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Warhead (Clive)

Life is a war. Make no mistake about it. Every single blasted day you fight a battle against yourself. For what? For control, my friend. Blessed control. Of who you are and what you will be. It begins as soon as the sun kisses your face each morning. Your kindness, your compassion, your love...battling against your hatred, your anger, your bitterness. So who wins this battle? Which side do you root for? Which side makes you feel the most complete? Which side makes you, dare I say it, content? Let me ask you a better question Einstein; how many times have you seen a flower-planting, baby-kissing, love-enamored weakling win a war? I thought as much... My war is over. The victor is decided. Do yourself a favor. Back the winning team. Stop your self-doubts, your inner conflictions. Love is a farce, as are friendship, family, religion, and morality. They will all turn on you eventually. However, hate nevers leads to heartbreak. Hate never lets you down. Hate is your confidant, and will always be there for you when you need it.

Welcome to the darkside.
