The Smart Boy's Story

One day a long, long time ago, a king lived in a village. His name was Cha Lue. Outside his house, there were many soldiers to protect him, and he had five people to work with him. At that time, his uncle was in that group too. One day Cha Lue thought about making his uncle go crazy. (I mean Cha Lue decided to kick his uncle out of that group). One day Cha Lue made himself very sick, and for about a week, Cha Lue didn't wake up. He just slept all day. One day his uncle came to talk to him. His uncle said, ''How are you today, Mr. Cha Lue?''

Then Cha Lue said, "I'm very sick. I think I'll die soon.''

His uncle said, ''No, No. You will be better someday, and if you want something, I'll go to find it for you.''

Mr. Cha Lue said, ''Oh! I really want something.''

Then his uncle said, "What do you want?"

Cha Lue said, ''The thing I want is just some eggs. If you find some for me, soon I'll be better."

His uncle said, ''Oh!!!! Okay, don't worry about it. How many do you want?''

Then Cha Lue said, ''You won't be happy about the eggs I'm talking about. The eggs I'm talking about are not chicken eggs."

His uncle said, ''If you don't want those, which eggs do you want?''

Mr. Cha Lue said, ''You know the eggs I want are just rooster eggs. If you do not find the eggs for me after three days, I'll kill you before I die.''

At that time his uncle fell down under the table. He said, ''Please don't kill me. I'll find the eggs for you.''

Cha Lue said,'' Right now I won't kill you, but after three days, if you can't find the eggs I'll kill you.''

Then his uncle said, ''Okay, I can promise you.'' After that he went to find some farmers and asked about rooster eggs. Some people said, ''No, we don't have them." Some people said, ''Are you crazy?'' Then he was very sad. The last day he brought many soldiers with him to search all the farms, but they didn't find any rooster eggs at all. When he came home, his face was very dark, and he was very, very sad because he didn't want to die. By night, he had a fever, and he was thinking, ''Tomorrow I'll die,'' but he really loved his wife and his son. His son was thirteen years old. At that time, his dad never talked and wasn't happy. Then his son came to his room, and he said, ''Dad, why are you very sad today? What happened to you?''

Then his dad said, ''Go away from me.''

Then Smart said,'' If you have some problems, you must tell me'' (I mean Smart was his son's name). ''If I have a good idea, I must help you.''

Then his dad said, ''Please leave me alone. You are very young. You don't know an old man's problems."

Smart said, ''Please tell me.''

Then his dad said, ''Ok, I'll tell you.'' Then he told his son all about what the king had said.

His son said, ''Oh, Okay. I understand,'' and his son said, ''Tomorrow morning you will stay home. I must go to talk to Cha Lue,'' but his dad said, ''No, don't go. I'll go because Cha Lue will kill you. I am too old. I must go. If they kill me, you have to be a good boy and take care of the family, okay?'' Then his dad started to cry. Smart said, ''Dad, don't cry. I must help you.'' His dad said,''Okay, if you want to help me, you will go to talk to him tomorrow.''

The next morning, his son went to the king's house. The king said,''Why didn't your father come to talk to me today? I think he is very scared that I will kill him. That's why he has not come to meet me and talk to me.''

Then Smart said,''No my father is having a baby, and he is in labor. That's why he cannot come to talk to you and I had to come and talk to you instead.''

Mr. Cha Lue said,''Are you crazy? Don't you know a man cannot give birth to a baby?''

Then Smart said,''I know, but you don't know. If you know a man cannot have a baby, I think a rooster cannot hatch eggs, either.'' Mr. Cha Lue was very embarrassed. Then he ran to the forest. All the people in his state elected his uncle to be the new king. (The moral of this story is if you have a good boy, you will be better in the future. If you have a bad boy, your life will be like a waterfall. But I hope you don't have a bad boy).

by Houa Yang