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Behavior Management

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1. We always do our best work.

2. We walk in school.

3. We listen when someone is speaking.

4. We keep our hands, feet and other objects to ourselves.

5. We follow all directions given.

 Character Traits

ü      Respect

ü      Responsibility

ü      Honesty

ü      Caring

ü      Justice & Fairness

ü      Citizenship

ü      Courage

ü      Perseverance

ü      Hope


1. Warning: Teacher will remind child of more appropriate behavior.

2. Child can choose to change behavior or take 5 minutes of time out.

3. Child can choose to change behavior or take 10 minutes of time out. (note to parents)

4. Child can choose to change behavior or take 20 minutes of time out in another classroom. (phone call to parents)

5. Child can choose to change behavior or have an office referral.

 Next Time Cards

If a child needs to take a time out because of an inappropriate choice, he or she will fill out a “next time card.”  He or she will write/draw to show what a better choice would be the next time.  We will staple this into his or her reflection log for you to discuss at home. 

Reflection Log

Each afternoon we will help children to think and draw/write about their behavior and choices in their reflection log.  We may focus our drawing and writing on particular character traits or rules.  I will initial or comment each day and ask that you do the same anywhere on the page.  Please discuss your child’s log with him or her daily and contact me with any questions.  The log should be returned to school in your child’s daily folder.


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