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Back to the Future (Damon)

Damon had sent the clones on their way, and sat down in front of a large console full of strange buttons. He pressed a few of them, and an image of a beautiful blonde woman appeared on the screen that rose over the console. The clone of walked over and stared at it.

"Who's that?" he asked. "Another clone you're going to do?"

"No..." replied Damon. "She was my wife."

How long had it been now? 50 years since he came back to this time in an attempt to stop a cataclysm before it occured. He still remembered the events before his departure like they were yesterday. A downside to running your brainwaves through mechanical implants. You remember everything...

In the year 3025, the leylines of earth erupted, spewing forth magical energies and creatures. By the year 3033, humanity was an afterthought, having been nearly completely consumed by these forces. A cabal of scientists, who had stayed hidden underground, worked tirelessly during those years to find a way to stop this terror. They found a way to seal the leylines, but what was the purpose to save five people who were dying as it was? They decided to send someone back to a nexus point in time, a key event that would determine if the future these people suffered through would or would not occur.

Unfortunately, the time travel device was but a prototype in 3025, and the final product was quickly cobbled together. It was not thought it could last more than one trip, and its energies would destroy any organic object sent through it. They had to send an android. But an android could not be trusted. Any number of things could go wrong with the progamming. The scientists then took a most desperate and unethical measure, one that had been banned for centuries. They placed the brainwaves of one of their own into an android body.

Marcus Kurrmond volunteered, having seen his wife and children ripped to pieces by a demonic entity from another plane of reality. He asked one thing before the transfer, to keep but a single emotion, his hatred. He did not want to forget what had happened, or the pain he felt. He would destroy magic before it had a chance to destroy the world, and in order to do so, he'd have to be utterly ruthless and merciless. No magic user or being could survive.

Damon did not remember how the process felt. He only remembered awakening to see his body across the room. Well, at least, that's what his optical chips perceived. There was no time to get used to his new form. The other scientists quickly put him and the devices he would need through the time machine. He remembered fading... fading away as his mechanical body was broken down on a molecular level. He remembers the sounds of the scientists screaming as they were torn apart by yet another magical creature. He had just made it. He was all that was left.

He remembered reappearing on Earth, a much different earth then he had known. A blue sky, trees, a bright sun that could actually be seen. It would have been beautiful, if he had the ability to appreciate beauty anymore, or had been able to smell the fresh flowers, or feel the sun's warmth on his skin. No, he did not take any notice of his surrounding besides the actually fact that they were there. He set out to work on his mission the moment he arrived. He dropped his given name and adopted the identity of Damon Starslayer, as he was a new being now. It was the efficient thing to do.

"A wife? Whatever happened to her?" asked the clone.

"She was killed."

"Oh..I see...I'm sorry."


"Well lost her."

"Do not apologize. Death is natural. It is also why humans prove inefficient."
