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Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? (Sid)

"Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. Kind of a lame, stupid joke I know. Funny though, how some of the simplest and seemingly pointless things in life can teach us the most.

Some of my old friends took off for fancy colleges, to get fancy degrees, and for what? Is diagraming a sentence going to make you content? Is figuring the volume of a cylinder going to fill emptiness in your life? But the jobs you can get with the knowledge, they'll do that for you, right? Heh..I used to think that. I was just as bad off with a nice job as no job. What's the point of surviving if you have nothing to live for?

Though I admire ' least they're going for something. Seems I give up when the going gets tough, but then again, I don't know what I'm going for. Things used to be a lot simpler growing up. You could find joy in anything! Then life has to sneak up and whack you upside the head, hehe. Like big bad Lucas would say, 'There's no escape, no' Funny how death can be so much like life. You gotta go through both eventually! I just wish they'd come with a map. Something to tell me which direction to go 'cause honestly, I have no clue! And I'm getting tired of waiting...I want to know what's going to happen.

But..then again, if we knew our future, what would be the point of living the present? Heh, maybe that stupid chicken has the right idea. Just cross your roads, don't ask why. Eventually, you'll get to where you need to be..."

Sidney looked down at the gravestones of Jonathan and Marianne Richmond.

"Thanks for the talk, guys."

He put his hands in his trenchcoat, turned, and walked off.
