The Story of Mongly

A long, long time ago, a man lived in a small village far from the city. His name was Mongly. One day Mongly went to his farm. Then he saw many ants coming to cut the leaves on a tree, so Mongly helped them cut the leaves. When he had finished cutting the leaves, he fell down, very tired. Then he sat down and slept next to the tree. Mongly had a goiter on his neck, so the ants operated on his neck.

When Mongly woke up, he saw many ants around him. Then Mongly said, ''Why did you operate on my neck?"

All the ants said, ''Because you helped us cut some leaves. Then we had to help you, too, but remember one more thing. If you go home, for three days, you can't speak or say anything to another person. Then your goiter will be gone." Then Mongly said, ''If I say anything, what will happen?"

"If you say anything, you will die after ten minutes," the ants said.

Then Mongly said, "Thank you."

Then Mongly went home, and he never talked, but he helped his wife and took care of his son like he had before (I mean he never changed his behavior). But his wife was confused about him. The next day in the afternoon, his wife was very mad at him because he never talked to her.

Then he went to sit outside, and he was looking at a pig, so his wife thought maybe the pig made Mongly not able to talk. Then his wife picked up a gun and shot the pig. Mongly was very angry at his wife, but he couldn't say anything. Then he went in the house and went to sleep.

On the last day in the morning, all the ants told his daughter to go to play a game outside. Mongly stayed inside, but he opened the door and looked at his daughter, so his wife thought maybe his daughter made him not able to talk. Then his wife picked up a knife and was going to kill her little girl, but right then, her sweet husband ran as fast as he could to stop it. He finally spoke. "Darling, you know, there's nothing wrong with me or our child. But let me tell you this. I have promised the ants not to talk or speak to anyone for only three days, and honey, you have ruined it. Today was my last day. Then everything would have been the same way as always." Then the husband said, "Once before I die, I will give you some advice. You must let my daughter go to school and get an education. You know, I am going to die because of no education. If I could write, I would just have written a note to you and let you know what was happening, but I don't know how to write, so now I am dying."

About a week later, the woman and her child went to town and went to the school. I believe you must let your child go to school.

by Houa Yang