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Dead End

Age: 30(at time of death)

Birthdate: February 21st

Alignment: Evil

Species: Human

Powers: Dead End is a powerhouse of a fighter, who has developed his own unique combat style.

Profile: Dead End was a heartless man who originally worked for Gabrielle Alastor and helped train her pupils, before being hired to do the same thing for her nemesis, Lucas Athamas. His most prized student was Scythe Kinnison, but when he was killed, Dead End sought to extract revenge on all those he claimed 'weakened' Scythe enough to be defeated. After tormenting several of the lodgers at Ravenswood, as well as some of their friends and enemies, Dead End was finally killed when a number of them banded together to defeat him.

Quote: "Suffering is a three-course meal. To be fully satisfied, you must cause physical, mental, and emotional anguish."
