thnxs for being thea and when i need someone to talk to... you're the best gurl...remember whenever u need anything jux hollar and i'll be thea. i alwaise got your back no matter wat... thnxs for everything u did for me i'm glad to have u in my life gurl...Gena Lor
Ger Lo, Bee Lor, Larua Thao, Kelly Thao, Lucy Lao, Ker Cha and all my cousin out thea...
thnxs for everything..i love ya..gena lor
Brenda Saochao, Aimee Xiong, Mai Kou Vang, Carol Moua, Chao Vue, Julie Yang, Lori Lee, Sophia Lee, Debra Lee, Samatha Yang,Keo Chanh, Rophia, Mandy Thao, Kathy Yang, Blia Cheng, Lily Thao, Paia Xiong Thao, Jenny Vang Thao, Gigi Thao, Nancy Yang, Poryee Amanda Xiong and all of my gurlfriend out thea:
ya da best...thnxs foe everythin ya done for me...remember i alwaise got ya back so jux hollar ok...Da one and only Gena Lor....
hea is another poem...
Love Is A Bitch
Love can make you laugh and smile yet it can make you cry,
Leaving you in pain and wondering why,
it can also make you happy but at the same time
make you feel so sad,
Love it feels good, but hurts so bad,
because it can wipe away tears
but leave scars that never dissappear,
Love is nothing but a painful game,
leaving you with heartaches,
and you are know you'll never be or feel the same,
Love it's when you hurt so bad inside,
you start to go insane,
Love just comes and love just goes,
because you never know when the
pain will end or when your heart will mend,
Love hurts and love kills,
and though it has fucked up so many times,
Inside you know you love them still
Thas why this thang called love,
ain't nothin' but fucked up shit
because love
To My Homegurl Mary Ann Thao and Amamda Yang Xiong:
hope ya marry life is great and best luck in life with da man u love and ya better treat each other rite too... take kare of little Brandon Vang and little Nick Moua for me...much love frum your home gurl... da one and onli Gena Lor..
~~~~~RIP~~~~~~~ we all love u... we knoe ur up thea lookin down at us....We all love u very much... RIP Fong and Grandma...You'll alwaise be in our memories and You'll alwaise be in our prayers, heart, mind and soul... we love you......RIP......
never forgotten
i knoe you are missed
i know there is sorrow;
i know you'll be remembered;
forever and tomorrow.
fly high up above;
like an ivory white dove.
with a key to a gate;
for a place far and great.
now is your time;
because u were chosen from the start.
but even though you're not living;
you'll always be in our hearts.!!!!
To anyone i may of forgot....
I didn't mean to forget ya... ya knoe i love ya...take kare of ya self cause i kare....da one and onli GeNa LoR....
Thanks for droppin everyone....come again....