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                                                                                                          September 7, 2004

Dear Parents,

          Thank your attention to the many forms we have requested you fill out.   Here is yet another one!  Please sign below to give permission for your child’s photograph or work to be posted for educational purposes on our class website ( or  I look forward to using our website to give parents a chance to see what is going on in the classroom and to give the kids an opportunity to publish some of their writing on the site!  Thank you for your support.  Please contact me with any questions.

                                                                                                          Mrs. Manship

_____ Yes, I give permission for my child’s photograph and/or work to be posted on the class website.


_____ No, I do not give permission for my child’s photograph and/or work to be posted on the class website.


Child’s Name: _______________________________________


Parent Signature: ____________________________________   Date: ____________