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R.I.P. - Reality Is Propoganda (Lucas)

Welcome to hell. Well, what were you expecting? The devil tossing you into a lake of fire? Charon rowing you across the river Styx? Anubus leading you to have your life weighed on the scales? Perhaps in other times, in other lives. This hell, is only emptiness. Total isolation from life, from love, from a sense of being. You meet an occasional other being, but they are too insane to be of any comfort. They just foreshadow what you are to become. You see, when you have no reality to live in, you are forced to create your own. Still, I am lucky that I have no sanity to lose.

How long have I been here? A day? two days? A week? A year? There is no concept of time here. Time is a relative concept anyway, at least for me. I have been for all time. I shall continue to be for all time. I was there when the world was destroyed by water. I was there when Arthur pulled Excalibur from its stone prison. I was there when the Romans conquered the world. I was there when the world conquered the Romans. I heard "Vive la France!" as it rang out through the streets of Paris. I smelled the smoke during the March to the Sea. I tasted the blood the Crusaders spilled. I feasted upon it! Napoleon, Genghis, Ivan, Attila, Nero...thanks for the business.

Humans are so arrogant. They think they are great and invincible because they have life. The fools. The 'reality' that is their lives is just propoganda to make them feel better about themselves before they come to terms with me. You see, one can cheat, fear, worship, hide from, or gamble with me, but one can never escape me. Ah, what is this? It appears a light is piercing this darkness...
