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Challenge Concepts

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Concepts about Print

  • Show the difference between letters and words

  • Know the meaning of period, comma, question mark, quotation marks, exclamation point

Phonemic Awareness

  • Syllable counting

  • Segmenting words

  • Blending words

Decoding and Word Recognition

  • Independent reading

  • Additional sight words


  • Uses a variety of sentence types

  • Uses correct punctuation, spacing, letter formation and capitalization

  • Uses higher level vocabulary

  • Uses specific descriptive words or phrases

  • Uses specific telling and action words

  • Includes several ideas with a common focus including details


Number Sense

  • Count to 100

  • Recognize and write numerals 11-100

  • Skip count by 2's, 5's and 10's

  • Name and ordinals past fifth

  • Identify and manipulate place values


  • Write and solve addition and subtraction sentences

  • Write and tell story Problems

Geometric Concepts

  • Recognize three dimensional shapes

  • Complete complex spatial visualization puzzles

  • Name months of the year

Patterns and Relationships

  • Label patterns

  • Make complex patterns (number patterns, growing patterns, etc

  • Sort by complex rules

Problem Solving

  • Estimate sets of objects less than 20

  • Create and identify sets of less, more and equal

  • Divide sets equally

  • Identify time to hour

  • Identify coins and values

Data Collection

  • Create and discuss graphs independently

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