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Makis Restaurant in Antiparos Town
Antiparos Makis Restaurant Antiparos Makis Restaurant Antiparos Makis Restaurant

In Makis Restaurant in the harbour of Antiparos Town, next to the car rental, they serve different meat and fish-dishes from the grill, salads, and a variety of apetizers. The service is friendly, but without much attention. The Lavazza coffee is delicious, so for us a good start, we're happy. The bread comes in fresh, but the feta cheese on our salad is hard and sharp and I still tasted it the next day. Then we had to wait a very long time for our food, even though it was not busy. The chicken was way too dry and the meatballs in tomato saus so-so. The toilets in Makis Taverna were clean, but without seats. In order to get our bill we had to wait a long time again...

Our verdict: Makis could do better, so fo us a one time visit, 6 out of 10.

Yorgis Taverna in Antiparos Town
Yorgis Taverne in Antiparos Yorgis Taverne in Antiparos Yorgis Taverne in Antiparos Yorgis Taverne in Antiparos Yorgis Taverne in Antiparos

If there is there anything close to perfection in the restaurant department of the Cyclades than this restaurant is it. Yorgis Taverna has been about our favorite restaurant evensince we set foot on the island of Antiparos. It can be found on two sides of the main street that leads off the harbour towards the village square. The food here is honest, with simple yet tasteful dishes that are mostly home-made, the prices are low and the service is perfect. The bread for Yorgis is made by the bakery especially just before opening time. This taverna is always busy but somehow you are always quickly attended to, and always in the same friendly way. Garifalia, Vagelis and Bennos work very hard and are so friendly with the customers while the rest of the family works inside in the kitchen (where there is also a display so you can choose the food here instead of from the menu). We advice everybody to one day go here and try their world famous zucchini balls, crab salad or stifado, and swallow it down with some of their nice carafs of wine. Also the chicken souvlaki is roasted just right. You might want to try Garifalias special salad, a 50-50 crab and tuna salad that is not on the menu (yet...). Hopefully the final words of the evenings, dio ouzi me pago, may sound very often in this lovely taverna. The best place to end your day, Yorgis, where you are amongst friends, feel loved and get a great meal...and sometimes a tsipouri too much (Garifalia calls this strong drink "my fathers poison"). Update 2009: Garifalia is no longer working in the taverna and is now a full time mother. Her husband Vagelis and the rest of the family still do all the cooking and waiting on the tables. But...Garifalia did write down our order and said it was the first one she had done in a year. We didn't get a chance to tell her what we wanted though, she just wrote down our favorite dishes, including the crab/tuna-salad which is still not on the menu, ahah.

Our verdict: no pictures of our food, our plates are always empty, highly recommended, a 10 out of 10?

Despotiko Restaurant in Agios Georgios
Despotiko Restaurant, Agios Georgios in Antiparos Despotiko Restaurant, Agios Georgios in Antiparos Despotiko Restaurant, Agios Georgios in Antiparos Despotiko Restaurant, Agios Georgios in Antiparos Despotiko Restaurant, Agios Georgios in Antiparos

The Despotiko Restaurant is situated at the waterside in Agios Georgios. There is a view of the sea and the island of Despotiko. In the Despotiko Restaurant they serve several apetizers, fish, meat dishes and salads. The saganaki we ordered was not fried long enough and arrived after we allready finished the rest of our food (they had forgotten to make it untill I asked them what was keeping it fom coming to out table). The tzaziki was allright, and the zucchini balls were not bad (but we are used to the ones of Yorgis restaurant, so we are critical because of this). The Greek salad had no cucumbers, but instead tomatoes, paprika, onions, capers and soft cheese. Service was friendly and also fast, except for our saganaki. Clean toilets, but again: no seats.

Our verdict: reasonable to good, a 7,5 out of 10

Nautica Cafe in Antiparos Town
Antiparos Nautica Cafe Antiparos Nautica Cafe Antiparos Nautica Cafe

Nautica Cafe is situated in the harbour of Antiparos Town not far from the ferries. They serve breakfast, waffles, ice cream, yoghurt, crepes and all sort of snacks. We ordered a double espresso. It comes with a small bottle of water, home made cake and a cooky. No complaints here, good coffee, good service and a nice view on the harbour and the boats.

Our verdict: clean and good, nice seats, an 8,5 out of 10

Captain Pepinos Restaurant, Agios Georgios in Antiparos
Captain Pipinos  Restaurant in Agios Georgios, Antiparos Captain Pipinos  Restaurant in Agios Georgios, Antiparos Captain Pipinos  Restaurant in Agios Georgios, Antiparos Captain Pipinos  Restaurant in Agios Georgios, Antiparos Captain Pipinos  Restaurant in Agios Georgios, Antiparos

Captain Pepinos is situated at the harbour of Agios Georgios and the taverna is populair with the locals. They serve mainly fresh fish and wine, but also chicken and grilled meat, salads and all sorts of appetizers. We ordered saganaki (fried feta cheese), a Greek salad and a crab salad. The crab salad is made with real crab like you would expect in a fish restaurant and the bread is fresh.

Our verdict: good, an 8 out of 10

Zombos Taverna, Agios Georgios in Antiparos
Zombos Taverna in Agios Georgios, Antiparos Zombos Taverna in Agios Georgios, Antiparos Zombos Taverna in Agios Georgios, Antiparos Zombos Taverna in Agios Georgios, Antiparos Zombos Taverna in Agios Georgios, Antiparos

This pretty large taverna is situated in Agios Georgios, in the south of Antiparos, a bit behind the other tavernas that are in the harbour front. There are no printed menus and in half Greek half English you can make your choice. The bread that is served is fresh and in one piece, the white wine is good, the tzatziki is rich and full of cucumber and garlic (like it should be) and the zucchini balls are delicious. The Greek salad contains onions, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, paprika, capers, soft cheese and sharp old cheese: very nice and original. Also the filet in lemon sauce and the meat balls are really delicious. For us the best restaurant in Agios Georgios.

Our verdict: very good, a 9,5 out of 10

Anargyros Restaurant in Antiparos Town
Anargyros Restaurant in Antiparos Anargyros Restaurant in Antiparos Anargyros Restaurant in Antiparos Anargyros Restaurant in Antiparos Anargyros Restaurant in Antiparos

This restaurant is situated at the corner of the main street of Antiparos and the harbour. It is clean and well taken care of. They serve all kinds of original food and salads that are a bit different than you will usually always find on the menus of all the other tavernas. They have pastas, grilled meat and chicken and a lot of food from the Greek kitchen. We order a salad Roko with mango, lettuce, rucola, cherry tomatoes and parmezan cheese. It looks like a Picasso painting and it tastes very good. So do the fried tomato balls, the tzatziki and the espresso coffee. O

ur verdict: very good, a 9 out of 10

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