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Take Me Dancing (Heist)

What a life. Ever wonder why you wake up each morning? Today won't be any different than yesterday, or tomorrow for that matter. Time is like a chain. Each day is a link in the chain. You progress from one to another, but they're all identical, and then you finally reach the end. Then you've got nothing. Nothing at all to show for your progress. Great, isn't it? Yeah, I'm never around. I bet people at the house think I actually have a life. What a joke. At least this way they think I do, and don't realize how pathetic I really am. I don't do anything. My life's never going to improve. And how's it supposed to when I've got no education, no money, no training… all I can do is sell papers, but I -hate- that. Ugh. All those asses thinking they're better than me because they've got 'real' jobs. Too bad they've got no 'real' brains to go along with them. It makes me sick. I'm a decent person, and these saps get all the breaks. Someone's getting a good laugh out of all of this.

Life used to be so much simpler. I could focus on the good things. My only concerns were "What do I wear today?", and "Where are we going dancing tonight?" Now, it seems I don't even get a chance to think about those things with all the crap being heaved on me. I don't know what to do about it It's not like I really want all that much, either. I just want something. Something that makes me look forward to each day. Is that so much to ask for? I just don't know how to get it. Doubt I ever will now. People won't ever see me for what I really am, or if they do, circumstances will prevent us from doing anything about it. Just throw me a bone, will you? Tell me which way is up, which door leads out, and which road doesn't come back. I'm too dense to figure this all out on my own. Help me. Just, take me away. Or…at least take me dancing.
