What's Going On ?!?
July 25, 20087
Not much more has been going on lately except for trying to end the summer semester. I did notice that the LDS page is down for some odd reason, but don't worry, I'll have it back up soon!
Okay, I've spent the last hour repairing the LDS site. Hopefully it works now and there aren't any dead links. I'll go through it in greater detail in the next couple of days just to ensure. Thanks!
July 14, 2007
We've had a few things happen in the last... year. Yikes it's been a while since I've updated this thing. Let's see, where to start? As for myself, Becky and I divorced as of Jan 10, 2006. I decided to keep the house and took on roommates to supplement the income. I have since remarried to a wonderful woman named Melissa who I love more than anything and am the most happy that I've ever been! I'm still going to school and due to graduate with my Bachelor's of Science in May 2008. I'll have 30% of my masters done and a minor in mathematics. I did receive a letter about 3.5 weeks ago that told me that I passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam! For those who don't know, basically it's an exam that qualifies me to work as a Civil Engineer. It's important to work as an engineer. It's great that I passed! I haven't fully decided who I'm going to go work for once I graduate, but it'll probably be the State of Alaska. I like what they have to offer in benefits, hour per week, and my being staff at the University now will roll over to the State so there are many advantages.
As for the rest of the family, Randy made it home from the Middle East a short while ago safe and sound and we're glad that he did. Katie is relieved and the kids are happy. The Neff family has decided to move to Texas and have their house on the market now. Rob's taken a temporary job there while Crystal finishes up things here. Carolyn and Jason bought a house and are enjoying all the opportunities to decorate and just have fun with it. Bobby is home from his mission in Ohio and is enjoying the single life for now. I bet it won't be too long before he ends up dating a young lady and getting married, but for now he's working and going to school to earn a Bachelor's in Civil Engineering. Mom's doing well being grandma and working in the temple.
All in all life is great and we couldn't be happier! Hope all is well with each of your own.
Janurary 16, 2006
This is just a quick note to say that the family pages have been
updated with new pictures of each family! This also includes a few
pictures from Bobby on his mission in Ohio! Check them out when you get
a few minutes!
December 30, 2005
A lot has occured during 2005 and to save time I think I'll just
run through the highlights! Randy has
come back from Iraq safe and sound and is now helping Katie herd
their kids. We're grateful that he is safe and home. Kylee and Hunter
both seem to be enjoying school, Denali is as loud and hyper as ever,
and Carter is now learning to talk. Crystal and
have purchased a new house and are busy making it their new home.
Joseph has turned one and is starting to walk. Carolyn
and Jason
had their second back in May and named her Autumn
Rose and
of course Jeremy is as big a ham as ever! Bobby
doing very well on his mission in Ohio and seems to be enjoying it a
lot. I spoke with him on Christmas Day and he is in very high spirits.
As for myself, well, that's a very long story. The short version,
however, is that Becky has decided that she no longer wants a life with
me or the Church and so we have filed for a dissolution (basically a
divorce but less messy). Mom has helped me keep the house and I
currently have one roommate living with me and a second is on his way.
The family has been really supportive throughout everything and all I
can do now is wish Becky luck and move on with my life!
February 19, 2005
Well, I know it's been a really long time and I apologize for that. Here's what has been happening last year (roughly). Bobby's on his mission for the church in the Ohio Cleveland Mission. He left in Nov. 2004 and is due back in two years from then. He's enjoy it immensely and we're all supporting him 100%. Katie's husband has been deployed to Iraq and all our prayers are with him and his family. We're pitching in as much as possible here. Crystal and Rob have a new addition to their family, Joseph Tallon Neff. He was born back in November 2004. Otherwise they're doing fine. Carolyn and Jason have moved here and rented an apartment and are saving to buy a house and getting ready for their new little girl due in May. As for me and Becky we bought a house last summer and we're enjoying all the joys of home ownership, yippee. Well, that's the rundown and I appreciate your stopping by.
April 15th, 2004
I hope everybody has their taxes done. Sorry about not posting anything newer in a while. I've been a tad busy with school, work, and my church calling. The semester has gone okay and finals are in about two weeks. The families are doing well. Crystal has found out that she's pregnant again. This will the Neff's fourth. Carter is getting bigger by the day. The kids are well and everybody is doing good which is always a nice thing.
January 23, 2004
It was brought to my attention that I should have a picture of Kate and Randy's new boy Carter. So I put one on The Russell Family page. Enjoy.
January 22, 2004
Well another semester has started. I'm still working for the University here in Anchorage in the Audio Visual Services department. I'm taking a Calculus III class, Chemistry, Engineering Statics, Chemistry lab, and a Psychology class. It's only been about two weeks of class, but I think it's going to be a good semester. As for family news, Katie has her little baby boy. His name is Carter Russell. He was born around 4 am on Monday, January 19th at 8 lbs 4 oz. She's at home now with her other three. Four will definitely keep her busy. Other than that, I don't know of what else I can add.
December 19th, 2003
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all!!! It's that time of year again. Some additions to the website. Under Steven and Becky's page I've added page for videos from the wedding. Right now I've only got one video up, but I hope to have more soon. As for other things, I've finished this past semester and as for my final grades I got two A's, two B's and a C. The two A's were in my Chemistry class (the lecture part) and my psychology class. The two B's were in Calculus II and Geology. My C was in the Chemistry Lab (a separate class from the lecture part). I was very surprised by a lot of my grades, but I was happy none the less. The spring semester doesn't start until January 12th, so I have some time to recover before it starts all over again. Becky is looking at taking some classes as well. It looks like she wants to try some business classes and some art classes. I fully support her. The rest of the family is doing well as far as I know although I haven't talked to anybody real recently, but hey, no news is good news. Also, I've added a few more lessons to the Church Lessons section I have on my LDS page.
November 29th, 2003
Okay, I know it's been a really long time since I've done anything, but I do have a good reason. I was doing all the work for the website on my laptop until my laptop broke down on me. It took me quite a while to get it figured out, but I managed to do so and now I should be able to start working on the website again. Finals are around the corner so I probably won't get too much done until around the end of the second week of December. I hope to actually get the website for Becky and I up real soon. I also have a few things that I want to add. We'll see I guess.
July 28, 2003
I added a little bit of a bio to the Smith Family Page. Carolyn gave me the info and I want her to be thanked for that. I've actually added a few things over the past few, but I actually forgot to update this page. I added an Adobe File called "Calling and Election Made Sure." Very interesting. It can be found in the LDS Section. I'm also working on changing the title on the pages. Nobody mentioned anything, but the titles at the top of the web browsers on some of the pages were funny.
June 23, 2003
I added a family picture to the front page. I also moved a few things and fixed some grammar in one of the LDS pages.
June 20, 2003
I added a few more pages. I created individual pages for each family. I also added more to the LDS Stuff. I also made some corrections to my short paragraph about me and my family. Thanks mom.
June 19, 2003:
I think the most recent news that we have is that Katie Russell is pregnant again. This will make her fourth. Heaven help them.
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