Homework Help
History homework!
Honestly, it's in
the past, right? We shouldn't have to worry about it! Well, unfortunately we
do. History homework is a lot of reading and writing, just like literature.
I'm afraid I don't have as many tips for history as I do for lit, but we'll
see what we can do.
- All right, about your junior year
of high school, you'll have to be writing those DBQ's or Document Based Question
essays. If you are priviledged enough to be able to take it home, congratulations.
Go to a history site and look up the basic idea of your DBQ. You should be
provided with enough information to write your paper. However, since it is
document based and you are given the documents, don't forget to add the occasional
quote or two and stick to the subject, otherwise you are just writing a research
- Okay, here's a tip on note-taking.
Most teachers don't have the time to go over EVERY SINGLE piece of paper you
turn in. For note-taking, remember that it is NOTES, not a detailed description
of the whole chapter. Outline the important people by skimming through the
passages and writing down the names you find. Then, skim the passage for dates
and put them under an important events section in your notes. For whatever
category you need, SKIM the passage... it will make your life much easier.
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