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Lucas Athamas

Age: Unknown

Birthdate: Unknown

Alignment: Evil

Species: Unknown

Powers: Lucas can teleport, and is invulnerable to physical attacks. He has a double-bladed scythe he uses in battle, and can channel flame through both the weapon and his own form. Lucas can also take the remaining life essence from a dying body. The true limits to his power are unknown.

Profile: Little is known of Lucas' origins or motivations, but what is known is that he draws power from the deaths of those around him. To this end, Lucas has no regard for life, and lacks the emotion to regret the taking of it. He views humans as nothing more than fuel for his great power, and some believe that his centuries-long machinations are leading to the destruction of mankind.

Quote: "Your whole life is spent running from me. Do not spend too much time looking back to try and find me, or you might just run headlong into me."
