peleponnesos, Peloponnese
The Greek Islands Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas Peloponnese Naturist Beaches The Story of the Fig Leaf Villas
Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese
Messinia, The Peloponnese by Quee and Cliff Hobbs

Having come across your excellent website while browsing for naturist beaches in Greece I thought you might like to share our Greek experience. We first came to Messinia in 2004 just to see what the area was like. We had decided to uproot ourselves from our native England and settle somewhere in Greece to provide naturist villa holidays and sailing opportunities. At that time there was only one naturist holiday facility in Greece which was located on Crete. We chose to check out the area mainly because we could get back to the UK all year round via Athens airport easily and cheaply to see family and friends; also because there was a marina at Kalamata- essential for our sailing plans, and the icing on the cake for us was that it was only 3 hours from a ski resort as we’re both passionate skiers. When we arrived here in a wonderfully warm week of February 2004 we were amazed at how beautiful the area is, the wonderful wild flowers, olive groves of course, but also plenty of natural densely wooded countryside. And the beaches were just fantastic and totally empty- but then it was February!

Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese

So, full of excitement because we’d found our ‘place in the sun’ we booked to return to the area in August to see how it was in high season. Much to our astonishment we re-visited several of the beaches we’d seen in February, to find them just as empty in high summer! At that point we decided that this was definitely the area we wanted to move to, indeed, having visited many Greek islands in the past we had never found an area we liked as much as this one. It took several years of planning but eventually we had the two villas built, then the pool. We have done most of the landscaping ourselves and there are now flowers, trees and herbs around the villas and pool. We opened our doors in the summer of 2008, to a fairly good season, 2009 was much better and 2010 was an excellent season with both villas full for most of the 6 months of the season. We currently have 13 weeks of repeat bookings for next year and we are optimistic that our initial falling-in-love with the area is now shared by most of our guests. We do also offer non-naturist holidays (not at the same time as the naturist ones of course!).

Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese Fig Leaf Villas, Peloponnese

De foto's hebben we gekozen voor een korte geschiedenis van het bouwen in Fig Leaf Villas te laten zien. We zijn nog steeds bezig de omgeving te verkennen en zo van nieuwe wonderen te ontdekken om van te genieten, zelfs nadat we hier al drie jaar wonen. Wij zijn dus erg blij dat we de overstap gemaakt hebben.

© Hans Huisman, 2013
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