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Hello and welcome to Lady Angel Graphics.  I hope you enjoy your visit and hopefully find something here that you would like to use for your own website or just for your personal use.  If you do decide to use something here, please let me know.  I love to visit new places.

All of my graphics are linkware (With the exception of the background on my pages - those are for my site only).  For those of you who are not familiar with this term, please let me explain.   Below is the definition as taken from

Linkware: Clip art-- backgrounds, photographs, animation, icons, etc.-- that is free to use as long as you provide a link back to the Web site that the clip art, etc. was downloaded from.

You may either place a text link to my website or my logo below.

Some downloads have my old logo, please use the above instead.

For graphics that have my url on them already (e.g. calling cards), no link is necessary.

Please direct your links to:

All graphics must be saved to your own server. 

 I'm A Cherub Champion in the Site Fights.  Please vote for me.
The Site Fights   

If you would like to VE with me, please fill out my form here.

Do you offer free graphics on your site?  If you do, then please consider joining my topsite competition.  Just click on the graphic below.

Does your website give out awards?
Please visit my other site to join this new program.

Join my new awards program.  Multiple awards - one form.



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My first spirit stick from Deputy Minis

This site was created on April 1, 2002
and last updated on July 28, 2002

Copyright © 2002 Lady Angel Graphics

Graphics Pages
[ Home ] Websets ] Backgrounds ] PSP Patterns ] Calling Cards ] PSP Tubes ] Origins ] Awards ] Custom Awards ] Webrings ] Organizations ] + add link

Site Fight Pages
Spirit Page ] Spirit Page 2 ] Curio Cabinet ] Adoptions ] Adoptions page 2 ] Gifts ] Gifts page 2 ] Charms ] Birthday Charms ] Supporters Charms ] Team Charms ] Voting Page ] VE Form ] Gifts from Supporters ] Supporters ] Awards ] Awards Page 2 ] DChamps ] + add link