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The Last Dance (Demitri)

Take my hand before the last dance. Ride with me over the sea of time. Witness the immutable change. Gaze at the weary who never rest. I died to live. I curse my gifts. I am a joke, and I am a god. I bind myself with darkness, yet search for the unreachable light. So scared to die, yet so willing to. They laugh at me. At my failures. They look at me and see a squandered existence. They see a failed attempt at self-preservation. They see a hypocrite. Let them see the nothing that is not there. Their eyes will remain blind until it is too late. Fools spend their time laughing. The king who ignores the pawn falls prey to it. Those who keep their heads high never see the viper strike their heel. I am a very giving person. So here is what I leave to them. All of my agony, my anger, my despair, my insanity, my desperation. May it bring as much good fortune to them as it did to me. You have a right to hate me. I know I do. I am an angel who has lost its wings, flung to earth by its creator long ago. It is my fate to set this world ablaze. I did try to escape. For you. That is why they think I am weak. Perhaps they are right. I can debate the issue further over their graves. It is irrelevant right now. I only hope you can forgive me tomorrow.

Dance with me one more time. Before I disappear.
