GameFAQs Message Boards: Adventure - WonderSwan Color |
Memories Off Festa
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From: Xim
| Posted: 1/17/2004 11:57:52 AM | Message Detail
This shall serve as a diary of sorts for me. Take a peek. First I'll fill you in on my history, then I'll update things that go on during my travels. What better place to archive my adventures than on the system where it all began.. kinda.
Xim Pictures presents...
"A History of Xim"
Xim Pictures production
Produced by Xim Pictures
My first account was made sometime in 2001, I'm not sure when. Since I guess it purged or something because I can't log in anymore.. Anywhat, That was my longest-lasting account. It got up to, I think, 472 Karma (I'll soon surpass it!) I don't like to talk about it much, because I did some really stupid things with it and annoyed a lot of people. That was my first axe, and I lost tons of alts (though I never used them anyway) with it. The only thing I did with it I like mentioning is I first discovered the board hunters on an old Atari 2600 game board. At first I thought that were weird, and a little funny. But the more I followed them on their travels, the more I started to respect their wit. Maybe I'm the weird one..
Then my second 'main account' only got up to 42 Karma, I think. Too lazy to check. It's probably my second favorite account, since I discovered factions with it, and actually became the second in command of one, and became good friends with the leader who I still respect today, though we don't talk much anymore. Well, I made it like on August 3rd of 2002. It got banned when our faction invaded a rival who we were at war with. They were always bragging about their "secret weapon". It turns out it was the message detail link. I don't think I was axed, but I didn't have any alts anyway, so I wouldn't know.
Then my third "main". It only reached 20 Karma, sadly. Probably my third favorite account ever, too. Heh. Well, with it, I started a semi-successful faction named Empire Volt. I believe that's where I met you. Made it in early September, I think. It was axed, along with several alts when my brother created a username called "PJayP". On a sidenote, why won't Boomstick come back?! He was cool. ;_;
Oh, and my other main at this time was the same as my second, but with an "i" in the place of the L, like I said earlier. I started a seperate, very unsuccessful faction with it. But one good thing came from it. One of my members was real funny, and I still talk to him today.
Then after that unfair banning, I decided it was best to leave the faction biz forever. If I hadn't been banned just a few weeks earlier, I probably wouldn't have been axed again. That's when I created Xim. Back on 10/16/2002, I'm pretty sure. I announced my decision on a "secret" meeting board for my old enemies I had known about for some time.
After that, I drifted here and there, to several game and social boards. But I never found a place I could call my own. The only place on GameFAQs I'd ever really felt at home was on that first faction. Then one day when I was searching on WonderSwan Color for a place I could belong, I came upon a, (although new) hunter starting a journey. That's when I remembered the board hunters. I had forgotten their main board and hadn't checked up on them for some time. And that's when I decided to become a board hunter.
I talked to the hunter, and he seemed pleased to see some new blood step up, so I followed him as far as I could, trying to match wits, but I couldn't. For the next few months I tried to work on my speed and humor, and got as far as somewhere in TurboGrafx. --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: Xim
| Posted: 1/17/2004 12:00:03 PM | Message Detail
But then I one day decided to check my old faction board, Empire Volt. It seemed some of my most loyal members had come back and were trying to restart the place, wondering where their leader went and if he'd ever come back. Now, I'd experienced the same thing before after my first faction collapsed, and decided to swallow my pride and go back to factions.
I managed hunting and leading the faction for some time, but it all became too much and I had to make a decision. It was either stay with my faction, one of the only places even to this day I've felt I belong on GameFAQs, or become a real board hunter and fulfil my dream of becoming like the hunters I admired. Now, I know it seems weird to admire someone who sits behind a computer going to random boards and interrupting conversations with witty remarks, but that's just how I think sometimes. In the end, I chose the path of the hunter. I stand by it, I have no regrets. But I can't help but wonder where the other path would have led me..
At this time, it was about April of 2003. For awhile I just kind of monitored the hunters and figured out how to be one with that odd sense of etiquette and special humor the real hunters of old all seem to have. (After all this, it's no wonder why I don't care how fast a hunter is.) Then, on May 24 of this year, I set out on my first real journey. The Backwards Journey. Going through all the systems in reverse alphabetical order. It took an insanely long time. But something happened to me while completing it. It was like I was a different person, personality-wise. I looked back at my older posts I thought were hilarious and wondered why I didn't think of something more clever. (Though I still do that. >_>)
Sometime in August I finished the journey. I gained immense knowledge of the GameFAQs secret boards, and even became friends with a few of the hunters.That's when I realized, I had a place. It was just really big. The secret boards were where I belonged.
Man, I said a mouthful of mayonnaise. Must dash. I actually was going to say more, but I'm going over to a friend's house to demand back my copy of Shenmue II. --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: Xim
| Posted: 1/27/2004 1:46:21 PM | Message Detail
Ah, I get the feeling this GameFAQs diary is going to be pretty empty for some time. This summer it'll be much bigger. For then I shall go hunting once again.
Lately all I've been doing is hanging out at DocProc's board (Mad Doctor) when I come to GameFAQs at all. I've also been shaming some invaders on Mr Agent Guy's Board (This guy I met a few whiles ago). It's kind of hilarious to think that three years ago, I couldn't outwit anyone on GameFAQs, now I can take on entire factions and win. --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: Smudge
| Posted: 2/4/2004 12:05:21 AM | Message Detail
Ahh, an actual written down history. I should do one sometime, though for a very long while I didn't do anything noteworthy. >_> --- "Stupid girls and their boobs and stuff." *stab stab stab* - Anonymous |
From: Xim
| Posted: 2/21/2004 1:34:37 PM | Message Detail
Come summer, I'm leaving here for Midgar. But I'm different from the rest, I'm not just going to find a job. Tifa, I want to join HUNTER. I'll be the best there is, just like Scummyroth! --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: Xim
| Posted: 3/9/2004 9:44:54 PM | Message Detail
The following is my actual original record of my backwards journey last summer. t's not very interesting, but if you're just nosy, read on. The italics are my thoughts looking back now. This is how it went:
5/23 I claim this board as my own. It shall serve as my home board. It is here I shall keep track of all my knowledge gained during the backwards journey and beyond. I shall complete the journey and become a full-fledged secret board hunter!
Yeah, this is the first post on what I now call home. This was the night before my journey began. I was so excited, I couldn't sleep! I just pretended to.. for 12 hours.
5/24 Just finished WonderSwan Color. Nothing much to report. Baku Jongg's dead. Dice de Chocobo's still goin' strong. Same with Gundam Vol. 1 SIDE7. Posted in some Secret TB topics. I think I'll actually try to find them all now. Saw Grace again.
..I really hope I'll be able to complete the journey this time. ó_ò
Ooh, here's where I could act like I knew the area well. And as you might've been able to tell from my early discouraged quip, it's only 'cuz I'd been through there a bunch of times. I always started over.. That lasted for about 6 months, until I actually decided to go for it. I had no idea how long it was..
5/24 Part II Finished WonderSwan. Quite a barren system, that. Nothing much to report. Saw Dawn7 and Duelist7783 and a few others. Moving on latah.
Actually WonderSwan's a pretty fun system to hunt. But thanks to our friend M14 REAL, I'm pretty sure that topic with Dawn and DarkCypher is gone. I really hate that guy.
The return of the return of 5/24 Just did VirtualBoy really quick. Like the system itself, its boards blow. No good topics. Absolutely nothing. DaEightOfSpades daily karma topic is the only real thing worth mentioning. All my posts were pretty dumb and not well thought out. I'll need to avoid that in the future.
An extremely common mistake among new hunters, but at least I was experienced enough to realize it. I wonder if everyone started off like that. Probably not.
I was a teenage 5/24 Just did VIC-20. Boy, that was tough. </lie>
Tags are for losers. </hypocrite>
5/24: Scum Bag's average topic rating Just finished Vectrex. Man, does that place bring back memories. Dark Tower, Fortress of Narzod, not to mention Web Wars. I saw a whole crap load of people from my past too. Kestrel, ZZtw0, General Cruz, Boomstick, WingZero208..
It's times like these when I wonder where everyone I knew as Lord Gamer went. Anyway, that's all for today. more tomorrow.
I did so much in one day so I could actually continue. I had it set in my mind that if I didn't at least get from WonderSwan Color to Vectrex, I'd just give up being a hunter right then and there. Contrary to popular belief, this was the actual turning point in the War of Africa. A few notes: All those people I mentioned were from various factions I'd joined/had contact with in the past that were somehow all related to Vectrex. And Lord Gamer was my first account. Oh, oh! Another interesting tidbit of mayonnaise: I saw Scum post here a few days before me. I remember saying something to him, but I forgot what. What's interesting was, I always wanted to hunt with him, but he was banned just two nights later. So, I never had the chance.... --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: Xim
| Posted: 3/9/2004 9:57:16 PM | Message Detail
5/25 Unix/Linux is done. Man, what a boring place. No factions or anything. So many empty boards.. could be a great place for factions, y'know? Anyway, besides a few Secret T B boards, nothing much to report.
Even though I don't need it, I'll take a break 'fore I start TurboGrafx 16. Kinda pathetic, but I've never gotten past that system as a board hunter. But this time will be different! I hope the other hunters will accept me as one of them..
Aren't I just a bright ray of sunshine that makes your morning cereal stay soggy? It was pretty funny how I'd gotten as far as I'd ever been in less than two days, though. ialatfttjh.
5/25 Got to Cyber Core on TurboGrafx 16.</bookmark> Have to get off now. More latah.
5/26 Happy Memorial Day.
*hands out golden cookies of deliciousness*
Yes! I finished TurboGrafx 16! My first big system as a hunter. I've never been this far, so unknown territory lies ahead.. I've got the secret board hunter thing down, I think. Now I just need to work at becoming as funny as Scum and all the others. Not an easy task. Perhaps if I read all the topics on the Crypt I'll somehow learn to be as funny as them... Well, in any case, that's all for today.
Never did become that funny. You know, looking back, I'd had several premonitions of Scum's banning. I got sort of this uneasy feeling seeing him on Vectrex, like I'd never have a chance to join in on a hunt with him. And on the 25 or so, Scum Bag was un-Suspended, not sure why he was in the first place, and I made a comment about how glad I was that he and the Scum accounts were safe and how I didn't want it to end before I got a chance to be part of Scum. Back then, I thought Scum and Scum Bag were related. Crazyness.
5/26 Bwahaha. I'm passing through on my quest through Turbo CD.
5/29 Finally finished Turbo CD. Took me this long because I had a few things to do at home. I also was a little.. shocked. What with the whole Scum situation and all.
*insert lengthy Scum rant here*
*gives 21 apple salute*
Good thing Scum wasn't user map axed. >_<
Man, I was crushed. This was the day my sig changed to what it is now, and what it will always remain. I will not allow Scum's memory to ever fade.
5/29 Did Small, boring system. That's all for today. Today was my last day of school, and I'm really tired. Played a four hour game of tips. Not to mention the fact I have only gotten about 4 and a half hours of sleep each night for the past... erm.. year. More tomorrow. Sleep good..
Sleep.. those little slices of death. How I hate them. Hey, I remember that! I suck at pretty much every sport but Basketball, which I'm rather good at. Good enough to be on the team even, but too lazy. Wow, I did all of this when I had school and finals. I don't remember how I fit it all in.. --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: Xim
| Posted: 3/9/2004 10:00:31 PM | Message Detail
6/1 Done with Redemption, Neo-Geo Pocket, and Neo-Geo CD. I've seen a LOT of Secret T B boards recently, so if anyone's looking, you'll find a bunch around there. In other news, the old 2000 topic in NiGHTS died earlier today.. ;_; I'm keeping a list of secret boards/factions I find. A 'master list' as it were. I'll probably post it when I finish the journey. I've only found one or two boards so far that have really sparked much interest to me. Ones only few should have the right to know about... But, in any case, I most certainly will not post them in the list. I'm not here to expose certain projects, after all. Taking a rest to clear my head.
To be honest, I can't really remember what I stumbled upon, but I think it had something to do with the GameFAQs database. This was the day misterbum, my first visitor and all-around cool guy, found my board. Um.. I'll continue this later. --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: DocProc
| Posted: 3/23/2004 8:43:51 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
From: DocProc
| Posted: 4/14/2004 2:37:48 PM | Message Detail
I'll post that on another board. |
From: SuPeR SpY
| Posted: 4/27/2004 12:32:04 PM | Message Detail
Will come back to see eventually. --- I see said the blind man. I hear what you say said the deaf mute. |
From: Xim
| Posted: 5/11/2004 6:12:12 AM | Message Detail
*bump* --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: NickBush24
| Posted: 5/11/2004 4:44:38 PM | Message Detail
Up ya go. --- Ma: I know why they call you Pa, cause you're PA-thetic! Pa: I know why they call you Ma, cause you're always riding MA ass!- King of the Hill |
From: Xim
| Posted: 5/24/2004 8:24:13 PM | Message Detail
Passing through on my new backwards journey. If I wanna keep up the same pace as last year, I'll need to get through Vectrex before tomorrow. Already I've discovered a cool li'l board I'm sure I'll visit again. --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: DocProc
| Posted: 6/9/2004 5:01:38 PM | Message Detail
I always like topics like this. |
From: slobr
| Posted: 6/16/2004 2:15:05 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, they're so friendly. Always there to lend a hand. --- õ¿Ô - All I want is a warm bed, a kind word, and unlimited cat turds. ¯¯¯ - §£øß® |
From: warutrid
| Posted: 6/20/2004 12:10:11 AM | Message Detail
Plus they have those little hook things you can hang stuff on. --- \/\/*3* Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things. *5*/-\ |Z*3* Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now. *20*|_| |
From: slobr
| Posted: 6/20/2004 7:15:19 AM | Message Detail
Be careful with those, I've lost many a beloved hat to those hooks... --- õ¿Ô - All I want is a warm bed, a kind word, and unlimited cat turds. ¯¯¯ - §£øß® |
From: Smudge
| Posted: 7/7/2004 3:36:16 PM | Message Detail
I've lost a few chunks of flesh, as well.
--- *Black Mist* We are the leeches that stop the bleeding. |
From: RockMFR 5
| Posted: 7/12/2004 11:28:28 AM | Message Detail
Board hunting is scary! --- The Polas: He is so much better than you. o_0 Currently playing: Mega Man Battle Network 4: Blue Moon (GBA) |
From: ravenwarrior
| Posted: 7/12/2004 5:39:51 PM | Message Detail
I missed you! *points to bullet hole next to Rock* --- Now that the new $20 is in, please send all of your worthless old $20's to me. Machine Gun specialist of the SOMUNIST AC team ~ Moonside |
From: Elite Gamer
| Posted: 7/18/2004 3:16:21 PM | Message Detail
That's why you need a homing rocket launcher, it'll be worth it's weight in gold as it cuts down on the number of failed assassinations. --- There are thousands of different ways to die, but millions of ways to live |
From: Groovilicious
| Posted: 7/23/2004 2:47:20 AM | Message Detail
*reads history of Xim*
*dabs tear from eye* Beautiful. May your mayonnaise be with you. --- ¤ Amber the Witch ¤ Warning: This message is poisonous ¤ R.I.P. Scum - 4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: Xim
| Posted: 8/2/2004 2:36:19 AM | Message Detail
*hugs previous poster*
Hm.. I should probably finish updating my history. Later, later. --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: Xim
| Posted: 8/9/2004 4:47:22 AM | Message Detail
We'll take a short break from my embarrassing hunting topic, to take a look back on some of the important events in my GameFAQs history. Lots of the dates I'm not too sure of, but they're all generally close to the correct ones.
27 Important dates in my GameFAQs history
Early 1997 - I discover GameFAQs, when it was called Video Game FAQ Archive. Commence mooching off other people's hard work without making any FAQs in return.
Spring 2001 - I make my first GameFAQs account, called "Lord Gamer".
Summer or Autumn 2001 - I discover secret board hunters and begin my lurkin' days.
Summer 2002 - Lord Gamer is banned. Don't cry for him, most of his posts were just Karma posts, after the new Karma system was implemented (the old one was cooler).
August 3, 2002 - I create my second account, "Kelt Jade".
August 12, 2002 - I join my first faction, Kestreliscoolland, led by our creative leader and to this day good friend, Kestrel.
September 23, 2002 - Kelt is banned. I liked that account..
September 25, 2002 - I create my third and fourth accounts: "Omni Volt" and "Return Of Kelt Jade". Omni is declared my third main, since the ROKJ is too long for a lazy person to type often.
September 26, 2002 - Following Kelt and Kestrel's bannings (he was banned too), Kestreliscoolland falls apart because our members figured we were never coming back for some reason. So, I set out to make my own faction with Omni, called the "Volt Empire".
Early October, 2002 - Volt Empire is doing well. I've gotten quite a large following for such a young faction. I have 10+ members, over 1000 posts, and have met some cool people (Boomstick).
October 16, 2002 - Things are going great. Lots of people like my leadership and respect me. Maybe this account will last a little lon.. d'oh! Omni Volt is banned, along with my other alts.
October 16, 2002 - Xim is created. Yay! I announce that I'm through with factions, as they take too much time, and cause nothing but trouble (even though my axe was due to a misunderstanding, not faction-related). My citizens are dejected, but they vow to keep the place alive.
October 20-28 - I create some alts I hardly ever use anymore (not like I ever really do use alts): "Frost Blast", "Omega Fireball" "KeltJade", "Atma Flare", "Ratchet".
Ocober 20-November 13, 2002 - I wander the big social boards/game boards looking for a place I can belong. No one welcomed me. Somewhere around this time I realized the only place I could truly stay were the secret boards. I begin searching for a little social board to become a part of.
November 14 - I decide to start on WonderSwan Color, as board hunters do during the Backwards Journey. On my second day of looking, I run into korn4ever50, just starting a hunt, and figure what the hell, I'll become a board hunter. I follow him up to VirtualBoy, but can't keep up, so I quit for sometime.
December 18, 2002 - I really decide to attempt the Backwards Journey, get as far as TurboGrafx 16 before I realize at the rate I was going, I'd never make it.
January 2003 - I decide to start the Volt empire up again. I get some of the original members back (Boomstick, omegamage11) along with some new ones (WingZero208, LilSephiroth, gcxxxx, jeffjsm7, TyphlosionEXplOsIOn, Scott Man 2 and more).
February 2003 - Things are going quite nicely. Even bigger than the first Volt Empire, I'm balancing hunting with maintaining the faction.
April 2003 - It all becomes too much for me, so I decide to hand power over to WingZero208 and quit factions for good this time to become a full-time, full-fledged secret board hunter. I drop in now and again in the months that follow, but never become a true member again. --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: Xim
| Posted: 8/9/2004 4:50:53 AM | Message Detail
May 24, 2003 - Thus begins what I consider Part 2 of my GameFAQs history. After a month and a half of starting to hunt and failing, I realize the only way I'll ever be able to complete the journey is to wait till summer. On this day, I set out on the Backwards Journey for real.
May 25, 2003 - After one day, I get to TurboGrafx 16, the system I have never gotten past in the previous 6 months despite my efforts. It is then I know that I'll make it.
May 26, 2003 - Scum is banned, shattering my hopes of ever becoming part of the shared account. But I press on.
July 3, 2003 - I begin my hunt of Commodore 64, the longest system on the journey.
July 19, 2003 - I finish C64, and have been transformed into the person I am today. I know it sounds strange, but I learned a lot from hunting through that system. I really do feel it changed my personality quite a bit. Don't knock it till you try it.
August 15, 2003 - I complete the Backwards Journey. My previous thoughts were correct, it really did take a summer's worth of time to do it. Not like it's the only thing I did that summer, but the summer of 2003 will always have some of my fondest memories, just because of the board hunting.
Autumn 2003-Spring 2004 - Not much happens. I basically just go around visiting secret boards I noted on my travels. Make a few friends, help out some ambitious new hunters. Stuff.
Summer 2004 - I want to make the Journey again, but can't get motivated enough. Maybe next year. I create "The Quest For The Lost Secret Board", a little secret board story starring some of the current big hunters in their search for a fabled secret board of old.
I know it may seem like not much has happened since I finished my journey, but next to the Journey itself, this has been my favorite period of my stay on GameFAQs, (despite CNET screwing stuff up and my considerations of closing my account). Besides, a lot has happened, but if I noted it all down, it would take too long to read since everything from this period is still fresh in my mind. I've made lots of friends and finally found a place I can belong. I am now one of those board hunters of old I admired so much way back when I was Lord Gamer. --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: DocProc
| Posted: 9/2/2004 8:09:11 PM | Message Detail
Wow, I haven't realized how long you have been coming to GameFAQs. You sure have seen a lot of cool stuff that I never had a chance to, and probably never will... ;_; --- Doctor by day, board hunter by night... |
From: Xim
| Posted: 9/4/2004 12:09:02 PM | Message Detail
GameFAQs is what you make of it. It can be good or bad, it all depends on the people you encounter. It's not like there will never be board hunters like the originals. There are a few board hunters around now that remind me of the old guys. slobr and dwimmerlaik in particular have caught my attention more than anyone else.
In less joyful news..
9/4/2004 - The day Molly died. --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: Aniland
| Posted: 9/10/2004 2:03:43 PM | Message Detail
congrats! You're finally an elite! --- My Gfaqs friends: mythdragonlover, Draek of Chaos, MagnumForce411, samurai bandit, Red Maw, The 11th Hour Leader, The number 1 peep, NextBigThingBrock |
From: Stryker420
| Posted: 9/13/2004 6:46:43 PM | Message Detail
Xim, they should make a movie out of that. --- |
From: DocProc
| Posted: 9/15/2004 6:22:43 PM | Message Detail
Xim, is the Molly you're speaking about, "Oh no Molly!"? --- Doctor by day, board hunter by night... |
From: RockMFR 5
| Posted: 10/15/2004 8:38:23 PM | Message Detail
So, did anyone ever bury Molly, or is she still in the fridge?
*opens the fridge and finds a gallon of sour milk*
Most excellent. --- The Ohio State: We are so much better than you. o_0 Currently playing: Pikmin 2 (GCN) |
From: Xim
| Posted: 11/6/2004 10:26:19 AM | Message Detail
..There are some things that are just not meant to be made fun of. --- ...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum ...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003 |
From: Groovilicious
| Posted: 11/21/2004 10:46:15 AM | Message Detail
I thoroughly enjoy the colour orange. --- ... l¯. l¯) l¯l l¯l l / l l . l l¯ l l¯l l. l (¯... ...l_l l¯) l_l l_l l/. l l_ l l_ l l_l l_l _) ... |
From: mario man4
| Posted: 12/3/2004 2:08:37 PM | Message Detail
Green pumpkins > Orange --- |\/|ÁRÎÕ |\/|@Ñ 4 |
From: _Minnow_
| Posted: 12/22/2004 7:19:40 AM | Message Detail
I actually read most of that and I wouldn't usually read stuff like that o.o --- o_//___________\\_o # of watermelons hurled at people's heads 6 /oOO]––––-–––[OOo\ |
From: NickBush24
| Posted: 12/24/2004 3:05:18 PM | Message Detail
I read most of the first post, but my damn ADD took over. --- The OU Sooners: We are so much better than USC. #2 Oklahoma University (12-0) Next game: 1-4-2005, Orange Bowl vs. USC |
From: man of videogames
| Posted: 1/3/2005 11:07:19 PM | Message Detail
Thats sad. ;_; --- I never get tired of playing video games. Still playing 19 years later. |
From: Zoop
| Posted: 1/12/2005 3:30:39 PM | Message Detail
You didn't miss much. --- Board 7303 - A good place to raise your kids up at "Yeah, I was afraid of this... scorpion hobos." - Crow T. Robot |
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