A Lice and a Flea

You may know that a lice and a flea both are parasites and live on the blood of humans and animals. The flea jumps as it goes from one place to another like a grasshopper. A lice has a black spot on its black. Here is a folk tale about how the lice got a black spot on his back.

Many years ago, a lice and a flea became close friends. They built a house and started to live there. Once they found some grains of rice while cleaning their house. They cooked the rice, however, the rice was not enough for both of them. Therefore, they made an agreement. According to the agreement, the one that could come first with a load of fire wood would eat the rice. Both of them went into the jungle together and started to collect wood.

They wasted no time collecting a full load of wood. After that they began the return to their house. Whenever the flea jumped with the load of wood, the strap with which he was carrying the wood broke. So he had to tie the strap every time he jumped. That took him a lot of time coming home. On the other hand, there was no problem for the lice like that. So he arrived much earlier in the house and ate the rice. Then he put his feces in the pot and covered it with some rice. He hid behind a wall and waited for his friend.

At last the flea arrived, hungry and tired. He saw nobody at home. He saw that there was rice in the pot. He immediately opened the lid and ate a mouthful of rice. However, he soon realized that his friend had cheated him. He became very angry and started to scold his friend. On the other hand, the lice, who was hiding behind the wall couldn't stop laughing. Finding where his friend was hiding, the flea took a burning piece of wood and hit him. Thus, the back of the lice was burnt severely. From that time on the lice has had a black spot on its back.