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End of Year Goals for Math

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Number Sense

  • Model numbers up to 30

  • Count sets of objects up to 20

  • Read and write numerals up to 30

  • Compare and order sets of numbers up to 30

  • Use ordinals (1st-10th)

  • Estimate quantities fewer than or equal to 10

  • Recognize equivalence (1-10)

  • Rote count to 30

  • Share equally between two people and explain

Geometric Concepts

  • Identify, build, draw, and name triangles, rectangles, circles

  • Identify, build and name spheres and cubes

  • Compare shapes

  • Show and use directional and positional words

  • Puzzles

Patterns and Relationships

  • Create and extend patterns with actions, words and objects

  • Sort by given rule 

  • Sort by own rule

Problem Solving/Measurement

  • Describe likenesses and differences between objects

  • Name days of the week, months of the year and seasons

  • Solve problems and share solutions

Data Collection

  • create and discuss graphs as group

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