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Live by the Sword (Falconer)

Where was I last night? Or the night before? Not in New York. Not in the United States of America. Not in the land of the free, nor the home of the brave. Not in the land of opportunity. No, I was in the same place that I am every night: a decaying, dying, decadent wreck full of false dreams. A place where your highest ambition went from trying to rule the world, to trying to find a scrap of meat to sustain yourself until morning.

I see the same scene play out before me everyday. People come to these shores seeking a new start, only to witness their hopes die before their feet touch the earth. The tycoons and the tyrants continue to dangle promises about all our heads, and continue to fail on their delivery. They do it just to keep us in line, and we keep jumping through their hoops. We are no longer able to see past them. Well, most of us. For my eyes have recently been opened.

I can no longer sit by and watch this game. I will be the people's voice. I will be a pillar of strength. I will be the finger on the trigger if so need be. The meek may inherit the earth, but they do nothing to evolve it. Violence is the oppressor of the weak, but it can also be their liberator. It is like a double-edged sword, although a sword does nothing of its own power. Its actions are determined by the hand of its wielder. Now it is my turn to pull the blade from its sheath. I will cut through all of this oppression and injustice, as well as any who stand in my way. I will ignite the fires of chaos, and from its ashes will rise a new order.

It is time to place the pieces on the board. Some will have to be sacrificed. It bothers me… yet it is unavoidable. No revolution can be bloodless. Surely it is better to die fighting, than to live a life of mediocrity with no hope of advancement. I would gladly die to give others the chance to reclaim their lost dreams, and die I probably shall. My own dream will live on, however, in the minds and hearts of those around me. I take comfort in that. It is why I can continue to do this, for it is all I have left. I do what I must. Yet in the end, if I am wrong, may God have mercy on my soul...
