A Story of Love

A long time ago, one girlfriend and one boyfriend loved each other so much. But the boyfriend didn't have enough money to marry her, so the girlfriend told that boyfriend he should go to work and get some money to marry her.

After that, he went to work. She missed him so much that she became sick. She waited and waited for a few days, but he didn't come back home, so two days later, she died. All the people who lived in that valley moved to another valley because they were scared of her ghost. After that, the boyfriend came home, but he didn't know that his girlfriend had died. He went to see his girlfriend, but some people who lived in his valley told him that his girlfriend had died five days before and the people who lived that valley had all moved, but he didn't believe the people.

When he got to the mountain, he saw his girlfriend still giving some rice to the chickens to eat, so he thought that she wasn't dead. When he got there, his girlfriend went into the house, so he went into the house, too, but it was too dark and very cold. He asked his girlfriend to blow on the fire because it was too dark and very cold. She said, "If you aren't scared of me, I will blow on the fire."

He said, "I am not scared of you because we love each other so much." When she blew on the fire, he saw that her face was very bad and she wore the clothes people wear when they die. After that he was very scared, so he lied to his girlfriend and said that he wanted to go to the bathroom. She wouldn't let him go. He begged and begged her. Finally, she let him go. When he got out of the house, he ran very fast. She waited and waited, but he didn't come back, so she knew that he had lied to her and had run away. She ran after him. When she got to the top of the mountain, he was in the valley. When he got to the top of the mountain, she was in the valley. He was very scared, so he threw fire in the grass. The grass burned and she didn't know the way to follow him. When he got home, he told his parents this story, so his parents called a shaman and changed his name. His girlfriend couldn't find him anymore.

by Ka Youa Yang