Our "N" scale railroad uses the DCC control system and we have operating sessions at least once a month.
(Below) Enter into the world of the UPIT Railroad!
(Below)The ENGINE HOUSE is part of my Federal yard facility. The original Illinois Terminal Railroad Federal Yard and engine facility was located near Alton Illinois. Many years ago Joanie and I spent many hours there watching and taking pictures of the various IT diesel engines that were in and out of this location.
(Below) Unfortunately our space is very limited. This area depicts the open flat country (with rolling hills) in Kansas as we make our way from St. Louis to Joansville.
(Below) JOANSVILLE This is the most important city on the railroad. My wife Joanie is a tremendous help and supports my interest in model railroading which is a real blessing. This is especially important when you realize that we use two bedrooms in our very small house for this model railroad. This would not be possible if Joanie did not enjoy model railroading enough to allow me to punch a hole in the wall for the trains to go from one room to the other.
(Below) HELIX....WITH TRESTLE AND EXPOSED TRACK. Since a major portion of our main line is in(on) the helix, we tried to expose portions of each level so the trains could be observed while in(on)the helix.
(Below) BENNETT My grandparents lived in Bennett, Colorado and that is the reason I chose this name for this particular town. My brother Don and I spent a lot of time in this wonderful little town.
(Below) CENTRAL CITY The real Central City is located in the mountains of Colorado and years ago Joanie and I spent some time here exploring the mountain roads. This area is beautiful in the summertime.
(Below) After passing though the wall from the first bedroom into the second one we arrive in Los Angeles.
(Below) WILSON-YARD The real Illinois Terminal Railroad had a Wilson yard in Northern Illinois near East Peoria, Illinois. The track nearest the front edge of the layout is the lead to Hermanville and the four staging tracks in the background.
(Below) Past Wilson yard to the new trackage which is Hermanville with four staging tracks in the background. These four stagings tracks carried the railroad to "points beyond".
The last photos show our "Dispatcher" position and on the left hand side the controls for the turnouts on the new staging tracks. We sure had a grand time with "operations" on this "N" scale railroad.
As is true of most model railroad layouts, this one was not finished. Yet it was a source of many hours of enjoyment and with considerable reluctance the decision was made to tear it down. We hope a new and improved UPIT will soon be in operation.
We hope you have enjoyed your visit to the UPIT Railroad as we have enjoyed having you, please come again!
Friends who have helped build this railroad.
My wife Joan, (Superintendent of the UPIT RR).
Loren Neufeld MMR, (Designed original trackplan and helped build helix).
Dale Farney, (Helped lay some track and install some of turnouts).
Rich Businger (Electronics).
Peter Bryan
Dale Farney
John Scott
Raymond Steere
Bob Sandhaas
Peter Vanvliet
Bill Wright