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Hey hey hey... this is my website, its kinda sorry... I'll be working on it...
Pictures---ShoutOutz ----Funny stuff----- about me----Links-----------Old journal entries ---------Thoughts, mood, ideas..-------) Read / Sign my guestbook----Contact me ----Martial Art

New music

Now Playing: By MC Sniper! Korean song....

i dont understand the lyrics either...but the beat is crazy...check out the background vocal...

check it out...i added a Martial Art section...still under construction tho...Martial Art

one of my inspirations...

"Wisdom is knowing when you can't be wise."

"If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize."

-Muhammad Ali

Another one of my inspirations...

"Gar gar gar gar...Im Arnold...look at my muscles...and vote for me"









Funny stuff

about me


Old journal entries

Thoughts, mood, ideas... (new~!)

Read / Sign my guestbook

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Martial Art (new)







Funny stuff

about me


Old journal entries

Thoughts, mood, ideas... (new~!)

Read / Sign my guestbook

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Martial Art (new)






Funny stuff

about me


Old journal entries

Thoughts, mood, ideas... (new~!)

Read / Sign my guestbook

Contact me

Martial Art (new)




Whoa...Arnold is actually in the lead...he has about 40% (as of 9-28) of the vote...hmm...I say we vote for Gary Coleman or Mary Carey...hahah

Im really gonna start focusing on school and SAT now...
SAT vocab of the day: Abeyance-(n) postpondment
who wants to be my study buddy?


Chinese Club
Me and Eric already made a Chinese Film Club...remember to join, and spread the news...the club is also planning a martial art performance during the culture week rally...anyone interested? contact me or eric...

Driving Lessons
Anyone know a good driving coach? Im already taking lessons but i dont really like her car...and shes kinda scary...everytime she gets nervous, she hits my lap... "aiya!!! too fast too fast!!!" ..."wah cha!!!"


Lets reminisce
I remember when I was a froshy...I was all scare even to just touch a girl...shy shy me...I barely had any self confident, I knew very few was a totally new place for me, I faced lonliness and found school to be boring, cold...Dance Focus class...a class i wanted to get the heck out of..."omg...we're the only guys in here...just us?" i remember me and eric saying that...and lets not forget that guy Jon..."do we have to wear tights too!?!?!?!?!" I remember asking Ms. Demmel that..."wuts up with all these ballet exercises?" ...hahaha...yea i know...what is up with those plies and tendus? oh warms up the feet and already starting to forget these dance stuff i learned...jk jk Ms. Demmel ...I still remember RICE and Gene Kelly...Snake Hip...our dance combo to Dancing Queen...and oh yeah! ...of course...of course...of course...i still remember octet...alright, all this dance talk is making me a bit depressed...

Good times...good times...