrong place.

In Kansas City: A young boy tries to convince police officers that the orange he is currently eating was picked off the tree by himself, and not stolen from a local vendor. The vendor swears that he will drive a railroad spike through the boy's head if he comes around his shop again.
