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Quarter-Circle to the Right (Twist)

Jack sure has been quiet lately. I wonder what he's thinking about? He's just been staying in his office since the rest of the group got back and that guy who looked like Khan left. I thought he'd be happy. I know Jack didn't like that guy. He didn't seem so bad…but I know if Jack doesn't like him, I shouldn't either. Right? Sometimes I wonder about what Jack does. I wonder why he's mean to nice people, like Seachainn. Maybe they really aren't nice? Or maybe…no…Jack is nice. He's always been nice to me. I used to stay with some people who were mean. I made sure they wouldn't be mean to anyone else. Nope. That's where Jack found me. Playing in their blood.

They'd always say, "Simon, you're not good for anything, not even good for nothing." I never understood that. How can you be good for nothing? They were weird. They'd hurt me sometimes too. I don't know why, I did what they asked me to. And I -never- complained. Nope. I learned not to after the first time I did. I said to myself, "Simon, just keep that smile on your face, and maybe they'll leave you alone." Well they didn't, but I still smiled. I smiled when they screamed. And I'm still smiling.

Jack doesn’t hurt me though. Sometimes he gets upset, but doesn't hurt me. He taught me a lot of things too. Like how to be fast. And how to hide. He started calling me Twist, because he said I always twisted the knife. I thought it was funny. He'd say, "Twist, life's just rough, kid. You gotta be tough. Kill or be killed. People are miserable so you'll be doing them a favor anyway." But see, I'm not hurting anyone. No sir. I kill people but they're not hurt, right? They'll be happy now, right? Happy and free. Just like me.
