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Ladykiller (Rachel)

Rachel had made it to her sanctuary. The small, abandoned church seemed to be the only safe haven from the rest of the world. The one point on the globe where she did not have to kill, or worry about being killed. It was just her, and her faith. What that faith was, she did not know exactly, but she did know she had it. She knew her mission was just. To protect as many as she could from the human vermin that preyed on the innocent. Rachel had killed many in her crusade, having lost count after the first six, the six that took up her very first round of bullets. She had found it ironic that the gun allowed her just enough power to gain justice, but not to take it a step further. They had each used her once, and she gave them one bullet each for their crimes. She also remembered the sheer horror of taking a life, and never wanted another to experience that. That was why she must do it. She had already been used and had already been bloodied. It was too late for her, another need not suffer.

But while her crusade seemed pure to her, it often seemed to please no one else, even those she was trying to protect. They always thought she took it too far. They didn't understand. Sure, everyone is someone's brother or sister, mother or father, son or daughter. But isn't it worth it to hurt those people if it means more will be spared from an offender's wrath? The law certainly wasn't taking care of them. Something had to be done. But still, it was never good enough. She remembered Wade's reaction to his sister's death. Sylvia was evil, didn't he see that? She just used him. But he was so angry and saddened at her death. He said he had loved her regardless. Rachel hadn't been able to face him since. He put doubt in her heart. Doubt about what she had been doing for so long. If she admitted she had been wrong about Sylvia, she would have to re-evaluate all her other kills. What if she had been wrong on all of them. No…she can't think that way. She so wanted to talk to Gavin, but he wasn't around anymore. He had left, without a word...

Then, this Demitri character comes along. Now, he's a prime candidate for her to strike down. He admits to having killed numerous people for money, even a few kids. Why can't she kill him? She's killed others for far less. Is it because of the little girl? Because she knows the pain that girl will suffer if Demitri dies? Or is it because she realizes Demitri is more similar to herself than she would like? She had been helping Scythe after all…but that was for a greater good…or so she had been told. It was all so confusing. Scythe said she was getting soft. He was right. She was losing her instinct. She was being forced to think things through more carefully. The line between good and evil was becoming ever more gray.

Rachel realized she had to find Demitri again. She was used to being alone, but she always had her convictions, and that had been enough. Now that those were in question though, she had nothing. Nothing but him. He was probably using her. Everyone used her. She was a weapon, after all. But...the way he had stared into was like at least a part of him understood. She was terrified though. Terrified that she was wrong about him. What if he crossed the line? What if her convictions, troubled as they were, told her he had to be stopped? Could she pull the trigger? Or would he shoot her down first? Would he even try to? Maybe they'd both go down together. They would have to pay for their own sins, eventually. Redemption had never been an option for anyone else, why should it be for either of them? Unless, was it possible, that redemption wasn't something you earned, but something you were given?
