Shout OUTz!
Now playing: Dancing Queen by ABBA Come on the hustle...*clap*...turn turn turn...*clap*...turn turn turn...*clap*...Remember?
wanna say hi to my friend who lives in a farm with all them ducks and goats...Ivan... my Chino amigos...Sam, Alex, Jon, and Eric... Tiff...when does Claires open? been realli caring and supportive to me...just wanna say "gracias..." wassup to Karla too...ear still infected? get some neosporin or something... Frances...hey hey there...just wanna say "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~"...since i barely see you at school and to my Octect friends...Darlene, Priscilla, Elizabeth, Mia...maybe you dont know it, but your friendships realli mean a lot to me...From the Dust!!!~~~wooooooooooooo hooooooooooooo... and to belt! *oooooy...* air refreshener!!! shoutout to Natalie...ganstaaaaa~ Franny~be prepared...*evil laughes* hi hi hi to Nicole J...I wuv Phil..."but its pundin"
Special Thanks to Mandy...why do you have to move to Mississippi? heh... about them ice cream? my treat this time... Real loud shout outs to my senior friends...
if i missed not done with this section yet...