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Reaper's Hand (Scythe)

Life and death form a rather peculiar parallel. While you are living, you are also simultaneously dying. Seems rather ironic, to me. Especially for one who was spent a great deal of his life taking it from others. Is that why I followed the path I chose? Because I could not distinguish between the right to live and the right to die? Or did death somehow make me feel alive? A peculiar parallel indeed.

I can see their faces now, you know. When they receive the word. Joshua. Kylie. Gavin. All of them. Smiling. Thinking that my death will in turn make their lives more fulfilling. Fools. I too once thought that another's demise would set things right, only in turn to discover the true emptiness inside of myself. Laugh at my death, while I laugh at your lives.

Yet... in some bizarre way, I wish them well. Why, I do not know, nor will I understand. The same for the lodging house that took me in without question. And Gervaise. I do not know if that child was actually mine, but I wished it to be. I knew I could not change who I was, but perhaps, I could help another not turn into what I became. I wonder what kind of future they will have… I feel exhausted. I finally succumbed to my wounds. I wonder how long I have been lying here? On the road between the two houses. On the line between love and hate, life and death. And at the end of it all, I still do not know where I am. A pity. I came to death looking for answers, and found only more questions. But as I look into the eyes of my creator and my destroyer, I smile. I did find one realization on my own, and there is one final irony to this. Scythe was supposed to have killed Nicholas, but in the end, Nicholas killed Scythe.
