The Greek Islands Skyropoula HOME
Skyropoula Skyropoula Skyropoula Skyropoula

Skyropoula is a beautiful little island in the Southern Sporades, just west of the island of Skyros. It measures about 4,200,000m2 and has a 2 kilometer diameter. The island has three hills, the highest one being 188 meters. On one of the hills you find an old small church, the Saint Mary, which dates from 1726. Here, near the church, also one of the two water sources of the island can be found, and which was once used by the shephards that used to live on the island. The landscape of Skyropoula is covered with pine- and olive trees.

Skyropoula lies in between Skyros and Evia. The village of Kimi (Evia island) is about 20 kilometer away and the distance to Skyros island is about 5. On a day on the ferry en route from Skiathos island the northern Sporades to the Cyclades islands I passed it. On the south side of the island was a beautiful beach. It consists of sand and white pebbles. Besides this beach te island of Skyropoula has two natural harbours.

Skyropoula is one of the few Greek islands that is privately owned. From 1860 to 2001 it was the private island of the Antoniades family, a family with a rich military and naval history. In 2001 the island was sold to a businessman from Cyprus for a considerable amount. The island is currently (2011) again for sale. You have to put your hands deeply into your pockets, because of the asking price. For quite a bit of money yo can be the sole owner of Skyropoula.

© Hans Huisman, Ikion Hotel, 2014
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