Once upon a time a thief stole a bell from a village. While he was running away a tiger attacked him and killed him. After some time a monkey passed that way. It found the bell and carried it home. Every night it would sit on the top of a hill in the forest and ring the bell.
The people of the village were afraid of the noise. They thought that a giant was haunting their village.
There was an old woman in that village. She knew the whole secret. So she went to the king and said: "Please give me some money and I shall kill the giant and bring gladness to your Majesty and the people. The king granted her request.
The old woman received the money and bought some peas, groundnuts and plantains, and pretended to use them for worship. After this, she went to the forest and scattered these things on all sides. The monkey seeing this left the bell and ran to pick up the eatables. The old woman carried away the bell and hid it in a pot in her house.
That night there was no noise. The people slept soundly and were happy. The king hearing the news sent for the old woman. The old woman came and received the thanks of all. The king gave her valuable presents.
Moral:Do not be afraid of trifles.