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In Loving Memory of My Grandparents

My Grandmother, Rachael at a very young age

My Grandmother walking down the aisle of my first wedding on my brother's arm.

My Grandfather - John

My Grandmother and Grandfather, Eva & Loren, on their 50th Wedding Anniversary

My grandparents (and who might that be in the middle?

I didn't get to know my Grandfather John very well because at the age of 5, he passed away of liver cancer. I also didn't know my Grandmother Eva very well as she passed away when I was quite young, but I did have the chance of knowing my Grandfather Loren quite well as we sat hours playing cards and watching trains when he came to stay with us. My grandmother Rachel was the closest to me and I still feel her around me to this day. I have a lot of memories of her as I spent a summer with her.

Floater java script courtesy of  Kurt Grigg