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Milos beaches: Lagada Beach in Adamas
Milos, Lagada Beach in Adamas Milos, Lagada Beach in Adamas Milos, Lagada Beach in Adamas Milos, Lagada Beach in Adamas Milos, Lagada Beach in Adamas

Lagada Beach is a small sandy beach on the north side of the boulevard of Adamas, only 100 meters from the port. On the way to the beach you'll pass a cave, a "hot spas" (hot spring, but I don't think it's in working order). At the beach of Lagada is a church and a hotel with a pool, the Lagada Beach Hotel (if you like it). The beach on the other side of Adamas is called Papakinou Beach and this one is larger. Here there are umbrellas and sunbeds for hire at a taverna.

© Hans Huisman, 2016
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