Narrated By: Snake (Original South Side Member....VA)
This is the story of how we came to be..
It all started late one evening, a friend and me were driving around bored when we saw this traffic cone. my friend was driving and thought he'd run the cone over. Just for fun. We ran it over it was pritty funny! It was kinda like hidding a curve. I opened the door and grabed the cone. Then I put it in the car kinda in the floor where no one could see it. We couldnt think of what to do with it right off, and we really need something to drink. So we stop at a gas station and went in. When we came out that cone pop-ed up in the seat and there was a cop just sitting there laughing. We took off in my friend's car, and that's when I had an idea. To put the cone in my friend Chris's drive way. So we headed to Chris's house with the cone. When we go there it was pritty dark, and my friend turned his headlights off so no one would see us. While the car was moving I placed the cone in the drive way. Then we took off! It was so funny! That's how we started putting cones in people's drive ways. We eventully started doing it to people we didnt know. Some other friends joined in on this as well.
The name South Side was made up by me. We used to know these 3 guys we didnt like that called themselfs North Side. We were wanting a name for ourselfs so I thought up. South Side one night when I was with some friends. Another guy with us we kinda enishated in after we just got the name.
The coning went on for awile longer, just plain cones nothing written on them. But it was South Side's doing leaving the cones around cars, tied to bumpers, in cars, stuck up in back tires. We even managed to set up a few road blocks! Then one day I had the idea of writing South Side on the cones and then leaving them, so now it's what we do.
For our senior prank the last week of school, we managed to leave 10 South Side cones in our school parking lot! Damn I wish I would have taken pics! They were so funny! We also mangaed to make the old South Side page pop-up on every computor in the school whenver people would get on the net. Also some of my friends, it's like 2 of them go around writing South Side, at places they go. Like on bathroom stalls. Still I wonder why...
Then one day I got the idea to Spam the site on other people site's. It was a succsess we were getting loads of hits! Then a friend of mine hacked some websites, leaving the message "Youve been hit up by South Side!" Sortly afterwords geocities desided to delte our page! But now we are back with angelfire as our host! To bad we didnt have back ups of the old pics. Some of them were from our 1st experiances.
Somone saw the old page and made a chapter of South Side in Tx! Withc was cool so we became the Va chapter. hopefully one day there will be lots more chapters!
And that is how we came to be..