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I Dream Only In Black (Talis)

Black Talis lays on the couch with his eyes closed, trying to fall asleep. Sigfreid still lay asleep on his hair. Ordinarally the dragon would have removed the small creature, but at this moment, he actually kind of enjoyed the company.

What a strange turn of events his sheltered life had brought him. So many years in isolation, his only friends being books and memories. Then a number of days ago he met Silver War, the only other left of his kind, or so he thought at the time. She stirred things in him he thought he could never feel again, his emotions long having been lost in the emptiness of complete solitude. He felt happiness, sadness, anger, joy...all at once. He felt as if tomorrow could have more meaning than just simple survival.

But now she was gone. His library was gone. His future and past were both burned, figuratively and literally. Now he only had the present. What was he to do next? He had lost everything, or had he? Thoughts rocked through his brain, his emotions pounded his heart. Perhaps...there was still hope. That girl might have brought his emotions back to the surface, but they were still HIS emotions. HIS dreams. HIS life. No one could take those things from him. Not Silver, not Jade, not Merlin, not Lucas, not humans. None other would dictate who he was or how he was to feel. He was Black Talis, and he took pride in that simple yet powerful fact.
