The Greek islands Telendos HOME Kalymnos
Telendos Telendos Telendos Telendos Telendos
Telendos, Carla de Goede Telendos, Carla de Goede Telendos, Carla de Goede Telendos, Carla de Goede Telendos, Carla de Goede
The island of Telendos (opposite Kalymnos)
Map of Telendos, Plattegrond Telendos Nederlands

Telendos is a small island situated opposite the village of Mirties on the island of Kalymnos. You can get there if you take a small boat from Mirties (but I believe there is nowadays a ferry going up and down), although I've also seen people swimming to it. Actually it's nothing more than one rock in the sea with a beach in the front.

When I visited Telendos it had only a couple of fishermen's houses on it and one taveerna. Now I'm told that it has hotels build on it and has become a holiday-destination with its own spot in the brochures, but I'm sure it must still be pretty quiet. I remember climbing the island and finding thousands of pieces of old pottery laying around the hills.

The island was once connected to Kalymnos, but got seperated in an earthquake in 554 AD. This is how the ancient capital sank down. In between Kalymnos and Telendos people were diving for (and finding) old stoneware amphoras. Telendos is maybe nice to take a look at as a daytrip-destination, because it has a nice beach and an old castle, but I cannot imagine spending an entire holiday there. It's simply to small for that. Some of the pictures here I took from the net, others were send in by Carla de Goede or others.

Update 2009 from a visitor

I read your piece on Telendos and the information needs some adjustment. There is still a small boat going back and forth, each time by a different owner. Once on Telendos there are several beaches, very special and you can reach these baches if you turn to the right side once you are in the port and walk along the coast. There is also a small beach for naturists. There is indeed a hotel and there are quite some taverns, at least a number or 10. You can visit Telendos for a few days if you like peace and quiet, it's not bad.

Telendos, Greece, Griekenland Telendos, Greece, Griekenland Telendos, Greece, Griekenland Telendos, Greece, Griekenland

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