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Death's Door (Jedah)

Vic Dortello is a runner. A bad runner. He didn't think that the higher-ups would notice a crate or two missing. He was wrong. Guns aren't like candy. If you steal a piece or two, you don't get a slap on the hand. You get a bullet in the head. Vic knew that, which made the surprised expression on his face when we showed up even more pathetic. You should've just stuck to candy, Vic. It doesn't come back to kill you.

"He's headed east. There's an intersection between the two far boathouses. Cross through it and you'll cut him off."

"On it, Gail."

I head for the intersection, as Gail continues on Vic's tail. That girl can come up with a plan of action with just a glance at the surrounding terrain and situation. Her mind is like a steel trap when it comes to analytical issues, but God help her when it comes to more social events. Most people, even in the office, think she's cold and jaded. She very much is, but there is more to her than that. It just takes digging. A lot of digging. Lucky for me, I'm a patient man.

It's amazing what constant life and death scenarios can do to two people. Neither of us are very trusting people, but this job forces you to at least have faith in one another. If you don't, you wind up dead. With us, however, the trust branched out into something more. As we had to rely on each other for physical protection, we came to rely on each other for emotional protection as well. Everyone yearns for that, I believe, no matter what facade they showcase externally. We grew to care about each other, not just as comrades, but as friends. As the months wear on, and each day you realize could very well be your last, you begin to understand that tomorrow may not come for you to fulfill the desires of your heart. That is incentive enough for even two hardcases such as ourselves to open up to one another. Now I cannot see my life without her, and though having her by me brings much happiness, the knowledge that each job could result in me losing her frightens me to no end.

Focus, stupid. Gail always says that one day my mind is going to wander right into a graveyard. I finally reach the intersection and peer around the corner. Sure enough, Vic is headed straight towards me. I can see the fear in his eyes. I don't feel sorry for him, however. This was his choice, and his mistake. Still… I wonder if someday it could be me in his place. No, what a foolish thought. I'm smarter than Vic. I wouldn't leave trails.

I step out, and fire a shot square into his chest. Vic drops to his knees, and I fire once more into his forehead before he can hit the ground. It pays to be thorough. If you just wound an animal, it will always seek revenge. I do not enjoy taking his life. I never enjoy this job. I don't feel anything, actually. You can't let yourself. If you do, you'll go mad. This whole set-up is just a paycheck. Nothing more, nothing less.

I look over and see Gail coming to a stop. She looks at the body and tucks a few loose strands of her dirty blonde hair back behind her ear, then rests the barrel of her gun against her shoulder. She follows this exact same pattern everytime. It's almost like it's a salute to the fallen for their efforts in the chase. She then moves her green eyes up to match mine. I swear Gail can peer right into my soul. She should be able to. She understands me. No one else would. Only someone who has traveled this same path could.

I know what's coming next. A smile. This is what makes all the work, all the dread, all the anxiety worth it. Even more so than the check, if you can believe it. I stare back at her for a few seconds, than a few moments. She just gazes at me, quietly. Something is wrong here. Very wrong. Gail never breaks her patterns. She's much too routine for this.

"What's the matter?"

"They…found the money. From the Fauntine case. It was in your desk."

I don't bat an eye. Sure, I'm surprised, but I'm used to the unexpected. The Fauntine case was a month back. We were supposed to retrieve the pay for some goods that were never delivered, but the money was nowhere to be found. I know immediately that I've been set up. My mind starts to cycle through possible suspects, when suddenly it shuts down as I soak in Gail's sullen expression. She has that ability with me, and does it quite often.

"Gail…you know I wouldn't. And even if I did, I wouldn't be that lazy about it."

She slowly raises her gun to me. "I don't know…but I have my orders. After this job was completed, you were to be…disposed of."

I watch her. Gail had been a member of the office far longer than I had been. I know how loyal she is to it. I know how hurt she must be thinking I had betrayed it, and I know how hurt I am realizing she doesn't trust me. Regardless, she's stuck in a no win situation. She either kills me, or the office kills us both. I can't blame her for making this choice, in all honesty. At least she'll still be safe.

I have to say it once. Just once. I don't care what's happening right now. I don't care what she does. I want her to know, before I die. "I love you."

She clicks the hammer back on the pistol. "Don't say that! You never said it before…don't say it now!"

"I'm sorry for that. Now please, just do it."

Gail just stares at me. I see her begin to tremble slightly. Is she having second thoughts? I match her gaze again, and see her eyes glistening. She doesn't have to say it. I know she loves me as well. I smile.

"Go on. It's alright."

She shakes her head, and begins to lower her gun. My instinct is to run over and hold her, to wisk her away from this place, and this life. But I know that cannot happen. They would hunt us down to the ends of the earth. I will not let her live her life always looking back over her shoulder. I quickly raise my gun to her and she fires. I knew that would get her to do it. Her heart might not have been willing, but her reflexes are as sharp as ever.

I don't drop to my knees. I have no need to beg or pray. I simply fall backwards, so that my last sight can be of Gail and the heavens. She starts towards me, her hand over her mouth, and tears trailing across her cheeks. The sound of footsteps causes her to stop, however. It seems our gunshots have attracted some company. She looks at me one more time, and slips into the shadows. I look to the night sky briefly, oblivious to any pain that my wound may be causing. I am not afraid, however. Before you are born, you are essentially dead. So perhaps when you die, you are just waiting to be reborn. Maybe behind death's door, I shall see Gail once again.
