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Long Cool Woman (Anastasia)

The room is surprisingly quiet, considering the ensemble within it. Morg is standing on the far wall, sharpening his sword, while Talis is looking out the window. He's dressed completely in black now...a dark, deep black that matches his eyes and hair. Anastasia sits curled up in a ball on a luxurious sofa. She wears a beautiful black dress that also matches her raven hair, and showcases her fair skin. She is beautiful, but still, is not happy.

She has had many men throw themselves at her over the years. She is not at a loss for attention, but still feels as though she does not receive any. Men aren't drawn to her because of her personality, her thoughts, her words, her ideals, her dreams...they only come because they find her physically attractive. They could care less about any of her other qualities, or her heart. She wants someone to not tell her how beautiful her eyes are all the time. She wants someone to tell her the beauty they see behind her eyes. She doesn't want to be adored. She wants to be loved. Over and over she puts on a front of apathy towards such things. But inside she needs to be loved. To be told she is loved, to be told she is the most important person in the world to someone, and have it be meant for once! There is nothing so cruel in this world to tell one you love them and not mean it.

She rocks back and forth, staying in her little ball, trying to hide from the world. She is the one here with the greatest idea of what Alucard really hopes to achieve. She hates it, she hates him, but still is here. Why? Because despite these hatreds, she hates herself even more.
