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These spirit pages can be VERY graphic intensive.  Beware.

 What is spirit?   Websters dictionary has quite a few definitions.  But since we are talking about The Site Fights (or any competition for that matter), two stand out: "Vigorous sense of membership in a group" and "An attitude or principle that inspires, animates, or pervades thought, feeling, or action". 

But on a personal level, everybody has a different definition and shows it in their own way.  My definition gets a little deep, but basically, it's this:  Spirit shows your love for life, love for you friends and family, respect for personal beliefs and showing the world all three. (Since I am in the Site Fights, spirit also shows your love for your competition and team)

I have made quite a few friends through this competition.  And winning friends is a lot more important than winning a competition.  The song playing in the background on all of my pages is "You've Got A Friend" by Carole King.  It describes perfectly how I feel about the friends that I have met during this wonderful time.  If you are not familiar with the song, you can read the lyrics here.

  So please sit back and let my spirit shine.

I have so much spirit, it's starting to overflow.  I had to add a second main spirit page.  I think that brings me up to 18 pages in my Spirit Book.  (Is it possible to get addicted to creating spirit pages?)


You have stumbled across my SPIRIT BOOK.  My site is involved in a little internet sport called "The Site Fights" which I joined May 13, 2002. I am on a team called the "Cherub Champions".  (what better a team to be on when your name is "Lady Angel"?)

If you would like to VE with me, please fill out my form here.


Thank you very much Lady Glimmer.  This was unexpected and very much appreciated.  I love you all.

Click here

For Christmas in July fun


Received  6/23/02



Adopt a deputy star

I have made quite a few friends here at the Site Fights.  Click on the image below to read the poem I wrote in dedication to everyone here at the fights.
Click here to my poem for my Site Fights Friends

Come see my latest addition - I am now the proud parent of DChamp Babies.


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"Mom's, The Toughest Job Yet"

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Angel Birthstone - November



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