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2004 Anderson Hospital Continuing Education

The following classes will be held at
Anderson Hospital
6200 St. Route 162
Maryville, IL

Anderson Hospital EMS

2004 Continuing Education Class Schedule

The following classes to be held on Tuesdays

6pm-9pm - Anderson Hospital Cafe/POB

April 6th, 2004
Coroner Cases

May 4th, 2004

September 7th, 2004
Abuse and Assault

October 5th, 2004
EMS Jeopardy

The following classes to be held on Saturdays

8am-2pm - Anderson Hospital Cafe/POB

February 7th, 2004
Cardiac/ACLS Review/Treatments

August 21st, 2004
ARCH Safety
Trauma & Triage

November 6th, 2004
Assessment Based Management

Run Reviews, for Anderson Hospital EMS System Participants only, will be held:

Wednesday, March 10

Wednesday, June 9

Wednesday, Sept. 8

Wednesday, Dec. 8

All classed held from 6-9pm in the lower level of Anderson Hospital

For more information, please contact:
Eric Brandmeyer, EMS Coordinator
Anderson Hospital
6200 St. Route 162
Maryville, IL
Phone - (618) 288.5711 Ext. 501

This page created and maintained by Cory Heuchert