The story of the foolish lion and the clever rabbit
The story of the monkey and the crocodile
The story of the elephant and the sparrow
The Story of the Blue jackal
The greedy jackal
The heron and the crab
The crows and the serpent
The swan and the owl
The geese and the tortoise
The bird with two necks
The jackal and the drum
The heron, serpent and the mongoose
The mice and the elephants
The cat partridge and the hare
The gold giving serpent
The day dreaming priest
The mongoose and the farmer's wife
The sage's daughter
The moon lake
The fox reared by the lion
The brahmin's gift
The Transformed Mouse Seeks a Bridegroom
The Crocodile, the Brahman, and the Fox
The Fish That Were Too Clever
The Two-Headed Weaver
The Foolish Friend
The Broken Pot
Dharmabuddhi and Papbuddhi
The Bullock's Balls
The Dog That Went Abroad
The Enchanted Brahman's Son