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HIYA!!!!~~~wah tah!

New Music: From Hero Soundtrack

Damn...this song makes me wanna get up and do some tribal dance...

Training technique

Kung Fu

Benefits of Martial Art





source of pic...

I finally decided to make a Martial Art website...pretty much because I noticed a lot of people became more and more interested in all different kind of self-defense or Wushu or wutever. I made this website to reach out to people who has a great amount of love for the art...

Curent Events:
Jackie Chan got a tumor somewhere...but dont worry fans...its not cancerous...

Jet Li turned down three movies, he said he is 75% focused on enlightening himself through religious practices now..
Crouching Tiger 2 in the filming...starring Jay Chou and some other ugly girl...


Read / Sign my guestbook

this message section can be used to exchange thoughts, training tips, motivations...etc...but feel free to leave messages that's irrelevant to Martial Art also...


Under construction...

new movie...Hero...coming to America soon...Jet Li and Donnie Yen with their crazy skills...anyone wanna borrow it?
I have it on DVD...i saw it 3 times...
read about it...